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Joined the following fanlistings.

Instincts: The Shalimar/Brennan Fanlisting Feline: The Shalimar Fanlisting
Psionic: The Emma DeLauro Fanlisting Sanctuary Database: A Mutant X Fanlisting
Sparks // The Official Brennan Mulwray Fanlisting Breathe Again.... The Jesse Kilmartin Fanlisting The Underground

Took the following quizzes at Quizilla.
You're Emma!!

Which Mutant X Character Are You?
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You are Jesse

Which Mutant X Character Are You?
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Shalimar Fox
You're Shalimar Fox! You're fiery, feral, and
stunning--a sensual beauty utterly in touch
with your primal self. Blessed with both human
and animal DNA, you have the strength, speed,
and cunning of the animal kingdom--with a
tempestuous nature to match. You are uncannily
fast, inhumanly agile and sensually feline.
Walking the line between human and feral, you
are a little wild and completely unpredictable.

Which Mutant X Character are you?
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You are Emma.
You are Emma. Kind, compassionate, and
intelligent, you have great potential to do
many things, just be careful about watching
over your more evil half.

Mutant X fans: Test your knowledge of Genetics!
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Your a wild, Sexy Feral who doesnt like being pushed around!
Shalimar Fox- Your a wild, Sexy Feral who doesn't
like being pushed around!

What member of Mutant X are you?
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You're Brennan - Cool. Rule Breaker. Heartbreaker. You've never been one to follow the rules but
you're still essentially a good guy. You're a
Smooth Criminal and oh-so-unbearably cool.

Which Mutant X Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Took the following quizzes at Fool For Love