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Chicken Stock
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Contributed By MG (MorningGloriesBirth)
Note: This chicken stock is the base of all my soups. It's not super easy to make, but it's great to have on hand for plain chicken soup or as a base for any other soup (lentil, cream of broccoli or mushroom, etc).

3 lbs organic chicken (necks & backs are great), some carrots (about 3), some celery some parsnip (1 or 2), onion with the skins on, 1 or 2 cloves garlic w/ skins but "smashed" (with the knife not crushed), bay leaf, 4 peppercorns, some fresh parsley, optional: salt if you skip step one; if you do step one, then no salt. for later: some dill weed

STEP ONE (optional): Make the chicken "Kosher". Buy Morton's Kosher salt and follow the directions on the box (don't do this with beef or it will dry out the meat). If you have course salt but no directions, then soak the chicken in cold water for 1/2 hour, then, for 3 lbs. ,rub about 1/3 cup salt onto the chicken. You're supposed to let it sit for an hour, but I usually only do it for 45 minutes. Then rinse the salt off.

STEP TWO: Sear the chicken in some light oil. You can remove it and wipe out the pot or put the stock into the fridge to cool and skim off the oil/fat before eating.

STEP THREE: Throw everything into the pot (veggies cut into 3 or 4 inch pieces is fine), cover with water (about 3-4 quarts), and bring to a simmer. Skim off the scum that forms and let simmer lightly for 45 minutes. Then add the dill for the last 15 minutes.

STEP FOUR: Strain. Use the chicken meat for dinner or make chicken salad. I usually don't use the veggies, b/c they are pretty mushy after a whole hour. If I want chicken soup I cut up fresh carrots and celery in smaller pieces and cook for another 1-15 minutes.

I usually freeze some, b/c I use it quickly enough that I don't need to can it; freezing suffices.


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