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Monday, 5 April 2004
Course Enroll
Mood:  chatty
Topic: School Stuff
It's been quite a while since I've written, but I've been really busy trying to make sure that I pass my classes. So far it's paid off. Three exams, a lab report and a paper due next week, so this week is devoted to homework and studying.

I just finished course enroll, Cornell's online registration. I was annoyed to find out that one of my classes was being offered at a different time than was listed in the course book, but at least it wasn't something catastrophic that prevented me from taking the class. I just now have an annoying gap in my schedule. I guess that'll be my interview time next semester.

I shouldn't complain too much because online registration sure beats what my dad had to do - stand in never ending lines for each class in order to register. But I don't understand why they can't boost the college's computers for this time so that it doesn't take half an hour to register for 4 classes.

Well, I have homework to do....I just want to go back to sleep...

Posted by Eric at 8:15 AM EDT
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