
This is for all those number one
dads out there that don't get to
see their kids. I have created this
page just for you!!!
Please Don't Forget The Little Ones
Please don't forget the little ones
They need our love and prayers.
Please don't forget the little ones
Remind them we are always there.

Please don't forget the little ones
So sweet, so fraille, so caring and free.
Please don't forget the little ones
Show them the rights in this world, you see.

Please don't forget the little ones
Subjected to hurt and pain
Please don't forget the little ones
That run and play in the rain.

Please don't forget the little ones
God gave them for us to love and raise.
Please don't forget the little ones
Their eyes like the sun's rays.

So sweet and innocent, those babies are
Just don't let them fade from your memory
Their lives are already scarred
Don't forget them they mean so much to me.

By Prudence Menier

How can you do this to your own flesh and blood?
   Can't you see what you are putting them through?
Why do you drag them through emotional mud?
   Can't you see this is all because of you?

You're harming them, inside their little minds,
   Their emotions have no effect on you.
They miss dad's hand, forever there to guide,
   Except it isn't, there is nothing we can do.

We miss them so and we know they miss us
   Why are you tormenting them?
It's not their fault, why are you making such a fuss?
   Why are you doing this to us and to him?

He loves his children, can't you understand?
   You wouldn't have them if that wasn't true.
He is trying so hard to be a dad and a man,
   Only God can make that clear to you!!

He is a father, a husband a friend
   Whether you want to accept that or not.
He will be there until the bitter end
   In the end, we'll say, you deserved what you got!

© Prudence Menier

The Official Father's World Web Ring!

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Prudence Menier

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