Player Information ------------------ Name or Alias: Legion Age (optional): 18 Sex: Male E-mail address: or [Would prefer all correspondence be sent to the rocketmail account, as i will be closing my hotmail account soon.] ICQ/AIM/Yahoo! Pager/etc. (if applicable): ICQ No: 25919841 Character Information --------------------- -Name: Ashur, also known by the designation Child 7 -Age: Unknown, but appears [well the human-looking parts of him, namely his face] to be in his late twenties. -Sex: Male -Occupation(s): Lost cyborg, Fallen Child - a deliberate meshing of a minimal violence inclined human persona with the capabilties and mind of a cold-blooded killer. Created by LEGION to assist in the quantifiying and control of the human potential. -Substitutes which Xenogears Character? (if applicable): -Birthdate: Unknown -Height: 7ft -Weight: 750 lbs -Eyes (colour and shape): Light hazel brown but turns into varying shades of crimson as he gets more angry / emotional / violent, glows when he intiates full battle power. -Build: Humaniod, very muscular, broad shouldered, most of the body seems to be a highly advanced cybernetic skin [think Colossus from X-men]. Posibly machine underneath the layer of armoured skin, but he still feels pangs of hunger [yes, he can eat. The food is processed by his ether core and turned into energy], still has sensitivity to heat and cold [tempreture doesn't affect him, its just that he can still feel the cold or heat], senses like touch, smell, taste and so on have not been dimmed or removed, instead they have been enhanced [but not to extremes]. -Complexion: Pale, cadeverous-like -Facial Features: Well-defined facial bones, skin seems to be drawn tightly over the facial bones, long and forlorn face, and hooded eyes. However his rebreather mask when on covers most of his face except his hair and eyes. -Identifying Marks: There is a numerical [the number 7] in old Solarian and coloured crimson red, that seems to be a birthmark? Because it seems to be part of his skin. -Hair (colour and style): balck, Medium length, swept up to the back [think Vegeta in Dragon Ball] -Voice: Dead pan most of the time with a halting tone[very robotic, like Robocop]. However his voice develops stammers and cracks when he is trying to express emotion. At these times it sounds almost like a young man's voice [around 15 to 18]. -Dress/Attire: He wears nothing for his upper body as his cybernetic skin and armour prevent it. Wears a skin tight pair of pants [that seems to be elastic and extremely durable] that end at his knees [covers his cybernetic legs], where his lower cybernetic limbs continues on. Often wears a long coat [specially made by his "family"] or a large hooded robe. -Jewelry (if any): Only a series of small jade green gems that adorn his neck guard. -Weapons/Tools (if any): Ether Fusion Power Core [EFPC] which is what powers him and allows him to charge/powerup his fist or channel energy blasts [these energy blasts are actually deliberate release of excess power that would normally be grounded or cooled by in-built nano-heat sinks], and a hand to hand fighting style that's a strange mixture of martial art and brutal commando/marine combat style... Note: He lives on the ether energy that the core provides. There are auto limiters to prevent him from over usage, but he can overide this. HOWEVER the ether is his lifesblood so to speak, if he uses it all, he will die. The more he uses the weaker he gets. So although he can use it to fight gears he will die from the strain. -Armour (if any): Ether Fusion Cyber Core [EFCC], think of it as a second reinforced cyber skin that activates when he goes into combat. when not in combat it resembles a large oversize neck-chest-shoulder guard and armoured backback / booster pack. It can hold against most attacks BUT is not invulnerable to those attacks. Its just durable. -Personality: Normally shy, friendly and reserved. Scared of rejection [many people see him as a Well] and hatred. Very sensitive to negative comments, wants attention. However there is a more sinister and bloodier side of him. Its not a dual or split personality, its just the way he is. When passion [eg. when a loved one is threatened] overwhelms him, he becomes a cold and merciless killer. However he is in full control during this time [its not a bezerker mode, its how twisted his mind has become] and is fully aware of all his actions. Its just that he feels right and good when he thinks that way, when all he can see and do is analyse, act and react [kinda like a wild animal with high cunning]. Furthermore he is rather dead to most emotions and cannot seem to empathise, however he is rather emotional. All this feelings make him revulsed at himself, for he still tries to be human and the fact that he doesn't think or behave or feel emotionally the same as humans makes him feel more insecure. Which in turn leads into a rather vicious cycle where he takes out his misery on other people, and his consious torments him about it. -Background and History: His early days before he was found by Brother Gabril are hazy at best and totally forgotten at worst. In his early days of intergration into human society, most people in Kislev treated him like one of the mutants that ran amok in the city. However due to Brother Gabrial's and Sister Mary's support he is now "tolerated" by the people of Kislev. He's now in a journey of self-dicovery to find his human-self. Note: LEGION is the consiousness that drives him, he is nothing more then a splinter personality created by LEGION to progress its research. To this end he is being used to further LEGION's plans. Legion controls him through neural suggestions. He was left on the outskirst of Kislev to fend for himself [part of LEGION's plan to gather infomation]. Ashur knows nothing about LEGION but gets strange dreams where a mysterious figure tells him things and gives him orders that he seems compelled to obey [Only happens in the areas mentioned above in LEGION's abilities]. -Birthplace:Unknown -Mother: Sister Mary, a Nisan Sect Sister who runs a orphanage in Kislev. Ashur sees her as a sort of foster mother. -Father: Brother Gabrial, Ethos Techno-Priest. He's like a foster father to him. -Siblings: He considers all the children of the orphanage as siblings or best friends. -Mate: None, but finds the concept of love to be facinating but scary. Has a crush on a young orphan girl, Jaqueline aka Jacy [although he doesn't realise it yet]. -Children: None -Other relations: See above. -Secondary Skills: Looks slow and clumbersome, but looks can be deceiving. He is agile and dexterous. Has the ability, due to a combat chip/computer to process large amounts data relating to combat [eg. situation analysis] and project counter-moves or the possible outcome, has enhanced and improved senses due to cybernetics, killer's instinct and animal cunning. He also has some basic mechanical skills taught to him by Brother Gabrial. -Abilities/Disabilities: His cybenetic body [which can be a huge hinderance as well] and all its features, capable of limited flight due to his in-built replusor-lifts, his body seems capable of assimilating repairs and refining them to unknown specifics [if he's damaged he must still be repaired, however despite the quality or tech level of the repairs his body just compensates. Which brings Brother Gabrial to believe that he may be a nanotech artifice] However these repairs are not as good as the original, so to be fully and completely restored he must get expert attention at a properly equipped repair bay, sensory and neural enhancements [which makes him jaded or dull to the actual joy of having such senses like touch and hearing], inbuilt think machine with volumes of data with capability to learn more [unfortunately all data thus far relates to combat and warfare], seemingly inborn knowledge of how to fight and how to use the functions of his cybernetic body, see personality above for phycological prob ems, tends to whine, cannot express his true emotions properly except through combat, a bit dull conversationalist as he has very little knowledge on human interaction. In addition LEGION can if he wants to *attempt* to shut Ashur down... however this is quite hard for LEGION to do unless Ashur is within the vacinity of the gates or in Solaris. -Hobbies: repairing and upgrading of a junkyard music record player, listening to music for hour on end, staring at the stars and just staring into nothingness [he does not know why he does that, but he feels a strange comforting presence when he does], talking to Jacy [aka Jaqueline], playing with the orphans. -Current residence: Kislev Sector B -Current Life Conflicts: Outcast within a society that he wants to be part of. Trying to find and understand and control himself. And the strange "dreams" he has been getting. -Other notes: As Child 7 he is a merciless killing machine. LEGION seems to be amused and his interest piqued by the turn of events that led to the surfacing of Child 7's human persona. As such he sees this as an excellent way of collecting more data for his various "projects". Ashur may be only one of many other "Children" as his designation implies. In truth most of the other Children are not like him. Some are just humans with special abilities given to them. He is the only one that was created as a melding of man and machine. -Gear name: None. CANNOT pilot any. -Gear description: See above. -Class: See above. -Primary function: See above. -Weapon(s): See above. -Abilities/Disabilities: See above. -How your character acquired the gear: See above.