
Topic: History
Yesterday and today, I re-visited my ZEN website ... and, with the benefit of more exposure to Tripod's Sitebuilder and BlogBuilder-BlogManager, I decided it was time to re-deploy, re-configure, and re-lived this website, by revising it as a work-in-progress project.
A few things should be said to put the whole matter in perspective.
Firstly, thanks to and for providing this opportunity to host FOC a website ... and now a weblog as well.
Secondly, ZEN as a "theme" or "site concept" is, of course, somewhat broad, and I fully appreciate the size of the project ... the fact that I only have 20MB of server-HDD space per free hosting plan (with one URL) from Tripod means that there is a space premium. So, I can only do so much with this space limitation.
Of course, I could get more space by signing up on a paid hosting plan, but since this particular ZEN website-weblog ('site-blog'?) is more of a personal hobby-type website with very little business angles put in (or "incorporated"), means that I won't be signing up just yet (unless, of course, another stream of income -- as part of my personal MSI or multiple sources of income, plan -- somehow springs up). Still, I can think "dimensionally" and "cyber-spatially" -- and thus not operate, or be limited to operate, at the URL-level.
Thirdly, I don't claim to be an expert in ZEN, of course ... so this site-blog is really a subjective, non-expert, non-scholarly affair ...
Where possible, I will try to adopt a relatively close-to-NPOV (NPOV=neutral point of view), but obviously, this is not always possible since I am advocating the usefulness of ZEN, despite any criticisms against ZEN itself or against any of its "fans", "practitioners", "adoptees", "teachers", "gurus", etc.
Sorry, I make no attempt at being "scholarly" -- and this isn't research by any formal definition of that term.
Fourthly, there are plenty of ZEN and ZEN-related websites. I will endeavor to put up my own list of fave links, so that I don't have to duplicate others' efforts and end up "re-inventing the wheel'.
But while celebrating the -- I was almost on the point of using the word "ubiquitous" as an adjective, but decided against it -- presence of many ZEN and ZEN-related websites, I emphasize once again that my ZEN website-weblog is definitely a personal, subjective matter, and this is how it should be viewed compared to the other sites.
Lastly, there are good reasons why I have been using the uppercase (capital letters) for the word, "ZEN". Check out the "About Me" section or link on the website, and you will discover the background, etc.
Again, let me re-iterate that this is not a formal thing.
It is a PERSONAL thing, right?
Meanwhile, have patience while I re-do the website ... and also post in the "Blog" section (i.e., this weblog).
I am only ONE ... there are other things to do ... and there is only so much time per day to do these things!
-- paulquek,
from (and still in ...!) Singapore
Goto: Paul's ZEN Site ('Sight'?) @
from (and still in ...!) Singapore
Goto: Paul's ZEN Site ('Sight'?) @
Posted by pq_zen
at 5:54 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 24 February 2008 7:37 AM EST