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Easy Lasagne
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Contributed by Kiley (KileyMyers)
This isn't anything unusual, but I like it. I huge deep corningware pan with a glass lid, that I use for it.

I use one lb of noodles, they fit just right into my pan, one lb of cottage cheese, a half lb of mozzerella and a half lb of Provalone, a quart jar of tomato sauce. You can add hamburger or sausage if you like. I often add a layer of eggplant, or a layer of spinach, and a can of diced tomatoes.

Pour the diced tomatoes into the bottom of the pan, toss can into correct bin. Put down a layer of DRY noodles, put down a layer of cottage cheese (sometimes I sprinkle some herbs into cheese, or mix an egg or two into it, ups protein and makes it more firm) a layer of other cheese and sauce, then a layer of noodles, a layer of veggies, sauce and cheese, a layer of noodles, a layer of cheezes, and then a top layer. At this point there should be enough to make a layer of cheese.

You can use Riccota instead of Cottage Cheese, it's the proper thing, but more expensive unless you make it yourself, and higher in fat. TVP in sauce is a good layer too, instead of meat.

I cover the whole thing in sauce, then the lid, and bake it for about two hours. This is great on a cold day! Then I add a layer of cheese, and bake for a few more minutes, till cheese melts. I take it out of the oven and let it sit and set, while I make salad etc, and set the table, then serve.


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