Vampire Princess Doodles!!!

Well I suppose the time had to long could I lead you down the road blind, without showing my light to the world... I suppose you could say...I'm coming out, artisticly speaking ^_^.

I have to admit, I've been holding out on ya... I haven't wanted to put any of my good art out here because I would really dislike it if people stole my know how people are... But I have come to trust you!!...That and a few people are getting on my back to see some more of my stuff (thanks a lot guys... ~_~), so what can I do?? ^_^ I am but a helpless paun ^_^.

But A HA!!! I've fooled you again!! ^_^ This isn't my good stuff ^_^. You know when you get bored in do stuff other than work? Well I doodle on my notes ^_^. Sooooo I've scanned all of my doodles for the year of 1999 (well not all...I've thrown many of my notes away =*^_^*=) and am sticking up my favourites here ^_^.

So now I've told you the's the stuff I REALLY wanted to tell you...

1) All the stuff here is a VP original...steal and DIE!!! ^_^

2) I'll let you borrow, if you ask me nicely ^_^.

See, I'm not a bad person...just possesssive ^_^. If you do want to take some of my art

about it, k?

Now that I've bored they are!! ^_^ more thing...they ARE doodles after don't expect wonderful quality of artwork or scanning skills ^_^.
