ParentsPlace Unassisted Childbirth Info and Resource Site

Risks Of Modern Medicalized Prenatal Care
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Many women that choose to have UC's also choose to have  pregnancies that are free of medical interventions and medical personnel. Most women who make this choice do so because they feel the risks of modern, medicalized penatal care are not worth the "benefits". Below are some links that may help explain this position a little better.     

Ultrasound, Doppler and Fetal Monitor Risks

Alpha-Fetoprotein Screening Risks

Amniocentesis Risks

Chorionic Villus Sampling Risks

Article by Henci Goer on the Uselessness of Standard Management of Gestational Diabetes

Group B Strep Info

Stripping the Membranes

The Myth of the Vaginal Exam

The Assault on Normal Birth: The OB Disinformation Campaign by Henci Goer

Prenatal Testing; To Risk or Not to Risk?


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Unassisted Childbirth Frequently Asked Question and Answer Site

Please be aware that the information available on this website is not to be misconstrued as medical information. While we do encourage people to review the information here for themselves and make a decison that feels best to them for their babies and themselves, we who take part in the contributions to this website do not take responsibility for any decision, or consequences that may result from the decisions, made by those who visit and read this site.