~*Vampire Princess' Rats*~


For those of you who know me, and for those of you who don't...I have the two most ADORABLE rats in the universe. For those of you who don't like rats, there's nothing for you here, time to leave ^_^...

For those of you still here, I'm going to show you now some pictures I've taken, and some I've had taken of my darling babies. If you don't think they are the cutest things since sliced bread, then...I have nothing left to say to you ^_^...so here they are...

This is my adorable baby Pippin, in his first home, the first day I brought him home: he soon out grew his house... ^_^

Pippin's just climbing around my waist, exploring and such...look, he can fit right in my hand *sigh* those were the days!! ^_^

Pippin hanging around in my front pocket ^_^

Pippin crawling around my side pocket...sooooo cute!

The cutest picture yet, Pippin in my front pocket! ^_^ S-chan LOVES this picture ^_^

Pippin, in my hand (not a very good picture, I must say...)

Pippin and Merry in their largest home yet: Ex-rabbit cage ^_^...they look like convicts! ^_^ heehee

Still in the cage (that's Merry in the background...my little sandy baby ^_^)

Merry climbing up, Pippin falling over ^_^

In the cage...woops, I should have CLEANED the cage before I took the pictures...silly me, I cleaned the cage AFTER ^_^ heehee

Merry 'noshing on some yummy food ^_^...they go through one bowl a day!! Fattie Ratties! ^_^

The two of them climbing around on the bookcase next to their cage

Merry climbing around on the pillow of the bed in the guest room where I let them run around for extra excercise

Pippin on the floor next to my phone, talking to my good bud Ashley ^_^ Isn't he big!!?? ^_^

Well, that's all for now, thanks for stopping by! ^_^ Hope you come back soon and see if I've got any more pics of my cutie babies! ^_^