7-19-00: Added
a banner on the main page after receiving this letter from YMS:
Congratulations! After careful consideration, your wonderful website,
Planet Joe, has been selected as a YMS homepage Featured Site. We've listed
your site on our Featured Links page, found at:
We hope you approve. We certainly value and appreciate your hard work and
dedication to Joe and his official site, and felt the quality of the site
deserved some recognition. Only the top sites that have demonstrated
excellence in site design, content presentation and graphic creativity are
eligible for this selection.
4-21-00: Added Joe's spot on Tom's Sexy Guys in SUPPORT section.
3-28-00: Announced Joe's YMS interview for April. Updated the all pages with the new fan club address joefanclub@rpstudios.net. Added some movie stills to various pages.
1-7-00: Re-designed the main page slightly, and added information regarding Joe's modeling of clothing for Teentoday.com.
10-8-99:Added The Cute Guys Collection link to SUPPORT SITES. Joe was their spotlight in September. I just found it today though!
8-4-99: I added Joe's Generic Magazine interview to the INTERVIEWS SITE.
7-26-99: Joe has switched charities. A portion of all fan club and photo proceeds will go to FOOD FOR ALL.
6-12-99: I FINALLY linked to Joe's pictures in gallery #6 of Boblamb.com in the SUPPORT SITES section.
5-28-99:Planet Joe! is now the OFFICIAL Joe Scheibelhut site, and his former official site
Introducing Joe Scheibelhut will become an archive of his photos, and continue to provide news and new photos as they become available. Robert has done an excellent job for over a year, and was one of the first people on the net to show incredible faith and dedication to him. Thanks, Robert!
5-24-99:Added links to SUPPORT SITES for BananaLinks!, Ultimate Shirtless Shrines,
Star Pages and Earl Peel's Page.
5-19-99:Re-modelled the main page.
5-3-99:Added link to Gallery #7 on Joe's official site under PHOTO SITES.
4-29-99:Added TeenMovieAwards.com and Study Web to SUPPORT SITES.
4-11-99:Added The Joe Scheibelhut Modelling Poll to main page and link to the new black and white gallery under PHOTO SITES. A link to Joe's autographed pictures was also added to PHOTO SITES.
4-1-99:Added link to INTERVIEW SITE for the April 1999 YMS Homepage interview and
The Official Joe Scheibelhut Fan Club website got a face lift.
3-9-99:Added links to SUPPORT SITES for AnswerSleuth Celebrity Listings and
The Ultimate Young Star CD Collection
3-4-99:Added link to INTERVIEW SITES for Teen Today exclusive interview.
3-3-99:Added link to SUPPORT SITES for Ultimate Male Picture Archive.
3-1-99:Added link to SUPPORT SITES for Shirtless Teen Idols.
2-28-99:Added link to SUPPORT SITES for Teen Celebs Plus.
2-15-99: Added two links to SUPPORT SITES page: American Teen Video feature and Joe's listing on
Top Ten of Cute Boys.