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Heero Yuy

"Mission accepted."
"Mission accomplished."
"Mission acknowledged."
"I'll kill you."
"You're in over your head."
"Finally, everything is finished. Mission complete."
"I'd be better off if she died, wouldn't I?" DUH!
"A failed mission means death, but my card hasn't come up yet."
"What a miserable mission. I screwed up. I TOTALLY SCREWED UP!"
"I'll eliminate all obstacles."
"There's nothing wrong with acting on your emotions"
"If outer space has gone crazy, then I'll start believing in myself and keep fighting."
"Quatre, I can see my enemies clearly now. If you become my enemy, I'll kill you."
"Quatre, I'm gonna kill you."
"Treize... I don't... have the right... to do it!"
"My future... My death!"
"I don't give a damn what happens to me."
"I'm fighting through this longer than anyone... longer than anyone on Earth..."
"Relena's too caught up in her ideal world."
"People can't live without hope."
"Now, stop it! Don't go doing that! Stop it, Epyon!"
"I'll kill Zechs. That's how I'll show my gratitude."
"It’s all my fault"
"There’s no place I want to go"
"My enemies are those who are after my life. My enemies are those who play with my life."
"Life comes/is cheap, especially mine."(both "comes and is" are said, one in the series and the other in the manga)
"I’ll decide what I’m going to do"
"Who are you going to kill this time?"
"That’s a nice train of thought"
"The rebels are just amateurs."
"Don’t overdo it, your old now"
"This is black alpha"
"Peace is nothing but a result of war."
"The people who try to kill me, and the people who fight against me, are my enemies."
"Where are my enemies?!"
"I'll kill Zechs. That will be my way of showing thanks."
"I think they like you better."
"I kill crazy people."
"Then I'll give you just one piece of advice....dying hurts like hell."
"Do as you like. It is your country."
"Stop it, stop it, stop it! Shut up, Epyon!"
"I'm not a pacifist."
"When nothing makes sense, I'll fight believing only in myself."
"You're going to self-destruct? That's not a bad plan either..."
"Of course I can do it. I'm a Gundam pilot, aren't I?"
"I've been counting on your skills right from the start."
"Wufei, hit your self destruct button!"
"I'm telling you, hit your self destruct button!"
"Don't think ill of me. Now we're even."
"Mariemaia is dead ... I ... I won't kill anymore ... I don't have to kill anymore ..."
"Zero ... are you still operational? ... Well, then ... This is our final strike."
"If she dies, the World Nation and this false peace will disappear. Relena, I'll kill you."Yay!
"Don't complain. Try to get well soon."
"I don't believe in God."
"I'll destroy you."
"I have a favor to ask of you, hit me."
"How many times must I lose that little girl and her puppy!?"

Duo Maxwell

"Number one again?! Number two's better than number one! Give me a turn next!"
"Stop making me repeat myself! Its bad for my health!"
"I don't mind being the god of death forever."
"Well, I guess a dark future suits the god of death, but..."
"For a quiet boy, you put on quite a show."
"Shinigami has returned from hell!"
"I'm surprised, Heero. You really turn up in the most unexpected places."
"Don't you just admire my ability?"
"The god of death? Well, it sounds much better than a hero who commits mass murder."
"Oh, man, Quatre loves to blame himself for everything if you let him. Sooner or later, he'll start saying that there's no air in space because he didn't work on it hard enough."
"Here I am, a god of death once more."
"I've been fighting for the Colony. I should be the only one fighting. No one else should have to go through that."
"Wars take many lives away. Humans never forget the grief, but they also never stop the fighting. Streams of blood and tears are only an ornament for their destructive ritual."
"I've had enough. Who else sets his own broken bones. Please, I just had my lunch."
"Damn. You're so single minded it amazes me. Damn. You're so single minded it amazes me."
"P.S. Don't blame us if they run out of treats."
"You'll all die. Anyone who sees me got's a date with his maker."
"Hey, wait a minute!... Great. How come I ended up as the bad guy here?"
"Now, I can understand you wanting to take your own life, but maybe, just maybe, you should think of another way of committing suicide, buddy!"
"He just goes and puts a broken bone back into place... Man, that just totally grossed me out THINKING about it!"
"He's antisocial, thinks he's Evil Kineeval and hardly speaks!... Why don't you just give up and stop pretending to be human?"
"Hey, good lookin'! Pretty nice day, huh? Well, gotta get to class, I'll see ya later!"
"Don't over do it. Like he's gonna listen. Of COURSE he's gonna over do it."
"I've got a bad feeling about this one... We'll lose unless we have our own plan this time."
"I'm Duo. Duo Maxwell. I might run and hide, but I never tell a lie. That's me in a nutshell!"
"Damn! What a dinky way to kill us all off!"
"How come him again? I'm a better pilot than 01, you know!"
"I wonder what true peace really means... Uuhh, nothing! Delete that! Forget I said anything! Man, was that totally out of character or what?"
"Have you lost your mind or something? We all have to make it out to space!"
"I don't wanna copy Heero, but... Tag along on my journey into Hell!"
"If I'm gonna die, it'd seem appropriate for you to to do it. Here, go right ahead and shoot me!... Hey, you're really gonna shoot me, aren't you?!"
"Why's it always the quiet guys that end up doing things the flashiest way?"

Trowa Barton

"I'll destroy everything!"
"Beasts only bare their fangs at enemies. They're true to their feelings."
"I have no name. But if you must call me something, it's Trowa."
"Huh? What's this? Those sparkles... They're my tears!"
"Hey, hey! Don't over do it, or I'll have to blow you up, Heero!"
"The five of use have become nothing more than redundant soldiers."
"Don't be too hard on Quatre, Heero."
"Take better care, of your body, I mean."
"I have no desire to get involved in a battle between OZ and the Alliance. However, I can't afford to let anyone see my gundam suit."
"I will correct the mistakes brought on by your weakness."
"Those who have laid eyes on a gundam shall not live to tell about it. That’s my duty"
"Are people trying to stop time in order to find themselves? Enemies are necessary. That's the soldier's fate."
"Heero, don't pick on Quatre too much."
"I know all about danger, I am used to walking a tight rope."
"Battle record 001, recorder's name... I'll just say Trowa."
"What's wrong, Quatre? This isn't like you."
"Wait for me, Quatre."
"Don't worry, this will be the best performance you have ever seen."
"Move away, Catherine. I have to kill myself."
"You have mistaken me for someone else. I am not Trowa."
"I don't have a name. Call me No Name if you like."
"I wouldn't mind if you want to kill me, but I might struggle a bit."
"I didn't get to use the self-destruct mechanism, just as usual..."
"Besides, I'm just the same as you. A man driven by emotion."
"What he does is always perfect. Heero Yuy."
"I guess I back to being nameless..."

Quatre Raberba Winner

"Trowa, I'm going to use this Gundam to destroy the whole crazy universe!"
"I told you... You should've surrendered."
"It's beautiful, very, very beautiful... Beautiful... Do they know how beautiful Earth is?"
"This isn't right... You and I shouldn't be fighting each other!"
"Are there more Gundam pilots like me?... Wish I could meet them. All of them."
"Roger that, Heero. I'm gonna stake my life on you."
"They're violent and dangerous, but they're all really nice guys!" Can you spell oxymoron?
"We can't win by ourselves. But I'm positive the others will come."
"The pain...my body...my soul!"
"That's funny... I have tears in my eyes. But I'm not one bit sad!"
"Tell the others for me. Tell them to stay away from me. Otherwise, I'll end up killing them too!"
"You're afraid to die, aren't you guys? Well, then... You shouldn't be fighting at all!" "What the colonies really need... is a war!"
"The Earth was very kind to us all."
"Put your hands up, and no funny stuff!"
"We can't die yet!"
"I think it's time for us to return to space- with our gundams!"
"To outer space, every one of us!"
"It's way to early to be defeated yet!"
"What's this? Are you... Are you telling me to get off? Thank you, my Sandrock!"
"People who are kind people are shedding tears, but nobody understands them."

Chang Wufei

"I do not approve of Relena Peacecraft."I totally agree!!
"The outcome of battles are not determined by soldiers ... From now on I can stop fighting."
"I am Wufei. I won't run or hide until there's no one left to fight."
"I don't kill women and children."
"I am a coward."
"I lost, to someone stronger than me."
"I'm not hiding anywhere."
"Woman! Are you listening, woman?"
"Fighting a weak enemy leaves me feeling so empty afterwards."
"Haven't you guys gotten tired of these meaningless battles yet?"
"If you don't kill me right now, I'll keep coming back until I get you, Treize!"
"I've got no right piloting the Nataku."
"Weaklings like you shouldn't be fighting."
"Never underestimate Nataku!"
"Stop it. You're defeated."
"I don't fight women or bleeding hearts."
"Stay calm if you want to live a little longer."
"We are right... We ARE!"

Zechs Merquise

"There is no bright future for soldiers scurrying for their reward."
"Your resistance is futile."
"May he rest in peace... The betrayed and outraged Miliardo Peacecraft."
"I can't falter now with the Sanq Kingdom right in front of my eyes!"
"What am I afraid of?... Is this the end?"
"Father, forgive your son... My hands, they're too stained with blood... I have failed you..."
"I'll introduce myself. I go by the name Miliardo Peacecraft."
"Wars truly are heartless indeed."
"Outer space. It's so quiet."
"You guys can fight. Well, can't you?"
"Farewell Tallgesse!"
"I hope I'm not too late!"
"Some lessons can only be learned by risking one's life."
"Glory to all the colonies!"
"I'll just have to prove to them that they seriously underestimated the value of my life."
"Treize, stop following me around."
"They're here just as I thought. It seems a man who can't get used to peace can still make himself useful."
"War is a dirty thing. To make that understood, I think that meaning is in everyone's action of their thoughts."

Treize Khushrenada

"A dark shadow seems to follow us wherever we go."
"The earth is a confined area. We can't go around thoughtlessly polluting it."
"Human beings are weak and vulnerable. Anyone is capable of killing anyone. But we mustn't abuse this capability."
"The duel is mine."
"I'm very much looking forward to the day you remove that mask."
"I'm saying I want to be a loser."
"I'm sure God would understand steps we are taking."
"Heero, I won't permit you to die until you have killed me."
"Humans need a higher system than god."
""Lady...these boys will determine the future."
"All are our things. People, Earth, light, and even the Universe."
"That enemy you mentioned is your own destiny."
"In a way, it can be considered the closest thing to God, himself."
"...I hope you return as a loser."

Lady Une

"Stay calm, don't get angry."
"It's game over now!"
"Stop. Space is a place of peace."
"Deep in my heart, I feel this war has already come to an end."
"Let's work together to bring peace to outer space."
"So I'm Lady Une, of OZ... Or do I work under Mr. Treize?"
"We're not trying to establish diplomatic relations, we are trying to win a war here!"
"Talented people are capable of understanding us."
" I am sorry, but we no longer need your assistance."

Lucrezia Noin

"Battles that risk men's lives are miscalculations."
"In my mind, the value of life versus war is something one can't even compare!"
"Open up, Zechs. You're hiding far too many secrets."
"I do trust you, Zechs."
"Creating something new is wonderful, but still... isn't this a bit bloody for the laying of a foundation?"
"I'll be backing you up."
"I'll live my life in the shadows for this country."
"If all of this was because of a seed Earth sowed...an era that is toyed by its situation is too pitiful."
"NO! Last year I told you, I wouldn't leave your side!"

The Scientists

Doctor H: "Quatre, fight of your own will, and use the self destruct mechanism only when you think it is necessary."
Professor G: "Why don't we build OZ a real rascal to keep them occupied?"
Professor G: "If you're going to die, hurry up and die. You're wasting air."
Professor G: "It looks like OZ is going to start a war for the sheer fun of it."
Doctor S: "Very well then. From now on, you are Trowa Barton. I'll leave Operation Meteor in your hands."
Doctor J: "Hey, OZ, you're going to seriously regret that you kept us alive... not to mention the pilots."
Doctor J: "Wars are started by people, and they end with people."
Doctor J: "Foolish are those who start wars, but the bloodshed during battle is never a waste."
Doctor J: "People who commit war are stupid, but the blood they spill is not meaningless."
Doctor J: "No one can stop Heero now. If you don't want to die, do not try to get close to him again."
Doctor J: "That system creates an inbalance in one's sanity."
Doctor J: "I raised him as a professional Terrorist, teaching him every combat technique since he was a little child."
Doctor J: "It's because you have the same kind of eyes Heero used to have. Clean, pure, and kind eyes. I want you to remember this."


Noin: "Don't shoot!"
Soldier: "Why?"
Wufei: "Cuz she's a woman!"

Duo: "Hey! You can't go anywhere with your machine in this condition! We're talking miracles here!"
Heero: "It might take a miracle for you, but I can handle it."
Duo: "Well, excuse me for being a mere mortal!"

Heero: "Hey!"
Duo: "What is it? You're too late if you think you're gonna ask for my help."
Heero: "Could you keep it down over there?"
Duo: "Yeah, sure. Excuse me for interrupting."

Duo: "Unreal! I don't believe it! The guy's incredible! He fixed his machine in one night!"
Technician...name??: "Oh no! We've been had! He took his parts from this suit!"
Duo: "What? I was just complimenting him! TRAITOR!"

Catherine: "Trowa, why didn't you dodge the knife?"
Trowa: "I'm not paid to dodge.br>

Relena: "Heero, I know too much about you. Are you still gonna kill me?"
Heero: "...Yeah..." Yay!!

Quatre: "Funny we ended up at the same destination."
Trowa: "I'm doing this alone."
Quatre: "So am I! But what if we helped each other?"
Trowa: "Don't think so."
Quatre: "Two's always better than one!"

Duo: "I'm just trying to act normal."
Heero: "You stand out."
Duo: "You wouldn't be as suspicious if you stopped being so secretive. Why don't you just chill out and have some fun as a student?"
Heero: "Leave me alone."

Heero: "Why'd you save me? I was supposed to die with honor."
Trowa: "You died a long time ago."

Trowa: "...or should I be following your example?"
Heero: "In that case, I've got one warning."
Trowa: "What's that?"
Heero: "Dying hurts like hell."
Trowa: laughs

Trowa: "That girl's tears stopped me. If you were in my shoes, you still would've done it, right? Now you should understand why I admire your strength."
Heero: "I said this before. The only way to live a good life is to act on your emotions."

Prof. G: "Who's there?"
Duo: "The God of Death!"

Master O: "It wouldn't hurt as much if you screamed out loud."
Duo: "Yeah, but Mama said, real men never scream out loud."

Trowa: "Quatre, what's wrong?..."
Quatre: "Outer space has lost all reason! I'm gonna use this gundam to destroy it all!"

Heero: "I'll kill you, Quatre."
Quatre: "Then hurry up and kill me! Then you can go and save Trowa!"

Hilde: "[sigh] I could fall for that clown."
Duo: "Sure, whatever."

Sylvia: "Wars are nothing but repulsive killings, so how is it that you can be so clear cut about it all?"
Heero: "It's the only way I know how to live."

Une: "Are you the one who built the gundams?"
Prof. G: "What a stupid way to ask a question."

Wufei: "The ones who are right have to be strong. If this is all you can do, then so be it. The rest of us will take over from here."
Duo: "The rest of you will take over?"
Wufei: "That's more like it. You'd have a hard time explaining it to your comrades if you were defeated here."

Prof. G: "Hey, you gonna make it?"
Dr. J: "Ouch, that hurt! What did I tell you? My weapon's something, don't you think?"
Prof. G: "That's for sure. The suit came after us! That's some weapon all right!"