Time: 2015


Plot: Russians invade China because China refuses to send one of it’s citizens to President Joseph Lenin, who desires to make the girl one of his concubines. Chinese request American aid. America devotes one division of special units to aid the Chinese, but cannot devote further resources due to the extended war in the middle east.


Location: South-, East- and North-Asia, Pacific Ocean, far North-western Europe.




Shau Lon (Sha-lohn) – The young girl who President Lenin desires, she comes from a small village which Lenin toured during a visit to China. The Chinese government refuses to give her to the Russian president on the basis that she deserves better and the virtual slavery that being a concubine is would not be tolerated


1st Lt. Rysho Miyazaki (Rie-show Me-ya-za-key)- 21 yr old commander of main team followed throughout the story


1st Lt. Shinji Amada (Shin-gee A-mada) – 25 yr old XO of Rysho Miyazaki’s team


2nd Lt Jason Hawthorne – 19 yr member of Miyazaki’s team


2nd Lt. Michael Bremen – 18yr old member of Miyazaki’s team


President Carla Mason – President, United States of America


Emperor Dai-jing Hao (Die-jing How)– Emperor, People’s Republic of China


President Joseph Lenin – President, Soviet Russian Confederate States


General Li Shing (Lee Shing) – Commanding General, PRC Army


Admiral Ho Lei (Ho Lay) – Commanding Admiral, PRC Navy


General Liang Long (Lee-ang Long) – Commanding General, PRC Air Force


General Jacob Kulnev (Jacob Cull-nev) – Commanding General, SRCS military


Lt. Col. Zachary Jackson – Commanding Officer, CMS East-Asian Division