Deus Ex Machina Quick Summary 52 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by Arcana DeM posts belong to their respective authors, the characters belong to their respective authors, etc etc etc. Comprehensive, from 2000-12-24 to 2001-01-02. Game Year is assumed V-498 unless otherwise stated. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~Archive 52~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------- next bit! ~~August ??, Desert around Bledavik Hume and her bandits attack Tristan, but he retaliates and kills one of them easily. The others flee. -------------------- "Break" [Irina] ~~August 23, Bledavik Victoria receives a call from Alys detailing her plans of attack and escape. Victoria lets Irina know that Shaina is missing. -------------------- "Riptide" (Cyrene, Synclair) ~~August 15, Shevat Cyrene and Synclair discuss findings about Myaru's deception through intelligence operations. -------------------- A manic evening in the desert. ~~August ??, Bledavik Tristan finds out about rumours that Solaris is planning something against Bledavik. -------------------- Some corresponding events ~~August 22, Bledavik Hume arranges a departure to Nisan through her brother Descar. She watches a person jump frm the third story of a building and decides to follow him. -------------------- Adin's Big Day (Adin-16) ~~August 24, Gebler Desert Base Adin prepares for the assault on Bledavik. -------------------- A melancholy song. ~~August 23, Bledavik Hume hears a melancholy song in a bathhouse and finds out that it is Tristan singing. She runs away. -------------------- careful prepartions ~~August 23, Bledavik Descar meets with the bandits. Tristan prepares for the attack by Solaris on Bledavik. -------------------- Tears of a Shattered Soul ~~August, Aquavy Islands region Jacinth mourns her husband and burys him. She vows to avenge his death. -------------------- Intro post: Dies Irae ~~August ??, Desert Dies is worried about her lack of finances and travels to Bledavik to find work. -------------------- ~~END~~