Copying Windows 95 to another Hard Drive

            If you are upgrading to a larger hard drive and don't want to go
            through the process of re-installing Windows95-98, it is very easy to
            copy your existing version to your new drive. The first steps are
                Install your new hard drive as a secondary
                Boot to Windows95-98
                Partition your new hard drive. If there is more than one
                partition, make sure the primary is set as the Active partition.

                Format the new hard drive with the /S parameter. This will make
                it bootable.
           Method 1 - Using XCOPY
                Boot Windows 95-98 in Safe Mode. This will ensure that Windows 95
                will only have a few files opened exclusively.
                Open a DOS Window
                Assuming you are copying everything from the C: drive to a new
                D: drive type:

               XCOPY C:\  D:\  /S /E /H /C /K

                The /S switch includes subdirectories
                The /E switch includes empty subdirectories
                The /H switch includes hidden files
                The /C switch continues copying on an error
                The /K switch keeps the file's current attributes

Method 2 - Using the Explorer
                Boot Windows 95 in Safe Mode. This will ensure that Windows 95
                will only have a few files opened exclusively.
                Open the Explorer.
                Make sure you can view hidden files - View / Options / Show all
                Move to the root of your C: Drive.
                Highlight the first directory in the right hand panel.
                Press Shift-End to select all files and subdirectories.
                Unselect the file WIN386.SWP.
                While over one of the highlighted files or directories, right
                click on the mouse and select Copy.
                Move to the root of your new hard drive.
                Right click the mouse and select Paste.
            When you are done with either method (1 & 2), remove your original
            hard drive, set your new hard drive to be a Master, and re-start the
          Method 3 - Use a 3rd party program to copy your hard drive
            For example you could use Partition Magic, Drive Copy, Drive Image
            or Ghost. This method makes an exact copy of your original hard