The First Corridor

The cars move guests first through a small, dark, candlelit room. A staircase curves dramatically to their left and meets a balcony. On the banister we can see a number of candles lit in a decorative holder. They are the only source of light.

 The cars pass under the balcony, and perhaps guests don't notice the candelabrum hovering on this balcony, held high as if by an inquisitive ghost, wondering who has the nerve to enter his house...

photographed by Foxx

 Turning a corner, guests can see, to both sides, rather sinister looking portraits of some of the members of the family. Many of the portraits show monsters or ghosts. Their eyes are glowing softly, and the pupils slowly move to follow you, as if daring you to continue onward!

 GHOST HOST: "Oh yes! and no flash pictures, please! We spirits are frightfully sensitive to bright lights..."

photographed by Foxx

thanks to Kronos

 Passing under a portrait of a Sea captain and through an arch, a huge, well-appointed library comes into view.

thanks to Kronos
You pass under this errie portrait as you enter the library...

 Inside the Mansion's library, volumes of every shape and size cover the walls, each one gathering uncountable years of age. Also set into the walls are eight marble busts, each one lit as in a museum. But the busts' gaze is disquieting... no matter where in the room the guests glance at the busts, they are turned and glaring at THEM!

photographed by Foxx

 A small pile of books sits on the floor, and a chair rocks itself in a corner quietly.

photographed by Foxx

 A nearby library ladder sways back and forth, and books are pulled in and out of the shelves by some ghost looking for a bit of late-night reading...

photographed by Foxx

 GHOST HOST: "Our library is well-stocked with priceless first editions. Only ghost stories, of course. And marble busts of the greatest ghost writers the literary world has ever known. They have all -retired- here, to the Haunted Mansion."

 Moving into a small room, guests can view a cobwebbed piano sitting amid rotting furniture. Although there is clearly no one sitting at the keys, they press down, playing dismal, discordant music. The piano sits before a picture window that looks out onto a barren backyard of dead trees.

photographed by Foxx
Guests would have once viewed the performance from these now decaying chairs...

 Light streams in through the windows, an unnatural blue. Thunderclouds move by slowly outside. The light streaming in through the dusty air sends long shadows over the floor. Guests can see the shadow of the invisible composer bleeding across the floor, eternally playing his masterpeice.

thanks to Kronos!
Playing by itself.... or is it?

 GHOST HOST: "Actually, we have 999 happy haunts here, but there's room for 1000. Any volunteers, hmmm? If you should decide to join us, final arrangements may be made at the end of the tour."

thanks to Al

 A large bronze statue of a griffin comes into view, and it is attached to a banister. Atop the banister is an elaborate candleholder, a half dozen candles flickering in it eerily.

 The buggies slowly begin to ascend a creaky wooden staircase, the rail covered with spiderwebs. The walls to each side slowly fade away to inky black darkness, creating what seems to be an endlessly dark void. Everything becomes dark for a few seconds.

 The doombuggies reach a landing. We can see, to the left, a huge, but vacant, spiderweb strung up in a corner, it glows brightly in the haze. To the right an even bigger web is strung over the banister, and in its' center a gigantic orange spider sits silently.

thanks to Kronos
This web sits empty near the landing...

 Guests move farther along, and to the right a colossal web appears, a ghastly looking spider resting in it, too close for comfort to the buggies now. The buggies turn a corner, finally passing out of this unusual supernatural void...

thanks to Kronos, but Foxx did touchups.

layout & design by Foxx Nolte, 1998 - 2004. content is copyright the Walt Disney Company. GrimGhosts.Com is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company in any way.