A brief account of all the sagas from the Saiyan saga to the Cell saga.



Dragon Ball Z open with Goku going to visit his old friends on Master Roshi's island. But soon Piccolo, Goku's arch nemesis, arrives followed shortly by Goku's older Brother Raditz. Raditz tells Goku that he is a Saiyan from outer space, and that he is to rejoin the Saiyan forces. Goku refuses, and Raditz kidnaps his son, Gohan. Piccolo decides to join forces with Goku temporarily to end this new menace. The battle ensues with Raditz easily holding off the attacks by Goku and Piccolo. Then finally Piccolo finds a way. His Special Beam Cannon, a move he perfected to use against Goku, finds purchase, wounding Raditz as he barely dodges, but gets nicked in passing. Knowing that it would be the only way, Goku sacrifices himself to hold Raditz still while Piccolo fires one last time. The beam travels through both Raditz and Goku, killing them both. After Goku's death, Kame, the guardian of the Earth, requests he be sent to King Kai's place for special training. The Earth's defenders find out that more Saiyans, much more powerful than Raditz, will be coming soon. Piccolo takes Gohan, after seeing his high power level, for special training for the upcoming fight. The other fighters, Tien, Yamcha, Krillin, and Choazu, begin training for the Saiyans' arrival. Goku makes it to King Kai's after a couple misadventures on the Snake Way path and begins his training. One Year after Goku's death the Saiyans arrive on Earth, looking for the dragon balls. The Earth's special forces arrive after Napa destroys a small city. Soon the media and the military arrive to watch over the monumental battle. Vegeta and Napa, the two saiyans, decide to employ the help of their Saibamen, small green men who grow out of a seed planted in the ground in a couple minutes time. Piccolo, Gohan, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, and Choazu decide to fight the Saibamen one at a time. Vegeta agrees to those terms and the tournament like battle ensues. Yamcha beats a Saibaman, but while his back is turned, it jumps from the ground and latches onto him. It selfdestructs, killing Yamcha in the process. Krillin gets really mad and fires off a blast that starts the end of the Saibamen. Once the team has beaten the Saibamen, the bigger of the two saiyans, Napa, steps up to battle. No one is even able to touch Napa, who proves way to strong and fast for the outclassed humans. Choazu comes the closest when he attempts to pull Napa into an alternate dimension (kill him), but Napa blocks just in time and Choazu ends up dead. Tien goes into a rage, and launches a suicide attack against the giant alien. Before Napa finally kills Tien, he chops his arm off. Napa is a little bruised after the fight with Tien but he is pretty unharmed. Just as Napa goes to fight against the remaining 3 fighters, Vegeta calls a time out to give Kakorot (Goku) time to arrive on the scene. The 3 hour time out expires and the fighting resumes. Napa launches a blast at Gohan, and Piccolo jumps in front of the blast and takes the shot. Piccolo dies from Napa's blast, but Gohan is spared. Napa's assault continues against Gohan and Krillin. Enter Goku!! Goku makes sport of Napa for a bit before eventually Vegeta, sick of his partner's incompetence, kills Napa. That leaves Vegeta and Goku to battle it out. The fights runs to a stalemate before Vegeta pulls out his ace, a blast of energy meant to mimic the full moon. Vegeta goes into Oozaru, big monkey, form and starts to convincingly win the fight. Eventually the cowardly Yajirobe comes to the rescue cutting off Vegeta's tail. Goku blasts him with a kamehameha, sending him far far away. Yajirobe leaves before Vegeta can come back, and Goku tries to gather what little energy he has left for the rest of the fight. After the battle ends and Vegeta retreats back to space, Goku, Krillin, and Gohan are rushed to the hospital. Krillin and Gohan are out in no time but Goku isn't so lucky. He's in a near body cast. Now that Piccolo has died that means Kame has died, due to their link. So Bulma decides to lead an expedition to Kame's home planet, Namek, to use their dragon balls to revive their fallen comrades. They acquire Kame's old ship and take off for the far away planet. They run into a couple obstacles along the way, a fake mockup of Namek with some malicious aliens, and a spaceship filled with refugees who think they are the bad guys. But they eventually arrive on the Namek. Goku gets out of the hospital when Yajirobe brings him a Sensu Bean to heal him. He gets a ship from Bulma's father, Dr. Briefs, and heads toward Namek to help his friends.


After Gohan, Krillin, and Bulma arrive on Namek, they discover that evil forces are already at work on Namek looking for the Dragon Balls also. They search high and low for dragon balls, but usually come up empty handed. Soon Vegeta arrives on Namek as well and pursues the dragon balls too. Vegeta clashes with Frieza's forces time and time again, as Gohan and Krillin avoid anyone they come across. Eventually they meet some of the Nameks and head to see Guru, the elder Namek, who opens up their hidden power. During the mad hunt for the dragon balls, Vegeta battles and kills Zarbon, Dodoria, and Cooey, three of Frieza's strongest minions. Vegeta steals the dragon balls from Frieza and is only missing one, the one Gohan found. To beat Frieza, Krillin, Gohan, and Vegeta team up against the great evil. Frieza is infuriated by Vegeta's insolence, and calls for the Ginyu force, his super squadron of dancing morons. Once the Ginyu Force arrives they catch up with Vegeta and the others and prepare to take the dragon balls. Captain Ginyu takes the balls back to Frieza while the others decide who gets to kill Krillin, Vegeta, and Gohan. Guldo, the frog-looking weakling of the bunch, goes first against Gohan and Krillin. The fight seems to be going in Gohan's favor when Guldo catches them off guard and it looks like they could be done for. Vegeta, however, still needs them, so he kills Guldo and saves Gohan and Krillin. Recoome steps up next to fight. He pretty much beats the hell out of all 3 of them. He beats up Vegeta, then Krillin, and finally Gohan. Just when it looks like Gohan is done in, here comes Goku. Goku finally shows up, stronger than ever after training in 100 times earth gravity. He stops Recoome with one blow, then Burter and Jeice burst into action to defeat this new threat. He stops them pretty easily and Jeice retreats to summon Captain Ginyu to help. The captain shows up to settle things. After he sees how strong Goku really is, Ginyu pulls a special attack that switches their bodies. Goku is stuck in Ginyu's body, as the Captain flies off with Jeice to fool Gohan and Krillin. Gohan and Krillin fight Ginyu, and when Vegeta joins in it turns into a massacre. Vegeta kills the unconscious Burter, and Recoome. Then while Gohan and Krillin fight Ginyu, Vegeta chases down and kills Jeice. With that finished, Vegeta beats on Ginyu for a while. Ginyu gets ready to take Vegeta's body, but Goku jumps in the way at the last minute to get his body back. Then when Ginyu tries again, Goku throws a frog in the path of the beam. With Ginyu in a frog's body, the battle with the Ginyus is finally done. The new team of Goku, Vegeta, Gohan and Krillin go to Frieza's ship to heal and prepare for Frieza's eminent arrival. Gohan and Krillin wait for Vegeta to fall asleep and go to make their wish with the dragon balls. They bring Piccolo back to life, and transport him to Namek to help fight Frieza. But before they can get their 3rd wish Vegeta wakes up and shows up on the scene. Before Vegeta can get his wish granted, Guru dies and the dragon balls become useless. It's about this time that Frieza arrives and he's not in a good mood. After Vegeta and the guys fight Frieza for a little bit, Piccolo merges with the fallen Namek warrior Nail, and arrives on the scene to help. Frieza goes into his second form and spears Krillin. Dende however heals Krillin before he dies. Gohan steps up to fight Frieza and gets beat pretty bad, but Dende heals him too. Piccolo puts up the best fight against Frieza. Frieza goes into his third form and Piccolo can barely handle the new battle mate. By the time Frieza reaches his fourth form Piccolo is pretty outmatched. Before Frieza goes to 4th form, Vegeta talks Krillin into blasting him and then getting Dende to heal him to massively buildup his power. Soon after Frieza's fourth form, he kills little Dende, after seeing the tiny Namek's ability to heal the others. The fighters put up a pretty useless fight against the super-powerful Frieza. Not even Vegeta can touch him. Goku shows up right as Frieza kills Vegeta, and it looks like Goku has the upper hand for a while. But Frieza proves too much for even Goku to handle. Even after hitting him with a high powered Spirit Bomb attack Frieza still keeps coming. But then Frieza kills Krillin. Goku goes into a terrible rage at this latest atrocity by the evil warlord. Goku starts teeming with new power and he achieves the form of Super Saiyan. A high powered, blonde haired, blue eyes fighting machine. The fight starts turning against Frieza so to ensure his victory he blasts Namek's core, setting the planet to explode in mere moments. Goku and Frieza fight for a good long time until Frieza makes a mistake and ends up sliced up. Goku gives Frieza a small amount of energy so he can survive the blast of the planet's explosion, but Frieza uses this energy to attack Goku. The super saiyan goes ahead and finishes the job, killing Frieza. After the Nameks and everyone else on the planet, except Goku and Frieza, are wished to the Planet Earth, the heroes use the dragon balls to wish everyone back to life. Goku refuses to come back to Earth because he is not dead and he is training with his new power. Everything returns to something resembling normal and the Nameks go to their home on New Namek.


Having freed himself from the Dead Zone, Garlic Jr. attacks Kamesama's lookout with the help of four new henchmen, trapping Kamesama and his assistant, Mr. Popo in a bottle. He uses this opportunity to release the Aquamist, a gas that basically turns anyone it reaches into a demon. Meanwhile, Gohan has snuck away from home with Haiya Dragon in order to visit his friends. Krillin has a new girlfriend named Maron, and at the moment are with Bulma, Oolong, and Master Roshi at Kame house. The Aquamist reaches the island, transforming them all into demons (With the exception of Krillin and Maron, who were underwater when the mist passed over them). Gohan and his dragon manage to escape the effects as well. Having now reached the island, Gohan finds himself attacked by his friends. Garlic Jr.'s minions arrive, and inform Gohan of the Super Holy Water, the only thing that can counter the Aquamist. Piccolo comes to Gohan's rescue, but is bitten by one of the demons, and turns against our young hero as well. Upon reaching Kamesama's tower, Gohan meets Garlic Jr, who tells him how the Makyosei's (a red star) close approach to Earth freed him from the Dead Zone, and makes him stronger by the minute. Garlic Jr. orders his men to focus their attacks on Gohan, because it was him that banished the evil lord to the Dead Zone in the first place (although Krillin still tries to help Gohan). Meanwhile, Vegeta is searching for Goku in deep space, hoping to keep up with his level of strength. Piccolo begins to attack Gohan one on one, and basically beats him silly. Krillin, getting in the way of the battle, is bitten by Piccolo, and joins in against Gohan. It is at this moment that Piccolo steals the bottle containing Kamesama and Popo from Garlic Jr. and releases them. Piccolo explains that since he is already a demon, the aquamist bite had no affect on him. Garlic Jr. becomes enraged, and the Makyosei approaches its apogee to Earth. Knowing that there is no way to release the Super Holy Water before daybreak, Popo suggests that it be poured into the holes beneath Kame's palace where the winds would carry it around the world. However, on the way to this place rests the bodies of all the previous Kame's, known as the Shinsenkai. Any living Kame that attempts to pass through this area is in great danger. As the battle with Garlic Jr. and his minions continues on the surface, Kame is attacked by the previous gods, who drain his life force. Since Piccolo and Kame-sama are still spiritually linked, Piccolo begins to suffer in his battle. Despite the incredible amount of pain, Kame and Popo press on, finally reaching the bottom of the palace. With the dead gods busy attacking Kame, Popo manages to release the Super Holy Water, returning the Earth's population to normal. Back on the surface, Gohan, Krillin, and Piccolo continue to do battle with Garlic Jr, who becomes stronger every second. Gohan bores a hole into Garlic Jr.'s abdomen, but due to his wish of immortality, is resurrected on the spot. Finding out that the Aquamist has been countered by Kame, Garlic Jr. creates a new Dead Zone, hoping to suck the entire palace from its foundation. Gohan creates an energy shield around himself and his friends so that they will not be absorbed into the tear, but uses much of his energy maintaining it. Piccolo distracts Garlic Jr, allowing Gohan to destroy the Makyosei. With the evil star now gone, Garlic Jr. loses all of his power, and falls into the Dead Zone once again. With Garlic Jr. gone and peace once again restored, the Z warriors wonder where Goku could possibly be...


After Vegeta has returned from his search for Goku, he and his new allies, the Z warriors, notice a mysterious youth in the distance fighting 2 strange enemies. It is Trunks! Vegeta's son from the future. He comes back with medicine for Goku's heart condition, that Goku doesn't even know he has. Frieza was rebuilt by his father King Cold, and the duo comes to Earth to exact revenge. Trunks makes quick work of the two of them and delivers a warning to the Z warriors that in 3 years the Earth will fall to a group of malicious androids. Trunks leaves to return to his own time, promising to return in 3 years. After Trunks came to the past at the end of the Frieza Saga and warned the Z Warriors about the coming Androids, everyone trained for 3 years in anticipation of the day the Androids would arrive to destroy mankind. Gohan, Goku, and Piccolo retreat to the mountains to train for the Androids arrival, while Vegeta trains under 450 times Earth Gravity, still trying to surpass Goku. Krillin, Tien, Yamcha, and Choazu train hard for the coming battles. Then after their 3 years of training, the Group of Warriors meets up on an island near where Trunks first arrived. Bulma is there waiting for them, with a baby in her arms!! She tells everyone it is Trunks, the son of her and Vegeta!! Yajirobe shows up in a hovercraft to deliver some Senzu Beans from Karin for the coming fight. Just as he is leaving, Yajirobe's hovercraft explodes (unfortunately he is safe and sound) and the group notices the adroids terrorizing a town nearby. Thus begins the epic battle with the Androids.

After Vegeta has returned from his search for Goku, he and his new allies, the Z warriors, notice a mysterious youth in the distance fighting 2 strange enemies. It is Trunks! Vegeta's son from the future. He comes back with medicine for Goku's heart condition, that Goku doesn't even know he has. Frieza was rebuilt by his father King Cold, and the duo comes to Earth to exact revenge. Trunks makes quick work of the two of them and delivers a warning to the Z warriors that in 3 years the Earth will fall to a group of malicious androids. Trunks leaves to return to his own time, promising to return in 3 years. After Trunks came to the past at the end of the Frieza Saga and warned the Z Warriors about the coming Androids, everyone trained for 3 years in anticipation of the day the Androids would arrive to destroy mankind. Gohan, Goku, and Piccolo retreat to the mountains to train for the Androids arrival, while Vegeta trains under 450 times Earth Gravity, still trying to surpass Goku. Krillin, Tien, Yamcha, and Choazu train hard for the coming battles. Then after their 3 years of training, the Group of Warriors meets up on an island near where Trunks first arrived. Bulma is there waiting for them, with a baby in her arms!! She tells everyone it is Trunks, the son of her and Vegeta!! Yajirobe shows up in a hovercraft to deliver some Senzu Beans from Karin for the coming fight. Just as he is leaving, Yajirobe's hovercraft explodes (unfortunately he is safe and sound) and the group notices the adroids terrorizing a town nearby. Thus begins the epic battle with the Androids. The warriors split up to search for the Androids, and Yamcha is attacked and beaten by one of them. Sensing his dying power the others go to his aid. Krillin takes Yamcha to Bulma to get a Senzu Bean, while the rest of the Warrior and the two androids go off to a more deserted place to battle. Goku begins battling with Android 19 and is winning but weakly, and suddenly suffers his heart failure. Android 19 kicks him around for a bit before trying to absorb more of Goku's energy. A revived Yamcha, Krillin, and Gohan tell everyone about the Androids' ability to absorb people's power. Vegeta jumps in and saves Goku. Vegeta powers up into SSJ, to everyone's surprise, and defeats Android 19. Android 20, now realizing that he underestimated the Z Warriors' powers, retreats. Vegeta demands a Senzu Bean to restore his used power, and takes off after Android 20, with the other Warriors right behind him. Trunks arrives from the future and sees Android 19's head. He realizes that the Z Warriors are fighting the wrong Androids. Meanwhile, Android 20 is surrounded and tries to absorb Piccolo's energy, but Gohan comes to his rescue and Piccolo is given a Sensu Bean to recover. Bulma and Baby Trunks show up with Yarirobe and Android 20 blows up their ship to draw away attention while he made an escape. Trunks saves Bulma and Baby Trunks, and then Bulma tells her story about the Android she saw. She says that Android 20 is really Dr. Gero, the androids' maker. Dr. Gero made Android 19, so that 19 could make Dr. Gero into an Android (Number 20). The Z Warriors discover that Number 17 and 18 (the real threat) are not awake yet, so they rush to Gero's lab to destroy them. But Gero sees what is happening and head to his lab as well. Gero beats them to his lab, and by the time the Z warriors arrive, the Androids are awakened by Gero and are wrecking their maker's lab. Number 17 beheads Gero and crushes the head. Number 17 and 18 awaken another android, Number 16 and all the Androids and the Z warriors head to a remote area to battle. The androids defeat Piccolo, Trunks, Tien, and Vegeta and then head toward Krillin. They admit to him that it was all just a game and that they would gladly fight their enemies again once they have healed. Number 16 however refuses to fight because he was created only to fight the one called Goku.

 The Z Warriors suspect the Androids are coming to Goku's house to kill him and move Goku to the Kame House. On the journey, Bulma contacts the crew and tells them of the discovery of an abandoned time machine much like Trunks', but Trunks has his machine in a capsule with him. He tells that Bulma only made one capsule in the future. Trunks and Gohan fly in to investigate. Trunks and Gohan find some sort of shell a creature has emerged from... but where is the creature? Our hero's soon find out for in a close by town, the mysterious creature is absorbing everyone. Piccolo sees that the only way to defeat the Androids would be to power up dramatically, and decides to fuse back with Kame. Kame, watcher of the earth, looks on as an enemy unlike any other attacks Gingertown. Victims are completely consumed, and no one is spared. Kame tells Piccolo that the earth does not need a god now, but a super powered being. The two merge together, but is it enough? Piccolo flies to the town with the strange evil being who is absorbing everyone. (All the inhabitants of the town have vanished and only empty clothing remain.) The being hatched from the time machine shows itself. The two duke it out... Piccolo shows that he is now a Super Namekian! Stronger than ever! But Cell is also powerful and soon gets a hold of Piccolo. Cell tries to absorb Piccolo and actually turns his arm into a shabby rag. Piccolo announces that Cell has won and begins to ask questions that Cell, feeling good, answers. It introduces itself as Cell, another one of Dr. Gero's creations. When Trunks returned to the future and killed Androids 17 and 18 of that time, Cell easily killed Trunks and stole his time machine to return to the past where the Androids were still alive, to become the greatest and strongest creation ever. Cell reveals how Dr. Gero planned for Cell to be the best android ever. In order to reach perfect form, he needed the beings of two figures crucial to the power up- Androids 17 and 18. As newly hatched, he needed energy. That is why he has been absorbing people. Piccolo laughs and tells that he won't let Cell reach perfect form. Then, he tears off his useless limb and regenerates his arm. Cell is astonished but ready, for the regeneration must have taken a lot out of Piccolo. The two fight again, but Cell escapes by using Solar Flare. (An attack which releases bright light and temporarily blinds whoever is looking) Cell finds another town, where he continues to absorb for energy. Piccolo and his comrades hunt for Cell, but are always one step behind. The Androids are heading for Goku's house by a car. When they finally reach Goku's house, they find it abandoned. Android 16 tells them that they have left to another place, he can trace them. They continue on with the Search And Kill Goku Game. Goku recovers from his illness and, hearing everything while asleep, prepares to join in fighting. He teleports for Gohan and then to Vegeta and Trunks' location, telling of a place where they can train for one year... in just one day! (amazing isn't it!?) Everyone goes to Sky Palace and enter the Time and Spirit Room, where time passes by slower. Only two people can train at a time in the room. Vegeta and Trunks enter first. After devouring many civilians, Cell has grown VERY powerful. He senses powers and knows that the androids are there. He heads over. The Androids reached the Kame House. The Non-Saiyan Z Warriors are there and Piccolo stalls. Piccolo and the Androids fly to a near by island and battles Android 17 while the remaining Androids, 16 and 18 watch. As the two fight, Cell reaches them. Cell easily beats Piccolo and heads for Android 17. Android 17 knows nothing about Cell and attempts to bully him, but Cell begins to make a fool of 17 also. Before Cell is able to absorb Android 17, Android 16 joins the fight. Android 16 overwhelms Cell. Cell becomes buried in a pile of rubble, but emerges atop Android 17 and absorbs him. Cell changes into form 2. Cell becomes stronger than Android 16 and blows a hole through the side of his head. It seems all is lost... but NO! Tien has been watching and jumps in. Tien stands no chance against Cell but uses his Kikoho to blow Cell further and further into the ground. (Kikoho, hold hands together in a triangle form, it the blast hits the opponent with force instead of an energy ball) Android 18 helps 16 and they both flee. Android 16 can hardly fly so they stop on a nearby island and hope Cell won't find them. Tien has run out of power and collapses. Cell is disgusted that such a puny fighter such as Tien has slowed him down. Cell is about to kill Tien when Goku teleports to the battlefield. Goku tells Cell that he isn't ready to fight. He grabs Piccolo and Tien and teleports away. Cell heads off in search of Android 18. Finally... Trunks and Vegeta emerge from the Time and Spirit Room. Stronger than ever... they head off to defeat Cell. Cell is destroying island by island. Becoming frantic, 18 thinks that the only way is to give up. 16 tells her to stay low and not worry... but Cell's blasts are getting closer. After a moment or two of Cell's blasting and talk, he gets down to the last island. The ball of energy begins to form in his hand. But he doesn't fire it off..... for Vegeta and Trunks have arrived. Cell is sure he can defeat Vegeta and they both begin to battle. Trunks stays out of the fight. Cell gets frantic as he thinks he can defeat Vegeta, but Vegeta is whooping his butt instead. Cell tells Vegeta that if he can absorb 18, then he'll be stronger than ever. Cell says that Vegeta will then have the challenge of his life. Trunks yells 'no' to his father but Vegeta tells him to mind his own business and agrees. There are a few parts that don't need to be explained... but I'll give it to ya briefly. Trunks is about to take on Cell but Vegeta stops Trunks. They both begin to battle it out. Krillin and Android 16 make no effect on Cell and Cell easily absorbs 18. Trunks yells out in anger, but Vegeta only grins with glee. Cell is now in his perfect state and begins to battle Vegeta. Vegeta can'y lay one hand on Cell. Finally, he gets a good kick in. He's proud of himself. BUT! Cell didn't budge. How can that be? Vegeta gave him a good kick!? Becoming very pissed off... Vegeta prepares his most powerful attack, the Final Flash. This blast could destroy the planet. Instead... he aims it so that it won't hit the planet... just Cell. He gets a direct hit and blows Cell in half. Trunks, Krillin, and Vegeta breathe deeply now that it's over. But Cell regenerates his body and smirks with glee. He puts Vegeta into the ground face first. Now it's Trunks' turn. Trunks has a secret, Ultra Super Saiyan. But in this state he is too slow and Cell knows it, but Trunks doesn't. Cell makes a fool out of Trunks and shows him that he can go ultra too, but he knows it's too slow. Now Trunks gives up and waits for Cell's last move. (Krillin had taken Vegeta away) Cell tells Trunks that he won't kill him now. He is going to set up a Cell Game so that the Earth has a chance to survive. Android 16 is brought to Bulma by Krillin, she begins repairs. Cell Game... A tournament is held to fight Cell in what is known as the "Cell Game". In this "game", if Cell wins he will destroy the earth. Goku and Cell battle to a standstill. The battle gets intense, but Goku suddenly surrenders for he cannot defeat Cell and tells Gohan to take his place. Goku gives Cell a senzu bean, saying that it will make it fair for Cell. Piccolo, Vegeta, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien and Trunks think Goku's gone mad, they repeat that Gohan is going to die. Gohan tells that he understands why his father is making him fight. He tells that whenever he gets angry, he powers up unbelievably and uncontrollably. Cell boasts that he wants to see this hidden strength of Gohan's and begins to pound him to make him angry. Goku calmly watches while Gohan is still not angry enough to fight back. Gohan is getting beaten badly but Goku tells his comrades to just watch and wait. Android 16, a robot, has no "ki" so he can't be sensed. The android silently walks to Cell and puts him into a lock-hold. Android 16 tells everyone to clear out because he will ignite the doomsday device that Dr. Gero placed in his creations as a backup plan. Krillin shouts that it won't work because Bulma removed the bomb when she rebuilt the robot. Cell laughs and shatters Android 16. Cell grows tired of this and threatens to harm the spectators- Goku, Vegeta, Trunks, Krillin, Tien, Yamcha, and Piccolo. Cell flies to Krillin to steal his bag of senzu beans and heads back to Gohan. He counts seven spectators and, from his tail, spits out seven miniature blue duplicates of himself. The Cell Juniors are born. Gohan watches desperately as the seven little monsters fly towards his comrades. Goku, too weak to fight after fighting Cell, is unable to fend off the Juniors. The other Z Warriors get beaten as well. Gohan only watches in distress, seeing that it's because of him that Cell afflicted the attacks upon his comrades. In the background, Hercule (Mr. Satan), his henchmen, a reporter, and a camera-man have been broadcasting the fight. Android 16's head was thrown in the direction of Satan. The head begins to talk and request that it be brought close to Gohan, telling that this is the only way that the world can be saved. After much reluctance, Satan cowardly carries the head across the battlefield, throws it in front of Gohan, and hides behind a rock again. Android 16's head encourages Gohan to fight. Cell sees the touching scene and splatters the head with a foot. The death of Android 16 triggers the hidden rage in Gohan and Gohan powers up to Super Saiyan level 2, surpassing the limits of the ordinary Super Saiyan level. Gohan steals the senzu's back from Cell and then single-handed kills all Cell Juniors. Gohan heads for Cell and bullies him. Cell powers up to 100% and attacks, but is still unable to defeat Gohan. With a kick in the body, Cell spits Android 18 back out and degrades back into form 2. Seeing no way to win in an even weaker form, Cell activates his self-destruct sequence (the bomb in his body) so that the planet will go with him. To save the Earth, Goku teleports Cell to King Kai's planet. Cell explodes and King Kai's tiny planetoid becomes ruined. Goku, King Kai, Bubbles, and Gregory die at the cost of saving the earth. The Z Warriors stand stunned at what happened, not knowing whether to mourn the loss of Goku or cheer the victory that the earth has been saved. An unexpected fireball flies out and pierces through Trunks. Trunks dies before he hits the ground. Cell, in perfect form, appears smiling. The Z Warriors must face Cell again, without Goku. Cell tells that when he exploded, the nucleus of one of his brain cells survived. From the cell, mitosis was possible and he was able to regenerate his entire body. Cell boasts that he was also able to rebuild himself in perfect form, commenting that it may be the work of the Saiyan cells he possesses. Saiyans grow stronger each time they reach the brink of death, and likewise with these cells, Cell is now stronger. Vegeta becomes outraged and shoots hundreds of fireballs at Cell. The smoke clears and reveals Cell unscathed. Cell flies over and knocks Vegeta out. Then, he aims a fireball at Vegeta's helpless body and shoots. Gohan intervenes the blast to save Vegeta's life, taking the blast for him. Gohan gets back up with half his body bloody. Cell and Gohan blast Kamehameha's at each other and an energy duel is followed to see who can hold out longer. Cell's kamehameha begins to overwhelm Gohan's, but Gohan simply tries to hold out without much true effort of fighting back. He doesn't have confidence anymore now that his dad is gone.. Through King Kai, Goku yells to encourage his son. The remaining Z Warriors (Yamcha, Tien, Krillin, and Piccolo) shoot energy blasts at Cell to try to help Gohan, but Cell's aura blows them away each time. Vegeta wakes back up and flies above Cell, telling himself that if low class Saiyans (Goku and Gohan) can do it, so can he, an elite warrior and also Prince of all Saiyans. He charges up an energy ball and blasts it at Cell. In this distraction, Goku tells Gohan that now's his chance. Gohan strengthens his kamehameha wave and overwhelms Cell, disintegrating the monster in the blast. The Z Warriors cheer over this victory and head to Sky Palace. Vegeta staggers away. Satan and the news reporters revive back to consciousness. Satan, seeing the area empty, takes advantage and takes credit for killing Cell, taking titles for "The World Champion who saved the world from Cell" and "The Strongest Man in the Universe". As the world parades for Satan, the Z Warriors are in Sky Palace. Dende heals Gohan and Trunks. Android 18 awakens. The Z Warriors threaten to kill her, but Krillin tells them not to. Android 18 flees. The warriors yell at Krillin for his decision, but then tease that he has a crush on her. The dragon balls have been gathered. Three wishes are permitted. A wish is made to remove the bombs in the Androids. Another is made to revive all those killed by Cell. However, Goku is still dead. Through King Kai, Goku tells that it is okay. The Z Warriors all reflect on Goku's life. Satan emerges a hero and very wealthy. Gohan breaks the news about Goku to his mother.

Goku and Gohan have finally completed their training. As a surprise to everyone, they come out of the hyperbolic time chamber as super saiyans and act as their normal selves. The first thing they do is eat. Goku and Gohan devour plates of food. When they are done, Trunks explains to everyone about the tournament that cell is holding. While Trunks tells the others, elsewhere, Cell picks a spot and constructs an arena. Cell goes over to a television studio and announces to the world of his tournament. Goku teleports to the arena and tells Cell that he will be his first opponent. When he teleports back, he feels that he still isn't ready to take on Cell.

Picollo takes his turn next in the hyperbolic time chamber. After Picollo comes out, Goku senses that he has gotten stronger, but he is still not strong enough to take on Cell, Vegeta is next and takes his turn in the chamber.

Upon hearing of the doomsday broadcast, many people flee the city. The militry tries desperately to destroy Cell with nuclear weopons and so forth. Cell is unharms after taking direct attacks fromt eh militarry weoponry. Then he wipes them out with a single blast. Goku and his family are in a car and Goku is driving. Once Goku hears the about the military on the radio, he is determined to bring them back. He teleports to the lookput and asks Picollo is he can de-fuse. Picollo says that fusions are temporary so he teleports to King Kai and asks him to locate new Namek.

Once Goku is on New Namek, he recruits Dende to be the new guardian of Earth. Goku and Dende arrive on earth. Gohan, Krillin and Dende are glad to see eachother. Dende revives the dragonballs and Goku begins to look for them so they can wish back the people who have been killed by Cell. Goku's search goes rather well, then he runs into General Tao, one of his old enemies. Tao sees that Goku has collected 5 of the dragonballs and makes a little deal with Goku, if he can solve 3 puzzles, he will give Goku the remainder of the balls. Goku gets busy and they run off. Goku completes the puzzle and teleports to Taos location. He takes his dragonballs and runs off. Tao is astonished that his trick backfired.

Ten days have finally passed and Cell awaits the Games to begin. A news team arrives at the arena. They await the first fighters. The z-fighters arrive but find that Mr. Satan, the worlds martial arts champion, has already arrived with his top students. The larger one of Satan's students is the first one to fight Cell. He is easily taking care of when Cell gives off little energy and blows him away. The next fighter is Jewel, a blond haired young man. Cell powers up and causes Jewel to be shot up into the sky, he then lands on the arena unconscious. Mr. Satan is the next one to fight. He declares that Cell has been using tricks and anounces that they will not work on him. Satan bombards cell with punches and kicks but Cell is unharmed. Cell lifts his arm and Satan goes flying into the nearest mountain.

Having taken care of Satan and the others, Cell is now ready to start the tournament. Goku steps into the ring and round one begins. Goku and Cell exchange blows and the earth trembles. The news man and Satan can't believe their eyes. Goku and Cell move at great speeds and only the Z-fighters are able to follow. When the fight is almost over, Goku punches Cell kinda hard and Cell gets him back. It is at this time that Cell announces that it was a pretty good warmup. Now the real match begins.

Cell demonstrates that he knows how to perform each of the Z-fighters' attacks. The kamehameha wave, Freeza's Kienzan, Picollo's makankozappo, and Tien's split form.The only difference between Cell's attacks and their proper owners is that Cell's are much stronger. Each of his split forms are equal in strength to the original Cell. Goku is able to withstand these attacks with clever moves of his own. Cell wants more of a challenge so he destroys the arena allowing more room for battle. Now, the only one who is left standing will be declared the winner.

Goku leaps high into the air and begins to power up a massive Kamehameha wave. Everyone thinks that Goku has went out of his mind because the attack is capable of destroying Planet Earth. Cell calls it a bluff as well because he knows Goku will not destroy the Earth. Goku continues to power it up and just before releasing it, he teleports right next to Cell and blasts him with the kamehameha. It looks like Cell has been defeated. Cell surprises everyone by putting Picollo's regenerative cells to use and growing his body back together. Goku forfeits the match and appoints Gohan as the next fighter. Goku throws Cell a senzu bean because he wants Cell to fight him at full strength, or it wouldn't be a fair fight.

Gohan seems to not be damaged at all from Cell's attacks. Gohan tells Cell that he has a secret power within himself and of Cell gets him mad enough, it will come out. Gohan is afraid of letting it out because he might have no conrol over it. Cell is determined to let out Gohan's power so he creates the Cell jrs, little blue versions of himself. He counts out 7, one for each of Gohan's friends.

As the Cell juniors attack his friends, Gohan gets angrier and angrier. The Cell jrs. pummel Goku, Vegeta, Trunks, Picollo and the others. Android 16 leaps out onto Cell in an attempt to self-destruct. At the last moment, Krillin reveals that the bomb was removed during his repair, and Cell shatters the android. The androids head lands in from of Satan and persuades him to throw it at Gohan. It lands at his feet and tells Gohan that he can defeat Cell. Cell sees that Gohan needs one more push and orders the Cell Jrs. to kill his friends. Hearing android 16, Cell crushes his head with his foot and causes Gohan to ascend to Super saiyan level 2.

Ironic that Vegeta allowing Cell to become perfect was too much for him to handle. Now, after Cell made Gohan ascend, he is too much for Cell to handle. Gohan easily destroys the Cell jrs single handedly. Then he directs his attention to Cell. Gohan dodges Cell's attacks and Cell is not able to land a single punch on Cell. With one punch, Gohan brings Cell to his knees, causeing him to throw up android 18, and reverts to his second imperfect form. Seeing no way to win, Cell prepares to selfdestruct in order to destroy Earth and everyone on it.

Just as Cell is about to self destruct, Goku waves farewell to his friends and teleports himself and Cell to king Kais planet in order to save the earth. Cell explodes destroying king kai's planet, along with Goku, Kaio, Bubbles, and Gregory.

Cell returns! He has regenerated himself to his perfect form from a single Cell and used Goku's instantaneous movement technique to get to earth in a flash. Cell is now stronger than he was before due to his saiyan cells. He easily takes care of Vegeta and kills Trunks. It is up to Gohan to destroy Cell once and for all. The rest of the remaining Z-fighters, Picollo, Tien, Yamucha, and Krillin launch attacks at Cell from all sides. Cell launches energy blasts from his body and the fighters get thrown away, but they won't give up. Meanwhile, Goku couches Gohan from the other side using King Kai's telepathic power. Gohan, with only one hand, powers up a massive kamehameha blast. Cell also powers up a kamehameha using both of his hands. The two waves collide and both sides keep getting the upper hand until Vegeta delivers a blast at Cell, this is the perfect opportunity for Gohan to go all out and defeat Cell. Gohan strengthens his kamehameha and cell is defeated at last.

The Z-fighters take Gohan to the look-out to be healed by Dende and to summon the new eternal dragon. Shenron is summoned and Trunks is wished back to life. The dragon has the power to grant 2 wishes and is asked of Goku can be revived. Since the dragon was created from the same model, Goku cannot be brought back, which is ok because he does not want to come back. The second wish is used by Krillin to change android 18 to a human. Peace has once again returned, and the Cell games are over.

This saga starts off in the other world where Goku and king Kai looking for a habitable place, since Goku destroyed his planet. Anyway, there is an other world tournament taking place in honor of King Kai. Everyone gathers and Goku enters. The grand prize is a private lesson from the Grand Kaio. Goku gets to meet the East, South, and West Kaios. Each of them show off their strongest heros and have a wager on who is going to win. Kaio makes a bargain that if Goku wins, he gets to have the planet of the loser.

The tournament begins and the other world warriors fight. But the fight does not really get interesting until Goku and Pikkon get into the battle arena and begin their match. At first they don't fight seriously and test out eachother's skills. When the fight gets serious, Pikkon throws down his weighted clothing and Goku powers up into a super saiyan. Pikkon does a move that Goku cannot block, the Thunder Flash. When Pikkon does this attack the third time, Goku teleports behind Pikkon and hits him with a kamehameha which knocks Pikkon out of the ring and Goku is the winner.

The Grand Kai however states that Goku and Pikkon are disqualifid because they have touched the ceilings of the arena during their fight so none is able to get the private lesson. And, King Kaio does not get a new planet.

Seven years have passed since the cell games and Gohan is now a teenager attending High school. When trouble arises in the city on his way to school, Gohan transforms into a super saiyan to protect his true identity. When school is over, he goes to Bulma so she can construct him a retractable costume with the push of a button. Gohan assumes the identity of "The Great Saiyaman". Videl, the daughter of Mr. Satan, tries to figure out the true identity of Saiyaman. Videl is often called upon when trouble is around, she has permission to leave class and go save the day. However, since no one knows Gohan is saiyaman, he needs to make other excuses, bathroom breaks or cause earthquakes, by taping his foot.

A gang captures the mayor and demands a showdown with Satan, Videl shows up instead. Gohan sees that Videl is in over her head, so he shows up as well. He realizes now that Videl could've taken care of it all by herself.

Videl soon discovers the identity of Saiyaman. She threatens to reveal it unless he perticipates in the world's martial arts tournament that is coming up. And also demands that he teaches her how to fly. Meanwhile, Gohan discovers that Goten has already reached the level of a super saiyan. Videl arrives for her flying lessons.

Videl masters her flying techniques and Gohan and Goten do a little last minute training for themeselves only a few days away from the tournament. The day comes and the Z-fighters arrive gather for the tournament, including Goku. Meanwhile, Sharpener, who has a crush on Videl, tries to unmask the saiyaman because he seems to be going out with Videl, the eliminations are about to begin for the adult section of the tournament. End of Saiyaman saga.

The elimination round is beginning to determine which fighters get to fight and which ones will be sent home. Mr. Satan, being the strongest, is the first one to test his strength at the punching machine. Whichever fighters score close to Mr. Satan's get to fight in the tournament. When the Z-fighters step up, they must be careful not to break the machine. They each need to tap the machine lightly to recieve a "believable" reading. When it is Vegeta's turn, he goes all out and destroys the machine, this leaves Gohan and Videl waiting for their turn.

The junior division has begun and Goten and Trunks quickly breeze through. Now the final match begins between Goten and Trunks. They start off with an all out aerial battle. They seem to be fighting equally matched. While in the air, they manage to punch eachother in the face at the same time. Goten manages to grasp Trunks' arms but Trunks breaks free. The battle continues then Trunks fires an energy blast at Goten, he dodges and Trunks aims the blast into the sky, to avoid it from hitting the audience. Goten fires a Kamehameha but hits a part of the arena when Trunks dodges it. Goten and Trunks decide not to use anymore energy blasts.

After a pause after Gotens energy blast, the battle commences. Trunks trips Goten and he goes into the air. Goten is caught in a strangle hold by Trunks and goes super saiyan to break free. Goten knew he wasn't suppose to turn into a super saiyan but he did anyway. Trunks tells Goten that he is going to beat him with only one hand. Goten proved to be too much for Trunks. Trunks was forced to use an energy beam but Goten just flew up. Goten flew down at Trunks, Trunks had to go super saiyan to avoid it and used another energy blast which caused Goten to fly out of the ring and land safely in the audience. Goten lost by leaving the ring, making Trunks the winner.

Before the adult division begins, Trunks and Satan have an exhibition match. Trunks takes Satan out with one punch. Since Satan offers Trunks to do so, it appears that Satan let him win.

The Z-figheters go eat right before they figure out who will fight who. Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan eat mad plates while the rest eat close to nothing. After they leave the dining room, 2 mysterious fighters greet Goku. Picollo gets frightened by their energies.

Time for the fighters to pick nummbers. The first fight is Krillin against Pintar, a huge dude. Next is Picollo against Kaio-shin. Then Videl and Spopobitch. Gohan and Kibit is after that. Then its number 18 and Mr. Satan. Goku and Vegeta are to next in line to fight. After that, its Mighty Mask(Goten and Trunks) versus Killah. Lastly, its Yamu versus Jewel. In the end Mr Satan (Hercule) wins the tournament after goten and trunks are found and are disqualified leaving Mr Satan the winner.


Mirai Trunks later returns to his own time. Seven years pass since the Cell Game. Krillin marries #18 (who was wished to human by the DragonBalls) and has a daughter named Marron. Chi-Chi has a seconded son named Son Goten, Son Goten and Trunks (Chibi) turned SSJ at an early age. Son Gohan has a girl friend named Videl, the daughter of Satan ( Satan takes all the credit for killing Cell, this got him really famous ), Son Gohan is also a superhero named the Great Saiyaman. During The Tenkaichu-Boudoukai, Son Goku is granted a single day of life to meet with Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Chi-Chi, and all the Z warriors, including Vegeta. Two of Baba De's slaves steal Son Gohan's energy, then a man named Kibito revives Son Gohan, he than tells of a evil demon named Baba De trying to destroy the Earth. If Baba De's slaves gather enough energy, he will be revived. Vegeta learning that he can become stronger by turning into Baba De's slave, Vegeta turns evil again, this time he is Majin Vegeta and can turn to SSJ2. This gives Buu enough energy to be revived. Goku then learns to turn to SSJ2 and fights him and convinces him that good always triumphs over evil. Vegeta Starts fighting Buu and finally realizes and self-destructs in hope to kill Buu. This is where Majin Vegeta Saga Ends.

Son Goku than heads to battle aganist Buu. Son Goku than turns SSJ2,and SSJ3! But he still can't defeat Buu. Buu destroys Babidi because he no longer wants to be controlled - Buu heads off to the countryside and makes himself a home. Later, Son Gohan heads to the Kaio-Shin's planet for training. Then before Son Goku's time is up on Earth he teaches Son Goten and Trunks the fusion technique, then they get trained by Piccolo so they can be strong enough to beat Buu. Eventually the two learn to fuse and become Gotenks. Meanwhile, Gohan breaks the Z sword open accidently, and an old-kaioshin appears from thw sword and begins to perform a ritual on Gohan to increase his power. Gotenks proves to be uncontrollable, and gets beaten up by Buu as soon as he finds him. In heaven, Goku senses Gohan's energy on the Kaioshin planet, and he heads off there to watch Gohan being powered up by the old Kaioshin. Back on Earth, Hercule emerges from his underground bunker, and goes to Buu's house to defeat him - using an assortment of gadgets (bombs, posioned chocolate etc). Buu becomes friends with Hercule, and when Buu finds and injured dog and heals it, Hercule and Buu become the owner of a dog, that they call Bee. The dog brings there friendship closer, and Buu is convinced by Hercule not to kill anyone anymore, and so Buu becomes good! But, two criminals show up and try to destroy Buu, Hercule and Bee. Buu finally gets really angry when they hurt Hercule, and in a crazy fit he spurts out all the evil within him - creating two Buus - one good, one evil. The two fight valantly, but the evil Buu eats good Buu and becomes the new Majin Buu - who is pure evil. The new Buu heads off to Kami's Lookout to find the Z warriors and to fight the warrior that Goku promised of (whom is Gotenks). But Trunks and Goten are still resting, and so are woken up and taken to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber so they can train. Meanwhile, Buu is stalled by Piccolo and is asked to wait. But Buu's patience wears thin, so Piccolo takes him to the Time Chamber. Trunks and Goten fuse - and begin to fight Buu with an assortment of wild and stupid moves. But Gotenks realises that he's gonna have to go Super Saiyan - and he does just that. Gotenks is defeating Super Buu, but Gotenks is an inexperienced and careless fighter. Buu absorbs Gotenks and becomes a lot stronger, then absorbs Piccolo. Kaio-Shin then sacrifices his life so Son Goku can live. Goku then gets a pair of Potara Earrings for fusion, this way the fused person won't diffuse in 30 min. Son Goku now alive teleports to the battle. Then King Yama grants Vegeta life to fight Buu. When Son Goku arrives to the scene he tells Son Gohan to fuse with him, Son Goku than throws a fusion earing at Son Gohan. Son Gohan drops the earing and Buu absorbs Son Gohan, thus turning himself into Ultimate Buu. Then Vegeta comes to the scene. Vegeta then fuses with Son Goku to become, Vegetto. Vegetto defeats Buu but purposely gets absorbed to rescue their friends. This somehow wears off the permenent fusion. They rescue Son Goten, Son Gohan, Trunks, Piccolo, and Fat Buu through Ultimate Buu's pores. All of the energy that Buu has taken restores him back to his normal form, Kid Buu. Then he destroys the Earth. Kaio-shin teleports to help Son Goku teleport Vegeta, Satan, his dog, and Dende to Kaio-shin's planet. Vegeta gets angry because he rescued them instead of his son and the rest of the Z fighters. Son Goku was speechless. But there wasn't any time for that, Majin Buu also teleports to the planet Goku's on, and start to fight. Then Son Goku starts to get beaten up badly. Vegeta jumps into battle so Son Goku can create a Genki-Dami. The Namek Dragonballs are gathered to wish back the Earth and to wish back everyone killed by Buu. The third wish is stored for later use. Son Goku's Genki-Dami (Energy given by the Nameks, the people in the Heavens, and everyone on Earth) is ready to throw, Son Goku throws it, and Buu pushes it back. Vegeta tells Dende to wish back all of Son Goku's strength back. Now with all his strength restored Son Goku, he throws back the Genki- Dami at Buu. Buu can't counter it any longer, so he is killed. Ten years after the battle against Majin Buu, Kid Buu is revived into a evil cleansed form called Ubuu. Son Goku decides to train him since he has great potential. Son Gohan and Videl get married and have a daughter named Pan. The end of DBZ!




It is 10 years after the end of DBZ and on Earth things have been calm and the Z gang have been living happily. However Pilaf has gathered all the Dragon Balls. Just as he is about to make his wish though, Goku appears. Pilaf angrily wishes to himself that Goku was a kid again so he could defeat him easier. Shenron accepts this as Pilaf's actual wish though, and Goku is turned into a small child. Pilaf runs away. Goku goes home and tells everyone what happened, and learns from Popo that in order to be changed back he needs to find the Black Star Dragon Balls which are all over the universe. He can't use the Earth Dragon Balls as they are now turned into stone for a year, and unless Goku can find the Black Star Dragon Balls in under a year the Earth will explode.

Goku and Trunks set off to find them, and Pan (who is now 14) sneaks on board too. They land on lots of different planets and meet many unimportant characters in their search for the Dragon Balls. They find a little robot called Gill who swallows the Dragon Radar, so they take him with them.

On one planet they come across Dr. Myuu, who is a scientist and created Gill. They manage to defeat some of the androids on Dr. Myuu's planet, but one Tsufurujin sneaks on board their ship as they escape. That Tsufurujin is Bebi. Bebi wants revenge on the Saiyans as they took over his home planet, Planet Plant, and turned it into Planet Vegeta many years ago.

When they land on Earth, Goku tells Popo to look after the Black Star Dragon Balls for him. Bebi begins to take over the bodies of people on Earth looking for a good host. When he leaves a body though, the person he has left becomes a Bebi-zombie, and everyone apart from Goku, Pan, Mr. Satan, Buu and Ubuu are soon turned into zombies. Bebi has found a good host, Vegeta, and they become Bebi-Vegeta. Popo, who is also a zombie, uses the Black Star Dragon Balls to make a new Planet Plant.

Ubuu and Buu fight Bebi-Vegeta but Buu is killed. His spirit enters Ubuu's body so the two souls of Buu are as one again. However, Ubuu is still defeated by Bebi-Vegeta, so Goku starts to fight too. Goku, even at Ssj3 still can't beat Bebi-Vegeta (who can also reach Ssj3).

Kaioshin helps to grow Goku's tail back so he will bemore powerful. On the new Planet Plant, Goku sees the full Earth and turns into a Golden Oozaru. He manages to control his body and reaches Ssj 4. Bebi-Vegeta also turns into a Golden Oozaru and the two powers are equal again. On Earth, Kaioshin has found some water that reverses the zombie effect and it is applied to everyone on Earth. They all give their energy to Goku who manages to kill Bebi with a large Kamehameha and Vegeta is freed.

However there is still one problem: The Earth is about to explode and the Black Star wish has been used up. The Z warriors transport everyone to Planet Plant, but Piccolo stays on the Earth as it explodes and is killed. The Namekian Dragon Balls are used to bring back Planet Earth, but Piccolo has not been revived.


Dr. Myuu (who was killed by Bebi) and Dr. Gero create the android Artificial 17 in Hell. Artificial 17 finds Android 17 on Earth and fuses with him making Super 17. Goku gets tricked into going to Hell and fighting the restored Cell and Freeza. Meanwhile on Earth, Super 17 is causing chaos. 18 and Krillin are killed in the battle. Goku having defeated Freeza and Cell, is trapped in Hell. Piccolo, who is in Heaven, acts evil so he is sent down to Hell. Here Piccolo and Dende create a portal which allows Goku to leave Hell. Goku then kills Super 17.

The Z warriors gather the Dragon Balls and summon Shenron to revive everyone killed in battle. However there has been a malfunction, and an evil Shenron appears. Because of all the negative energy used by the Dragon Balls in the past, 7 evil Dragons have been formed, one for each Dragon Ball. They all appear from a cloud above Shenron and fly to different parts of the world and destroy everything in their paths. The Z warriors set off to look for the evil Dragons.

First they find Ryan-Shenron, who lives in polluted water. The Dragon is tricked into being weakened by clean water and is therefore defeated. The 2 star Dragon Ball is recovered. Then they come across the Uu-Shenron who lives off electricity. It is weakened by rain so they get the 5 star Dragon Ball. Next they get the 6 star Dragon Ball from Ryuu-Shenron and the 7 star Dragon Ball from Chii-Shenron. Then Goku fights with the Dragon of his Grandpa's very own 4 star Dragon ball, Suu-Shenron. Then San-Shenron of the 3 star Dragon Ball interferes and is killed. Then Li-Shenron, the final Dragon arrives and kills Suu-Shenron.

Goku powers up to Ssj4, and Li-Shenron absorbs all the Dragon Balls. Ssj4 Vegeta also joins in the battle when Goku is losing. They then decide to fuse into Ssj4 Gogeta. The Dragon Balls are restored, but the fusion wears off. Li-Shenron fuses with the Dragon Balls again, and Goku is too weak for them to fuse again. Goku has one final idea.

He raises his hands and the people on Earth also do giving energy to him. Then he still needs more so he looks for people in the whole of space to help them. Characters they met at the start of DBGT also help and Li-Shenron is finally destroyed. The Dragon Balls are returned and Shenron appears. He grants Goku one final wish as the Dragon Balls have been used too much for evil, and Goku asks for everyone who was killed on Earth to be brought back to life.

When the wish is granted, Goku rides on Shenron's back. The Dragon Balls are all absorbed into Goku's body which disappears, and his clothes are left on the ground. Shenron flies at the screen which goes blank.

100 years later, there is another Budokai. Goku's great grandson, Goku Jr. is fighting Vegeta's grandson, Vegeta Jr. Pan is watching the match and thinks she sees Goku in the crowd at the opposite side of the stadium. Goku walks away before Pan can catch up with him. Goku walks away as the series ends and some of the most memorable scenes from the whole of DB-Z-GT are shown.

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