2009 Old Bird Season


Well, the 2009 old bird season is in the books. It was a tough short season. We flew only 6 weekends with an A & B race each weekend. We had 6 different winners with the 2 Franks (Frank King an Frank McDonough) toteing the load each with 4 wins. Merl Emerson got 2 wins and Jim Vare and Richard Davis split the 500. Frank McDonough took Champion Loft as well as the new AU Award “Master Loft” Richard Davis took the Average Speed awards And William McDonoughs DC Cock AU 08 SCO 8377 ws the Champion Bird. As well as being a tough season most of the members were receiving and settling their YB entries for the 2009 Dixie Southern Convention being held in Spartanburg this year and hosted by our club.
Congratulations guys, good job, rest the old ones up and start getting the youngsters ready for the Mountains.

1 A/B
Henderson, NC
April 17
April 18

1A Results

1B Results

1A Combine

1B Combine

2 A/B
Henderson, NC
April 24
April 25

2A Results

2B Results

2A Combine

2B Combine

3 A/B
Carmel Church, VA
May 8
May 9

3A Results

3B Results

3A Combine

3B Combine

4 A/B
Guilford, MD
May 14
May 16

4A Results

4B Results

4A Combine

4B Combine

5 A/B
Carmel Church, VA
May 23
May 24

5A Results

5B Results

5A Combine

5B Combine

6 A/B
Allentown, PA
May 29
May 31

6A Results

6B Results

6A Combine

6B Combine

Explanation of how year end results are obtained.


A avg Speed

B Avg Speed

Overall Avg Speed

A Avg Speed

B Avg Speed

Overall Avg Speed


Bird of the year

Bird of the year


Loft of Year A

Loft of year B

Loft of year overall

Loft of year A

Loft of year B

Loft of year overall


Master Loft A

Master Loft B

Master Loft overall

Master Loft A

Master Loft B

Master Loft overall