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Snack Time Ideas
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Contributed By MG (MorningGloriesBirth)
Okay, one of my favorite snacks is a nice granny smith apple ... I buy them very green, not at all with any reddish hue, b/c I love them tart (esp. when pg). But I don't just munch on an apple, i cut it up into slices, and arrange it nicely on a plate, and then I add cheddar cheese slices, or I dip it into nut butter. YUMMM.

Nuts and seeds are another of my favorite quickie snacks.

Also, I love popcorn. I keep meaning to try it with nutritional yeast, which would increase the nutritional content. Any suggestions as to how much to use? Of course my daughter always asks for lots of butter w/cinnamon & sugar (not white sugar.

Hummos with pita and veggies! Yum. This can be a meal, too, but it's also a quck snack. I often buy it premade, but it's easy to make, too ... either cook some garbanzo beans (aka chick peas) or open up a can and put in a blender or food processor with lemon juice, little olive oil, little parsley, little tahini , garlic optional, and blend till smooth. It works best if you put the liquids on the bottom. If I'm using a blender, I usually have to stop and mix it up with a wooden spoon a couple times before it's really done.

Hummos on pita goes great with cucumber sauce! I usually use kefir, lots of sliced cucs, some sliced onions, little salt and pepper and cayenne and paprika. This is a little runnier than convetional sauce you'd get, but I think that's often made with sour cream, so this is healthier. Yogurt works great as well!

I'm getting hungry!


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