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Playing the Game

There are two pinball feilds to choose from- the Red Field and the Blue Field. You start the game with three balls. Use the flippers to hit the ball and keep it from falling down the hole at the bottom of the field.

Once you have met certain requirements during the game, you can catch Pokémon in the Catch 'em Mode, your Pokémon can evolve in the Evolution Mode, and you can shoot for a high score in the Bonus Stages.

Collect all the Pokémon and complete you Pokédex!

Once you have seen a Pokémon, it's silhouette will appear in the Pokédex. Data for Pokémon you have captured and ones that have evolved is automatically recorded in your pokédex. Open your Pokédex on the Title screen to look at your Pokémon data and hear Pokémon calls.

Catch the Pokéball that's about to fall!

PIKACHU Kickback

You must build up the Thunder Meter in oreder to activate the PIKACHU Kickback. The Thunder Meter gets built up when the bal goes through the right loop and spins the Spinner.

When the Thunder Meter gets fully charged, the PIKACHU Kickback is ready. When the ball falls onto PIKACHU, it is launched back by a powerful Thunder Jolt. You can move PIKACHU to either Out lane by pressing the A Button or Right Button on the + Control Pad.

The Effects of Tilting

When the ball falls into the Out Lane, tilt the field to knock it beneath the flipper, do an Upper Tilt (select) to knock the ball back onto the field.