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Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Apple-MacIntosh Is Evil, says Tech Guy
Topic: Miscellaneous

On his radio show, March 6, 2010, while discussing new cell phones competing with the Apple iPhone, Leo Laporte, "The Tech Guy," called Apple Computer evil:

Apple no longer rules the roost, and that's why Apple's going into court, because they don't like that!  They want to be the one and only.

. . . .  Apple has increasingly turned monopolistic, it's turned into a company that is locking things down, that keeps the user from choices.  Their point of view is, "We know best. . . ."

. . . .

. . . I think there's maybe something happens in the business cycle of tech companies that they just, that they start competing in the legal realm instead of in the realm of innovation. . . .  I'm very disheartened that Apple has decided to sue instead of out-innovate HTC.  I think that that's the the wrong tack.

I'm very disappointed that Apple has locked down its phone to keep independent developers from doing -- you know, Apple has started to ban now applications for all kinds of crazy reasons. . . .  . . . they started banning apps that competed with Apple, and I think that that's what you DON'T want.  You want a phone that lets you do what you want.

It's OUR hardware.  I hate it when companies start to say, "No-no, it's OUR hardware, we're just letting you use it."  No-no, sorry, I BOUGHT the phone.  I paid a lot of money for an iPhone.  That's MY hardware, and it's not Apple's choice. . . .

Apple is of the opinon, and I'm just waiting for them to go after somebody, that it's illegal to "jailbreak" a phone.  In fact, they tried to get the federal government to make it illegal to jailbreak a phone.  They failed here, but they petitioned the FCC saying, "You know, when an iPhone is 'jailbroken,' "the terrorists win."  They actually said that.

Posted by hughes at 9:23 PM CDT

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