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Types of Balls



Poke Ball This ball catches pokemon. The cost is reasonable.
Great Ball This ball performs batter than a Poke ball.
Ultra Ball This ball performs better than a Great Ball.
Safari Ball This special ball is for capturing Pokemon in the Safari Zone.
Master Ball This ball can capture a Pokemon 100% of the time.

Mystery Items



Fire Stone This stone has a connection to Fire Pokemon.
Thunder Stone This stone has a connection to Electric Pokemon
Water Stone This stone has a connection to Water Pokemon.
Leaf Stone This stone has a connection to Grass Pokemon.
Moon Stone This stone has a connection to ? Pokemon.
Helix Fossil You will need to find the secret of this item.
Dome Fossil You will need to find the secret of this item.
Old Amber You will need to find the secret of this item.

Recovery Items



Antidote This removes poison from a Pokemon.
Burn Heal This heals a Pokemon that is burned.
Ice Heal This thaws a frozen Pokemon.
Awakening This wakes up a sleeping Pokemon.
Paralyz Heal This heals a paralyzed Pokemon.
Full Heal This will heal all the conditions stated above.
Potion This will restore some HP.
Super Potion This will restore more HP than a Potion.
Hyper Potion This will restore more HP than a Super Potion.
Max Potion This will restore HP to its maximum.
Full Restore This will heal all conditions and fully restore HP.
Revive This will revive a fainted Pokemon and restore 1/2 HP.
Max Revive This will revive fainted Pokemon and fully restore HP.

Pokemon Power-ups



RARE CANDY Increases a Pokemon's level by 1.
HP UP HP level will increase.
PROTEIN Attack power points will increase.
IRON Defense power points will increase
CARBOS Speed points will increase.
CALCIUM Special ability points will increase.
X ATTACK Available only in battle, attack power will increase.
X DEFEND Available only in battle, defense power will increase.
X SPEED Available only in battle, speed will increase.
X SPECIAL In battle, special ability will increase.
GUARD SPEC. In battle, enemy Pokemon cannot use special attack.
DIRE HIT In battle, your attacks will be more effective.
X ACCURACY In battle, your chance of hitting will increase.
PP UP PP level will increase.

Field Moving



Bicycle This is too expensive for a child to buy.
Escape Rope This rope can pull you out of a cave instantly.
Repel Spray on and weak Pokemon will avoid you for a while.
Super Repel This spray lasts longer than Repel.
Max Repel This spray lasts longer than Super Repel.

Special Items

Item Effect
Pokedex Record Pokemon data in this high-tech index.
Town Map This map will help you navigate the world of Pokemon.
TM Get Technical Machines From many people
HM Get Hidden Machines from many people.




Nugget This item is not very effective unless you're after gold.
Gold Teeth These belong to the warden of Safari Zone
S.S. Ticket A boarding ticket for the S.S. Anne.
Poke Doll A popular doll. Try using it in battle.
Silph Scope This allows you to identify a ghostly Pokemon.
Poke Flute It wakes up sleeping Pokemon. It's handy during battle.
Old Rod Use this rod to fish for water Pokemon.
Good Rod This rod can catch Pokemon that the Old Rod can't.
Super Rod The best rod. It catches Pokemon that the other rods can't.
Item Finder This handy machine helps you find items.
Exp. All Share experience points with Pokemon who didn't fight.
Coin Use these at the Game Corner.
Coin Case Save a maximum of 9,999 coins in this.
Fresh Water During battle, it will restore HP a little.
Soda Pop During battle, it will restore HP a lot.
Lemonade During battle, it will restore HP a lot more.