The Story of Gundam Wing

Gundam Wing
Series Run (Canada): 1998-1999??On YTV
Series Run (USA): March 2000 on Cartoon Network
Episodes: 49
Director: Ikeda Masashi
Character Design: Shuko Murase

Story Sypnosis

Gundam Wing has a story similar to the original One Year War saga. The year is After Colony (AC) 195, and after long years of war over rights to indepedence, the Earth’s government has seized full control of the colonies. In an effort to free themselves five scientists created five Gundams and trained five young men to pilot them, then sent the to Earth to fight the Earth Sphere Alliance and the secret organization responsible for all their misery, OZ (Organization of Zodiac).

Trained to be mercenaries, the five fifteen year old boys, Heero, Duo, Trowa, Quatre and Wufei, begin a bloody battle to uncover and destroy OZ, only to find that the situation was not as they had once thought it to be. In the midst of it all, one of OZ's top pilots, the mysterious Zechs Merquise, fights his own battle. Relena Darlian gets caught between this war and tries her best to try and settle it in a peaceful way. There is no real good or evil in the show; only that each man or woman's perspective on war and how mankind should live in order to further its own existence.


Episode Synoposis