-R6D- Downloads

Rainbow Six Editing


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A door; Actual size=180 pixels wide

Here is where you can download all of my maps before they get posted at the official -R6D- site. This is because ownage has problems with posting quickly, and as soon as I churn out another map, I can post it immediately.

-R6D- Hacienda


-R6D- Athlete's Village


-R6D- Dam


-R6D- Congo


-R6D- Map Pack

-R6D- Rets!

-R6D- Frags and Flash Skins

City Street Large and Killhouse Double


Full name:
Zone Name:
Email address:
Any Suggestion For Maps or the Site

What's New?

Here I might add an entry whenever I make an update to my web site. Where appropriate, I'll include a link to the change. For example:

4/7/01 - Site created. Hopefully get a lot done.

5/15/01 - I made a bunch of adjustments today. I added screen shots of my retextured maps. The lookin mighty sexay.