Deus Ex Machina: The Xenogears Tale ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PERSONA SHEET ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Player Information ------------------ Name or Alias: Lyrissa Age (optional): 17 Sex: Female E-mail address: ICQ/AIM/Yahoo! Pager/etc. (if applicable): UIN# 2510241, AIM phauxxie Character Information --------------------- -Name: Toki Arashi -Age: 16 -Sex: Female -Occupation(s): Dancer, artist, and whatever puts bread on the table and roof on her head. -Substitutes which Xenogears Character? (if applicable): N/A -Birthdate: July 10 -Height: 5'4" -Weight: 90 -Eyes (colour and shape): Slightly slanted, almond shaped green eyes. -Build: She's abnormally thin, and under developed, but not to the point of looking sickly. In fact, no one notices how thin she is, due to her heavy clothing. -Complexion: She is pale skinned, and 'lobsterizes' easily in the sun. Head to to, she is covered in freckles, or 'personality spots'. -Facial Features: Sunny, and easy to look at, with premature wrinkles around the corners of her eyes and mouth from constant smiling. -Identifying Marks: Although covered with gloves, and a heavy shirt at all time (no matter what the weather) she has several scars marring her body. The most notable being the one on her right arm, stretching from herindex finger up to her shoulder. The rest of her body is like wise crossed with fresh scars. The only visible one is a thin, vertical line about three inches long from her forehead to below her left eye. -Hair (colour and style): Carrot colored, frizzy hair, that falls (more like puffs out) to her shoulders. She tries to keep it under control by tying it back, but that rarely works. -Voice: Lilting, and almost musical, with a squeak on the high pitches. -Dress/Attire: No matter the weather, she always wears the same thing, it being a large, bulky beige sweater, and a pair of tan breeches, that hang loosely. Her hands are covers by gloves with the fingers removed, usually, she also wears a long cloak, with a hood, when traveling. -Jewelry (if any): One simple, nondescript earring on her right ear, a white stone, that has been smoothed, and rounded to near perfection. -Weapons/Tools (if any): She carries a hunting knife on her hip, which she is skilled at, but her main weapon is the bow and arrow, at which she excels. She prefers the traditional bow and arrows to crossbow, but she is adept in that as well. -Armour (if any): None. -Personality: Toki is what one could describe as the proverbial "ray of sunshine". She's painfully optimistic, and never seems to frown, or loose hope. When is seems no one else can go on, she tries to find a reason, and a way, but at times it seems as if her heart really isn't in to it. -Background and History: Born into a family of nomadic treasure hunters, and ruin explorers, Toki knew no fear, and grew up laughing in the face of danger. Danger was an every day part of her life, and the life of her village. She was taught early on not to form attachments, because eventually everyone will leave you. So when she was seven, she was neither surprised, nor sad when a cave collapsed, crushing her mother and father beneath several tons of rocks. Her best friends grew up in the village with her, Lance, Vikter, and Carace, and together, the four of them went on their training rites to initiate them into adult hood. Sent away from the village for a year, they were forbidden to get in touch with any type of civilization, only to rely on themselves. But things went horribly wrong. Under Toki's direction, they began to exploration of an ancient ruin. Already excavated, the ruin yielded nothing of importance, until Lance discovered a secret tunnel. Eager for adventure, they pressed forward. They didn't have to go far when trouble found them. An ancient gear lay hidden in the ruins. Sure that it no longer worked, Lance tried to pilot it, or pretend to, but he managed to activate it somehow. Carnage followed, as Lance tried to turn the gear off, but he only made the situation worse, and as the gear struggled in the small chamber, it began to collapse. A rather large rock struck Toki on the side of the head and she was knocked senseless… Two months later she awoke in Nisan, her wounds being treated by the local nuns, and healers. Despite her speedy physical recovery, she has never mentally recovered from the trauma, and her cheerful face is a façade, to hide the pain and guilt she feels. Her marred body embarrasses her, because it reminds her of what happened, and she blames herself for it all. She is haunted by horrific nightmares that plaque her nightly. -Birthplace: Somehwere in the desert around Aveh, she thinks. -Mother: Sora Ronsen Arashi (deceased) -Father: Darake Arashi (deceased) -Siblings: None -Mate: None -Children: None -Other relations: Gran-The village elder, and Toki's maternal grandmother. Her location is unknown to Toki. And she hopes to keep it that way. Canace-Toki's best friend, from her childhood. Presumed dead after the ruins collapsed. Lance-Another of Toki's friends, he has always had a mean streak, and has always been mischeivious, but he never meant to intentionally hurt his friends. Vikter-The serious, and thoughtful on of the group, he was the last of the Toki's generation. Like the others, he is presummed dead. -Affiliation: Aveh -Secondary Skills: She has the ability to run, very fast. She's nimble, and agile. In fact, her speed, and agility is probably the only reason she's still alive. -Abilities/Disabilities (in addition to Ether): Above all, her greatest disability is her guilt, the thought that her friends deaths rest on her shoulders. Her confidence in herself has been shot, and she can't seem to recover it. -Hobbies: She has become rather interested in carving wood, stone, anything, into shapes and forms. She finds it to be a good releiver of the strss she has built up, and she has gotten rather good at it. She also has taken up pettery and painting, altohugh she isn't quiet as good. -Current residence: Aveh, for the time being, she moves around alot. -Current Life Conflicts: The deaths of her friends, and her own self exile. She broke the cardinal rule of not asociating with civilization (though unintentionally) and now the time of rejoining draws near, and she is undecided of whather to return or not. -Deathblows (name and function): -Other notes: -Gear name: No gear, she is terrified of them. -Gear model: -Height: -Weight: -Gear description: -Class: -Primary function: -Weapon(s): -Abilities/Disabilities: -How your character acquired the gear: