Deus Ex Machina: The Xenogears Tale ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NON-PLAYER CHARACTER SHEET ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Creator Information ------------------- Name or Alias: Arcana Age (optional): Sex: E-mail address: ICQ/AIM/Yahoo! Pager/etc. (if applicable): Character Information --------------------- -Name: Cassandra Lee -Age: 20 -Sex: F -Occupation(s): Kislev Second Strike Force: First Lieutenant -General Appearance: A bewitching woman with long, brown hair to her waist, a slender, lithe figure, and long lashes. Her hair is straight and her eyes are large. -Voice: Light and full of energy. -Dress/Attire/Jewelry/Weapons/etc: When off-duty, she usually opts for tanktops and other light clothing. -Personality: She is very bubbly and energetic, but also serious when required to be. Somewhat irresponsible and spontaneous. She is a very vicious warrior on the battlefield and is merciless versus her opponents. -Background and History: When she was young, her father sexually abused her. She ran away from home when she was only a teenager and lived on the streets of Kislev. Although Cassandra was extremely intelligent and had good ether abilities, she was generally ignored by everyone around her. A few months after Athena attained a rank in the Infantry, she found Cassandra on the streets by herself. At first, she ignored her but when the girl was attacked Athena defended Cassandra and brought her into the barracks to clean herself up. When she accurately predicted that Athena would soon be offered a position outside of the infantry, Athena was truly capitavted by this woman and started to tap the potential inside her by recommending her to the army. -Relations: Her strike force, among other relations. -Affiliation: Kislev Military -Hobbies: Practising her Ether abilities; they are mainly psychic in nature. She also flirts a lot, drinks on occasion, and does other wild actions that make her feel alive. -Current residence: Kislev, with the 2nd -Current Life Conflicts: The war, mainly. -Other notes: Cassandra has somewhat of a prophetic sense. It is not far-reaching, and usually, her abilities are ignored by ohers, but it exists. Cassandra knows it, and she has long since given up on trying to prove it to the others. -Gear name: Oracle -Gear description: Light attack gear. She also has Ether amplification on her gear but Kislev's poor gear design in Ether gears limit her psychic abilities in battle; generally, her Ether attacks are not as potent as Athena's when she is in a gear. Oracle is a slender green gear that runs with amazing speeds. The weapons she uses are twin machine guns on either arm and two lasers that are attached to her hips. She also has a small laser built into the head of the gear.