Liberal Democrats hounded Richard Nixon out of office, and have tried to use the media to destroy Republican leaders ever since. Such tactics failed to discredit Ronald Reagan or destroy Clarence Thomas, but successfully derailed Robert Bork, Dan Quayle, John Tower, Newt Gingrich, and Kenneth Starr. Now liberal media have taken aim at House Majority Leader Tom DeLay.
A recent political cartoon portrays DeLay as Moses the Lawgiver. A caption reads, "The Reverend Tom DeLay, of the First Church of Political Opportunism in Christ, is down from the mountain with some new information . . . ." He carries two tablets which read,
"Thou shalt not deride poor Tom.
"Thou shalt not call poor Tom a snakeoil (sic.) salesman.
"Thou shalt not pick on poor Tom.
"Thou shalt not scorn poor Tom nor treat him with contempt."
The cartoon appears to convey an anti-Christian sentiment, as well.
Meanwhile, The Campaign for America's Future, a left-wing labor group backed by billionaire George Soros and tied to Nancy Pelosi, Betty Friedan, Howard Metzenbaum, and Jim Hightower, has produced TV commercials targeting DeLay's suburban Houston district. One depicts a man with a Rolex watch washing his hands as a narrator reads,
"Tom DeLay can't wash his hands of corruption by involving Congress in one family's personal tragedy. . . . But Congress can certainly wash its hands of Tom DeLay." Another ad refers to Terri Schiavo and urges Congress to "clean up Congress -- without DeLay."
[Sources: Oliphant, Universal Press Syndicate, 2005; Samantha Levine, "Liberal Group Targets DeLay in TV Ad to Air in His District," Houston Chronicle, March 30, 2005, p. A8; Carl Limbacher, "Anti-DeLay TV Ads Cite Schiavo,", March 31, 2005.]
Copyright 2005 Paul A. Hughes
Posted by hughes
at 4:48 PM CDT
Updated: Saturday, July 9, 2005 11:20 AM CDT