In expectations lies the way of death
In a limbo of lucidity the soul is lost
Watch all the others slowly fadeYour voice is unheard among the clamor
Shackled to the beauty that is uniformity
You have seen what they know notChaos drives the chariot of order
You are the avatar of responsibility
And you remain what you areKnow the ones that push you ever onward
They are ogres while they live, and pretas when they die
Fit only to consume moreThe barrier that forces inwardness
Are you the only one that really wants to break it
If so, there is no hope leftAll reality is multithreaded
Our actions dictate our traversal of the fine threads
But it is one tapestryIt knows no end, being merged with itself
Some of its threads know only to mimic their neighbors
Let it loop on as it mayAll possibilities already are
No beginning, no end, past, present, or future
Your own path was locked long henceWhat difference does any one path make here
More spirits await the cruel crushing machinery
It shall continue as planned