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To Die For Sweet Potatoes

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To Die For Sweet Potatoes

WARNING: (Most of my recipies have to have warnings.)

This is NOT something for anyone who is diabetic or who could possibly be diabetic, as it could send you into diabetic shock.

OK... canned or cut up sweet potatoes


Pears(canned or fresh)

Apples cored pealed and cut into cubes like the pears

raisons and craisons(cranberry raisons)

brown sugar cinnamon clove(not really needed just a touch)

Mix it all up in a bowl or baking dish cover and cook till taters are tender (takes longer if taters are fresh)

Then slop onto plates my family eats this as a dessert I made it up on Thanksgiving when I thought my mother in law forgot to make her sweet potatoes everyone liked it so much that I now have to make this every year I just used what I had on hand and no I dont measure things EVER

Contributed by Sue, aka RoseLover2


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