The Obligatory Rules Page

I am absolutely ecstatic that you want to add another chapter to our darling Pretty Moppet's existence. But as with the Spike and Dru Library, there are some rules involved. I'm a very tolerant person and any new life you come up with for Moppet will be proudly displayed for all to read. The more diversity the better.  BUT those same few guidelines as from Spike and Dru's Library still apply and  I would appreciate everyone abiding by.
No biggies, just general etiquette. Here goes . . .

I will be tickles to include ANYTHING you send me just as long as it's about our darling Pretty Moppet and follows the above listed rules. But no matter how hard I try, I always have more entries to check and going through them all is a slow and arduous process.  So if your piece isn't up right away, please be patient. I 'll get to it as soon as we possibly can.

I personally check out every Pretty Moppet entry for adheirance to the rules etc. I will bend the rules as much as I possibly can in the interest of artistic liscence, but if any piece is TOO much of any of the above I will have to send it back to you. This will probably NEVER happen, but if it does, I hope that there will be no hard feelings.

I strongly believe that editing another person's work is a heinous crime and will NEVER EVER mess with anyone's content! Every piece submitted it given a once over with virus check, and a once over with spell check. I might also go through and fix the spacing so your work is easier to read, but I only ever use the spacing you used as a guide. I will NEVER re-space or re-format ANYTHING!!!

Well, with all that said and done, here is the address where you can send your literary masterpieces: