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Here we will take a look at some of the best villains
Ladi Vi's has seen since it's debut.

Alexandra Carver DiMera played by Theresa Soto


Crimes: Arranged a party with the intention of brainwashing Hope Brady;
Shot Barb Reiber during a struggle, causing her to miscarry;
Kidnapped Isaac and left town for Paris;
Helped her father Stefano to arrange the execution of her enemies aboard the Lady Meagan Hathaway.
Rating: 08

Stefano DiMera played by Brent Lawrence


Crimes: Pushed Marlo out of a window causing her death;
Arranged Hope's baby to be switched with Marlo's at birth;
Kidnapped Marlena and arranged for Hattie to take her place;
Planned to kill all of his enemies by blowing up Tuscany's;
Faked his death with the assistance of Kate Roberts;
Hired Collin Murphy to lure each of his enemies aboard
the Lady M.H.D. where he planned a mass execution.

Rating: 08 1/2

Andre DiMera played by Dr. Vertigo


Crimes: Arranged Cruise of the Deception aboard the Renee DuMonde
in an attempt to kill each of his enemies;
Threw Anna DiMera out of a helicopter and left Kimberly
for dead on a deserted island;
Assisted Savannah Wilder with funding for her drug ring;
Took on the persona of the MidnightRaven and continued
his killing spree where he left off as the Salem Slasher.

Victims: Greta Von Amburg (escaped)
Gabriella Anderson
Nurse Bissenbadden
Nikki Wade
Anna DiMera (escaped)
Alyssa DiMera
Stefano DiMera
Kristen Blake (escaped)
Anna's security guard

Rating: 9 1/2

Ernesto Toscano played by Ernesto Toscano

Crimes: Attempted to kill all aboard the Renee DuMonde;
Arranged trap in an attempt to kill Victor, Savannah, Eve and Brady;
Had Bo Brady kidnapped and ordered him
to be killed along with Jennifer and Abigail.

Rating: 8 1/2

Billie Reed played by The Lovely Lita


Crimes: Shot her mother Kate;
Faked pregnancy in hopes of holding onto Roman;
Stole drugs from her doctor's office;
Ran over Dr. Bader in order to keep her secret;
Locked Det. Anderson in a shed which led to her death
at the hands of the Midnight Raven;
Shot Anna DiMera;
Set fire to the lodge where she was to be married.

Rating: 8 1/2

Savannah Wilder played by Savanah Wilder


Crimes: Ran a porn ring;
Framed Nicholas Alamain for Kate's shooting by order
of Victor Kiriakis;
Assaulted Michelle causing her to go blind;
Currently runs an international drug cartel
out of a nightclub in Salem;
Ordered the death of a competing drug lord;

Rating: 8

Nikki Wade played by Theresa Soto


Crimes: Killed her father Preston James;
Kidnapped Lexie and left her for dead;
Impersonated Lexie in an attempt to gaslight Abe Carver;
Poisoned and tried to kill Abe Carver.

Rating: 9

Vincent Moroni played by Roberto Malzone

Crimes: Ordered the deaths of Sami Brady, Brandon Walker
and Victor Kiriakis which led to the massacre at Greta's

Rating: 6

Lawrence Alamain played by Morgan Grendle


Crimes: Held Patch captive and used him to test his
experimental drug;
Arranged a boating accident which caused Carly to lose her memory;
Held Carly captive along with Patch when she learned the truth;
Kidnapped Stephanie Johnson;
Attempted to kill Patch;
Kidnapped a comoatose Carly Manning

Rating: 7 1/2

Paul Walker played by Lewd Konduct


Crimes: Pushed Fay down a flight of stairs;
Killed Mr. Woods on the Island in Puerto Rico;
Attempted to kill Philip and Belle;
Raped Jan Spears;
Attempted to rape and kill his daughter Nicole.

Rating: 9

Renee DuMonde played by Renee DuMonde


Crimes: Faked her death with the assistance of Andre DiMera;
Took on the persona of the Midnight Raven and assisted
Andre on a killing spree;
Attempted to kill Anna DiMera;

Rating: 9

Photos of Andre, Lawrence and Renne are Owned by Theresa Buchanan, Used by Permission.