Deus Ex Machina Quick Summary 49 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by Arcana DeM posts belong to their respective authors, the characters belong to their respective authors, etc etc etc. Comprehensive, from 2000-09-18 to 2000-10-01. Game Year is assumed V-498 unless otherwise stated. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~Archive 49~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------- David and Goliath ~~August 20, South Aveh Desert Seth encounters a gear on the way to Bledavik. It attacks him so he focuses his chi and destroys it. The soldier reports this to Adin Senka. -------------------- "Unlikely Allies" (Alyson, Victoria, Irina) ~~August 18, North of Bledavik Alys blasts through several platoons of Gebler troops on her way to Bledavik. She receives the message from Myaru and meets with Victoria and Irina to plan how to rescue Athena. -------------------- The Good Samaritan ~~August 21, Bledavik Seth has a dream in his pained state about the invasion of the Eldridge. A Bledavik woman brings him to her house and tells her daughter the story of the Good Samaritan. -------------------- "Chasing the Desert Star" (Shaina, Darius) ~~August 8, Aveh Desert Shaina installs a drill on Darius' gear Weltall, and after a little bit of in-fighting, formulate and initialize a plan to rescue Elanore and Kyoko from the Yggdrasil. -------------------- A Night in Bledavik ~~August 22, Bledavik Seth awakens in the house of his rescuer, who heals him and feeds him. That evening, Seth does a kata (exercises) and goes to bed, only to start reading from a picture book. -------------------- Zak continues ~~August (circa 22?), Aveh Desert Zak encounters a gear in the desert, but the pilot exits the machine due to low fuel and is killed. Zak enters the machine and resolves to find Seth and ask him about it. -------------------- "Reunion" [Zak, Seth] ~~August 22, Bledavik Seth has a dream about the crash of the Eldridge and gets a glimpse of the Mother. He meets Zak in the middle of the night and they spend the rest of the evening figuring out Zak's new gear. Together they fly back to Bledavik. -------------------- "For the Glory of Solaris" (Ariath, the Gazel Ministry) ~~August 16 & 24, Etrenank, Solaris. Ariath confronts the Ministry and asks them about the attack on Bledavik. The question his loyalties and Ariath accepts the plan. One week later (24), the attack begins. -------------------- Caught in the Middle; part 4 ~~July 10, Nortune Alex saves Cali by using an Ether Ability, Ether Cloak, and by synchronizing his and Cali's powers. They use Messenger to go to the Aveh border. Mat and Nails go their separate ways. -------------------- Few and Far Between ~~July 11, Liggle Alex discovers that he lost the antidote, but the doctor discovers that Cali, from the testing in Nortune, carries antibodies for the disease and transfers them to her mother. -------------------- ~~END~~