Quantum LPS 270/540AT Configuration GuideQUANTUM DISK UTILITIES

                                                            QUANTUM HOME PAGE
 CMOS ValuesCapacity          270MB    540MB
 Cylinders                                944         1120
 Heads                                      14           16
Sectors                                     40           59
 Write Precomp                       65535     65535
 Landing Zone                          944       1120

 Note on Write Pre-compensation:
 The Quantum LPS series drive does not require write
 pre-compensation, your CMOS setting should be set to
 reflect that this feature is not enabled. If the setting of 'none'
 is not present, the value 65535 is a number that the BIOS
 will accept to disable this feature

Jumper Settings
 Single Drive: DS only
  Master Drive: DS only
        Slave Drive:  No jumpers