Predrag M. Maksimovich, MD, DDS.
Department of Surgery
Mpilo Central Hospital
Medical School: University of Belgrade - School of Medicine
Dental School: University of Belgrade - School of Stomatology
Residency: Otorhinolaryngology - Clinical Hospital Center Zemun
Postgraduate Studies: Clinic for Maxillofacial Surgery
Fellowship: Otorhinolaryngology
Clinical Interests: General Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery.
Mpilo Central Hospital Phone Number: (263 9) 212011
Medical Centre Surgery Phone Number: (263 9) 882585
Cell Phone Number: 263 (0) 91 342465
Email Address:
1. Foreign Doctors in the Wars 1912-1918 and 1941-1945.
P. Maksimovic
XVI Congress of Students of Medicine and Stomatology, Novi Sad, March 20-22, 1974.
Strani lekari u ratovima od 1912-1918. i od 1941-1945. godine.
2. Sialolithiasis of Salivary Glands.
P. Maksimovic
XX Congress of Students of Medicine and Stomatology, Skopje, March 29-31, 1978.
Sijalolitijaza pljuvacnih zlezda.
3. Women Doctors in the First and Second World War.
P. Maksimovic
73rd Annual World Dental Congress FDI, September 21-27,1985.
Zene lekari u Prvom i Drugom svetskom ratu.
4. Karate and Mental Health.
P. Maksimovic
Seminars in Social Medicine, 1981.
Karate i mentalno zdravlje.
5. Eye Injuries in Children - Most Frequent Causes.
P. Maksimovic
December 21, 1984.
Povrede decijeg oka - najcesci povodi i uzroci.
6. Comparative Analysis of 174 Fractures of the Orbital Floor.
P. Maksimovic, M. Mesterovic, M. Jovanovic, T. Dundjerovic, S. Bogdanovic
ORL Section, Beograd, February 1993.
Uporedna analiza 174 frakture poda orbite.
7. Computers in Medicine.
P. Maksimovic
Kompjuteri u medicini.
8. The Application of Computers in Medicine - Choice of Configurations and Programs.
P. Maksimovic
Medicina Moderna - Ex JAMA, Beograd, April-June 1993, Vol I, No 2.
Primena kompjutera u medicini - Izbor konfiguracije i programa.
1. Our Ten-Year Experience in the Treatment of Mandibular Fractures.
A. Piscevic, I. Sjerobabin, P. Maksimovic
Nase desetogodisnje iskustvo u lecenju preloma donje vilice.
2. Parapharyngeal Tumors.
M. D. Jovanovic, B. Stefanovic, T. V. Janjatovic, P. Maksimovic, M. B. Jovanovic, S. Buta
85 Congress Francais, Paris, Compte Rendus des Seances, 368-71, 1987.
Tumeurs parapharyngiennes.
3. The Importance of the Study of Metastases in Neck Lymph Nodes for Prognosis of Malignant Tumors of Upper Aero-Digestive Ways.
M. D. Jovanovic, T. V. Janjatovic, P. Maksimovic
IV International Symposium of the Interacademy Committee for Head and Neck and CNS Tumors.
Znacaj studije metastaza u limfnim cvorovima vrata za prognozu malignih tumora gornjih aerodigestivnih puteva.
4. Neck Growths in the GP Practice.
T. V. Janjatovic, M. D. Jovanovic, P. Maksimovic
VIII Scientific Meeting of the Physicians of South-Western Serbia and Montenegro, Prijepolje, June, 1988.
Izrastaji na vratu u praksi lekara opste medicine.
5. Tracheotomy or Intubation in Acute Respiratory Insufficiency.
M. D. Jovanovic, T. V. Janjatovic, B. Stefanovic, P. Maksimovic
VIII Scientific Meeting of the Physicians of South-Western Serbia and Montenegro, Prijepolje, June, 1988.
Traheotomija ili intubacija u akutnoj respiratornoj insuficijenciji.
6. Materials for Correction of Rhinolordosis.
T. V. Janjatovic, B. Stefanovic, M.D. Jovanovic, S. Buta, P. Maksimovic
EUFOS 1er Congres Europeen d'Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie et de Chirurgie Cervico-faciale. Paris, 26-29. septembre 1988.
7. Cervical Metastases in the Prognosis of Malignomas of Upper Aerodigestive Ways.
M. D. Jovanovic, P. Maksimovic
XXV Cancerology Week, Beograd, 1988.
Cervikalne metastaze u prognozi malignoma gornjih aerodigestivnih puteva.
8. Operating microscope in the treatment of naso-antralpolyposis.
M. D. Jovanovic, T.V. Janjatovic, P. Maksimovic, M. Strbac, M. Mesterovic
4th Italian-Greek-Yugoslav Congress of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Porto Carras, June 4-7, 1989.
9. The Importance of Localisation, Extension and Pathways of Spreading in the Treatment of Laryngeal Carcinoma.
M. D. Jovanovic, P. Maksimovic, M. B. Jovanovic
XXVI Cancerology Week, Beograd, 1989.
Znacaj lokalizacije, prosirenosti i puteva sirenja u lecenju karcinoma larinksa.
10. Pharyngoplasty.
M. D. Jovanovic, M. Mesterovic, T. Dunjerovic, P. Maksimovich, M. Strbac, M. B. Jovanovic
VIII Intersectional Scientific Meeting of Otorhinolaryngologists of Yugoslavia, Subotica, 1990.
11. Rare Malignant Head and Neck Tumors.
M. D. Jovanovic, T. V. Janjatovic, M. Strbac, P. Maksimovic, M. B. Jovanovic
XXVII Cancerology Week, Beograd, 1990.
Redji maligni tumori glave i vrata.
12. Surgery of Laryngeal Carcinoma.
M. D. Jovanovic, P. Maksimovic, M. B. Jovanovic
XXX Otorhinolaryngology Week, Beograd, 39, 1990.
Hirurgija karcinoma larinksa.
13. One Case of Branchiogenic Carcinoma.
M. D. Jovanovic, P. Maksimovic, M. B. Jovanovic
XXX Otorhinolaryngology Week, Beograd, 46, 1990.
Jedan slucaj branhiogenog karcinoma.
14. The Diagnostical and Therapeutic Problems of Rare Malignant Tumors of ORL Area.
M. D. Jovanovic, M. Mesterovic, T. Dundjerovic, P. Maksimovic
15th Congress of IAMFS, Belgrade, 1990.
Dijagnosticki i terapijski problemi retkih malignih tumora ORL regije.
M. Mesterovic, T. Dundjerovic, M. Jovanovic, P. Maksimovic, T. Janjatovic
15th Congress of IAMFS, Beograd, 51, 1990.
16. Results of Retrospective Analysis of Laryngeal Carcinoma Therapy
M. Strbac, M. D. Jovanovic, S. Buta, M. B. Jovanovic, P. Maksimovic
VIII Intersectional Scientific Meeting of Otorhinolaryngologists of Yugoslavia, Subotica, 1990.
Rezultati retrospektivne analize terapije karcinoma larinksa.
Differential Diagnosis of Suppuration of the External Auditory Meatus.
M. Mesterovic, T. Dundjerovic, P. Maksimovic
16th Congress of IAMFS, Japan, Oita, 117, 1991.
Diferencijalna dijagnoza supuracije u spoljnom slusnom meatusu.
18. Modern Approach to the Management of Nasal Bleeding.
M. D. Jovanovic, P. Maksimovic, M. B. Jovanovic
Materia Medica, 1/7, 9-10, 1991.
Savremeni pristup lecenju krvavljenja iz nosa.
19. Laryngeal Carcinoma - Retrospective Analysis.
M. D. Jovanovic, P. Maksimovic, M. B. Jovanovic
Materia Medica, 1/7, 11-13, 1991.
Karcinom larinksa - retrospektivna analiza.
20. Tumors of the Parapharyngeal Space.
M. D. Jovanovic, P. Maksimovic, M. B. Jovanovic
Materia Medica, 1/7. 13-15, 1991.
Tumori parafaringealnog prostora.
21. Branchiogenic Carcinoma - Review of Literature, Unresolved Questions, Case Report.
M. D. Jovanovic, P. Maksimovic, M. B. Jovanovic
Materia Medica, 1/7, 15-17, 1991.
Branhiogeni karcinom - pregled literature, sporna pitanja, prikaz slucaja.
22. Ambulatory Operative Interventions in the Department of Maxillo-Facial Surgery in the Observed Period from 1986 to 1991.
T. Dundjerovic, M. Mesterovic, M. Jovanovic, P. Maksimovic
Materia Medica, 1/8, 14-16, 1992.
Ambulantni operativni zahvati odseka za maksilofacijalnu hirurgiju u periodu posmatranja od 1986 do 1991 godine.
23. Ultrasonography as an Additional Diagnostical Method in the Pathology of the Parotid Salivary Gland and Lateral Neck Structures.
T. Dundjerovic, S. Markovski, M. Mesterovic, B. Ajdinovic, P. Maksimovic
Ultrasonografija kao dodatna dijagnosticka metoda u patologiji parotidne pljuvacne zlezde i lateralnih struktura vrata.
We owe thanks and gratitude to Danko and Brankica Jevtovic and their staff at Jugodata and Sezam for their continuous friendship and support throughout the years.