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Sunday, 11 April 2004
Six Degrees of Separation
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: random
If you're at an Ivy League school or a few other participating ones, then you MUST check out This is the coolest site I've seen in a long time. You sign up and then add the classes that you're taking and your friends. Then it lists who you are connected to through your friends. It even has a really neat feature that visualized your web of friends. (Example below) I think it's really awesome, but it's hard to exlain so go check it out and you'll see what I mean.

The large group of contacts on the left consists of people who were in my dorn last year.

Posted by Eric at 11:07 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 11 April 2004 11:10 PM EDT
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Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: "Farenheight" - Five Iron Frenzy
Topic: General Religion
Happy Easter everyone!

Today, of course, is the day that Christians celebrate as the resurrection of Jesus after having been crucified on Friday.

Many people, including some Christians don't fully realize how important this event is to the theology of Christianity. Without this single event, the whole religion is a travesty. Sure, Jesus may have said some Confucious-type stuff, but that's pretty much it without coming back to life.

You see, it's his only proof or validation of who he claimed to be. He told his closest followers that he would not just die but come back to life. Afterall, anyone can be martryed - that's no reason to follow their doctrines. But how many leaders come back to life after being killed? Not many.

So what exactly went down today approximately 2000 years ago? Well, each Gospel has a slightly different account because each author had a different agenda. Matthew was writing to other Jews. Mark was writing to non-Jews. Luke was taking a "scientific" and "historic" interpretation, and John's purpose was to show the caring side of Jesus. So I don't see any of them as more right than the others, it's just that each focuses on different details depending upon what's important to their audience.

So I'll meld it all together. As you may know - it was semi-common knowledge that Jesus claimed he would come back to life. So the High Priests had Roman guards guarding Jesus' tomb to make sure that no one could steal his body and claim that he rose from the dead. This is listed as one of the counter-arguments to those who claim that the apostles just stole his body and claimed that he rose from the dead.

Now, back in those days enbalming was as good as it is today, so some of the women who used to follow him in his three year ministry showed up at his tomb to ask permission of the guards to have access to the body so that they could apply their enbalming perfumes to his body. Yet they found the guards absent, the tomb rock out of place, and the tomb empty. Needless to say, they were a bit frantic. This is when Jesus first appears. At first they don't recognize him and mistake him for the gardner. After a while they recognize him and run off the tell the men.

Well, back in Jewish society (just like American society until the 50s/60s) women were seen as inferior and irrational creatures so the men don't believe the women's claims that Jesus has risen from the dead. Although they'd seen him do all types of micracles - this was nothing new in those days. There were a decent amount of people who did a certain amount of miraculous things. And throughout Jewish history, prophets could always perform certain feats, so they didn't believe.

That is, except for Peter, John, and James. They were skeptical, but at the same time they had been let into Jesus' inner circle. For whatever reason, he entrusted them over the other 12 main apostles (and the hundreds of other lesser followers) with more of his secrets. So they decided to go check things out. Well, they also find the tomb empty of a human, but an angel inside tells them that Jesus has arisen.

They return to tell the others and Thomas infamously proclaims that he'd have to put his fingers into the holes in Jesus hands to believe it. (this is where the phrase doubting thomas comes from if you hadn't heard about its origins before) At that precise moment Jesus appears, putting him to shame. However, Jesus forgives him - afterall how often do people come to life?

After this he appears to a few hundred people before ascending and promising to return again.

So, in a nutshell that's the ressurection story. And whether you are a Christian or not - it is the most significant moment in history for two reasons. If you believe that it actually took place, then you now are able to directly commune with God. No sacrifices or high priests are necessary to intervene for you. There is a lot of stuff that we don't understand about the spiritual realm - as anyone who has studied quantum mechanics and its applications to living - such as transcendental meditation. We have powers to heal ourselves and others that we leave untapped simply because our minds are too clouded to access it. That's just one way in which things are complex. The more I learn about science the more I realize that there must be some organizing force behind it all. So, just because it doesn't seem rational that something like sin should keep us from being able to commune with our creator, doesn't mean that it can't be true. After all, it doesn't seem rational - at least to me - that there are particles that can be in eight different states at once. It doesn't seem rational that in quantum mechanics effect can sometimes precede cause. So, who knows.

But even if what I said in the preceding paragraph sounds like nothing but babble to you, the resurrection is still the most significant event in history. It allowed a small and radical sect of Judaism to rise to dominance in the known world. Everything is the way it is today because of Christianity. Of course, there was some sick stuff that happened in the name of Christianity. Some people abused the power and used it to commit acts of genocide against Jews, Muslims, and other groups of people. But every religion has times when it is abused. Currently, radicals abuse the Muslim religion to further their political goals. They take vulnerable young men and brainwash them into thinking that they are doing good for Allah by killing innocent people. But this should not speak ill of the Muslim religeon any more than the Crusades should speak ill of Christianity. It is simply an abuse of power.

Still, you have to admit that Christianity has been one of the largest forces in history and it all has to do with one person. One person both divine and human who was killed by an oppressive regime. They didn't think that anything would come of it. Even the Roman historian Josephis, writing around 100 AD, was surprised that they were still around.

Have a Happy Easter and I hope that all goes well in your life this year.

Posted by Eric at 3:05 PM EDT
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Thursday, 8 April 2004
Mood:  happy
Topic: Site Info
It may seem trivial, but I'm really happy that I can see proper stats on who's visitng my site again. Some more thoughtful posts to come sometime within the next week. I've got a big one I want to write....just no time!

Posted by Eric at 6:56 PM EDT
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The kind of wit only uber-geeks can come up with
Mood:  chatty
Topic: geek love
I found this on slashdot's forums. The pasted material is about people who are really close to having a working XBox mod.

It was so witty I just had to show you all (enjoy):

Message 1
an Xbox is, what, $150??? How much is your time worth? I mean really, working on this kind of project seems to me to be a serious misallocation of resources.


-- You can make the games play better
-- Do things you can't normally do with an XBox that are interesting and fun
-- Improve the development of XBox titles
-- Port other cool games to XBox more easily

Message 2: The Reply
From: Central Bureaucracy
To: Unit #926568257191
Re: X-Box Emulator

Thank you for bringing to our attention this serious misallocation of resources. These units will be re-programmed to begin production on work more suited to fulfilling this year's 5-year plan. Unit #000000000001 is pleased to know all comrades are looking out for the good of the Party.


Central Bureaucracy

Posted by Eric at 6:50 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 7 April 2004
rss test

Posted by Eric at 1:17 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 6 April 2004
More Quotes!
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Quotes
"Understanding doesn't come from contemplating your navel, it comes from studying the world" - Prof Fine

"Prehistoric times when primal humans were in their primal ways" - Prof Doing

"Don't worry, it'll get more complicated" - Prof Sheely

"If there is a 50-50 chance something can go wrong, then 9 times out of 10 it will" - Yogi Berra

just fixed some spelling errors
added Prof to the professor's names - I usually don't do that in my profile to conserve characters

Posted by Eric at 6:25 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 8 April 2004 6:54 PM EDT
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Monday, 5 April 2004
For Sho'
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: "Somebody's Watchin' " - DCTalk
Topic: random
(some profanity in this post)

My fiancee suggested that I put some examples of what this can do. So here are some of the blogs translated by snoop:

Excuse Me, but would yo' ass please remove yo' spearman from my territory?
Mood: happy
Now Playing: Civ Music
Topic: Civilization
My brother Daniel 'n I has started an email game of civilization 3. The game is awesome 'n if yo' ass don't know 'bout that shiznit yo' ass either aren't a gamer or has been living under a rock, know what I'm sayin'?

The email game is a tribute da way chess pros who live far away has been playing chess fo' decades, know what I'm sayin'? One person would move then call up or mail tha dude's opponent 'n tell tha dude's ass what move tha dude'd madde." Each had a board in they house 'n would keep track of they moves 'n da moves of da other." It allowed fo' a casual game take place whenever each of da parties had time play, know what I'm sayin'?
The U.S.-led coalition be like today that shiznit will execute a months-old arrest warrant fo' Moqtada al-Sadr, an Iraqi Shiite cleric da coalition says is inciting violence n' shit. Also today, President Big Baby Bush be like da June 30th date fo' transfer of power Iraqis "remains firm," 'n sources be like da heezee of U.S. Central Command is asking 'bout options fo' sending mo' troops Iraq n' shit.
What has we done fo' yo' ass lately? See wass new from Tha G-double-O-G-L-E."

Pimp Yo Shiznit wit Us - Business Solutions - About Tha G-double-O-G-L-E

Posted by Eric at 4:55 PM EDT
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For Shizzle my nizzle
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: "Since I met you" - DCTalk
Topic: random
Here's a REALLY funny website that a friend sent to me. Be aware that there's a little bit of profanity involved, so if you don't like that - don't click on the link.

Posted by Eric at 4:37 PM EDT
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New Yahoo Group
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Site Info
I've just started up a yahoo group for my pictures. I did this for a few reasons. First of all, they give me 30mb and since that doesn't include html for posts and all that, I can post higher quality image files there whereas here I need to shrink them down. Also, people can post about the pictures if they wish to. The URL is:

Posted by Eric at 9:31 AM EDT
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Course Enroll
Mood:  chatty
Topic: School Stuff
It's been quite a while since I've written, but I've been really busy trying to make sure that I pass my classes. So far it's paid off. Three exams, a lab report and a paper due next week, so this week is devoted to homework and studying.

I just finished course enroll, Cornell's online registration. I was annoyed to find out that one of my classes was being offered at a different time than was listed in the course book, but at least it wasn't something catastrophic that prevented me from taking the class. I just now have an annoying gap in my schedule. I guess that'll be my interview time next semester.

I shouldn't complain too much because online registration sure beats what my dad had to do - stand in never ending lines for each class in order to register. But I don't understand why they can't boost the college's computers for this time so that it doesn't take half an hour to register for 4 classes.

Well, I have homework to do....I just want to go back to sleep...

Posted by Eric at 8:15 AM EDT
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