Anwar trial postponed as arsenic poisoning alleged

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 10 (AFP) - The sodomy trial of Malaysia's jailed former deputy premier Anwar Ibrahim was postponed Friday following allegations he was suffering from arsenic poisoning and that someone might be trying to murder him.

"Anwar's urine was sent for analysis in Melbourne and the results showed he was most probably poisoned by arsenic. We have a medical report," defence counsel Karpal Singh told the High Court.

"He is in jeopardy of his life and an in-depth inquiry ought to be held."

Judge Arifin Jaka ordered the former deputy premier be sent to hospital and the trial "postponed until such time doctors certify that Anwar is fit."

Asked how he was feeling, Anwar said earlier he was "certainly not my usual self" and said he was suffering from hair loss.

But "I am generally all right and not feeling any pain," he told the court.

"Is it worrying you?" the judge asked.

"Of course," Anwar replied. "When I received the report, I was quite disturbed."

Karpal said the medical report was "significant" given that Anwar had been beaten up by Malaysia's then police chief after he was handcuffed and blindfolded on the night of his arrest in September last year.

"If Anwar was in custody and could be assaulted, there could be other ways of harming him," the defence counsel said.

Karpal said the specimen of Anwar's urine was obtained in mid-August and sent to Melbourne under the asssumed name of "Subramaniam", a 59-year-old male.

"A pathologist's report has been obtained," he told the court. "This is a computer-generated report and it shows arsenic levels beyond danger."

Karpal said Anwar had to be "immediately" sent to hospital.

"It could well be that someone out there wants to get rid of him. It would be a shame if the conspiracy we have been referring to should include murder," he added.

Anwar, who was fired by Prime Minister Mahathir on September 2 last year, was sentenced to six years jail in April after being found guilty of abusing his position to cover up allegations of sexual misconduct.

He faces a further sentence of up to 20 years if convicted of sodomy in the second trial which began in July.

Anwar has repeatedly alleged that his dismissal was part of a political conspiracy orchestrated by Mahathir.



KUALA LUMPUR, 10 Sept (Bernama) -- Mahkamah Tinggi di sini hari ini menangguhkan perbicaraan liwat Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sehingga tarikh yang akan ditetapkan selepas mahkamah diberitahu bahawa bekas timbalan perdana menteri itu disyaki menghidapi keracunan arsenik.

Hakim Datuk Arifin Jaka membuat keputusan itu setelah peguam Anwar, Karpal Singh memberitahu mahkamah pada permulaan perbicaraan pagi ini bahawa pihak pembela telah menerima laporan ahli patologi dari Melbourne, Australia, yang mengesahkan bahawa air kencing Anwar mempunyai kandungan racun arsenik pada tahap yang berlebihan.

Arifin berkata Anwar akan dihantar untuk pemeriksaan perubatan dengan serta-merta bagi menjalani ujian air kencing, khusus bagi memastikan sama ada terdapat arsenik dalam air kencingnya.

Peguam Negara Mohtar Abdullah, yang mengetuai pihak pendakwa, bersetuju dengan Karpal Singh bahawa perkara itu serius dan berkata Anwar perlu dihantar untuk pemeriksaan perubatan.

Anwar bangun dan berkata: "Keadaan saya baik tetapi saya sememangnya bukan seperti diri saya yang biasa hari ini."

Anwar dipercayai dibawa ke Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM) di Cheras di sini untuk menjalani pemeriksaan. -- BERNAMA