Jennifer's  Progressive Politics Homepage

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Jennifer's  Progressive Politics Homepage
She's trying to divert our attention with real issues!   

I'm am using this site to express my views on what I consider to be the extremely biased, and often irresponsible journalism, that has become the standard lately. I believe much of the news we get is solely oriented toward generating ratings, and not toward informing anyone of anything. I think that in this news climate you have to be a media junky in order to get any real news. The fact that a bunch of media junkies are often well informed is not an indication that the media are doing there job.

I also think that to much of what we hear and what we don't hear in the media is dictated by advertisers, who want to steer clear of anything that is controversial, and thus they often promote narrow, and conservative, editorial policies.

I also believe that the consolidation of the media by a few corporate media giants affects what we receive in the media, for instance because right wing opinion is pro-business, and left wing opinion tends to be critical of business, the overwhelming number of political pundits we see in print, on television, and on the radio, tend to be conservative in their perspective. Liberal commentators, like Jim Hightower, cannot get a foothold anywhere despite having been proven to capture ratings. Jim has problems getting on the radio because so many of them are owned by big corporations. They can't stand his criticism of them. When he does manage to get on the radio he has trouble getting sponsors, because advertisers want to steer completely clear of anything controversial. Thus, we have the domination of the talk-radio medium by conservatives, like Rush Limbaugh, Ollie North, and Mike Reagan.

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