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Below find  pictures of my racing birds.  Click on the number to see the bird.

94mn-3130    8 times in top 22 in club +comb poss. ( gave 3130 +3154 as breeders to young flyer )

94mn-3154  16 TIMES IN TOP 30 IN CLUB +4 TIME TOP 30 COMB                     (   gone )

95mn-033    5x times first +10 x in top 28 club  1 x 1st +6 times in top 30 comb 700+ birds retired

95cu-33906    5 times in top 18 in club +2 time in top 30 comb 700 +birds retired gave away

95cu-33908     2 times 1st +5 times in top 13 club+1st -3rd -15th comb 730+ birds retired gave away

96mn-038      16 times in top 25 in club + 5 times in top 20 comb. up to 823 birds lost on toss

96mn-046       5 X1st +8 times in top 30 club + 4 times in top 15 comb 500+birds retired gave away

96mn-074    1x1st+ 5 times in top 30 club +1x1st +3 times in top 24 comb 600+ birds gave away

97mn-655      6 times in top 15 club +2 times in top 23 comb 725+ birds gave away

98mn-820       6 time in top 21 club +2 times in top 30 comb 660+ birds gave away

98mn-823     1 x equal 1st +8 times in top 23 club+2 times in top27 comb 500+birds

98mn-828    4 times in top 27 club +2 times in top 27 combine 790 birds  ( gave away to new flyer )

98mn-851      6 times in top 20 club +2 times in top 25 comb 674 birds stolen

98mn-861       7 times in top 15 club + 2 times in top 30 comb 600+ birds stolen

98mn-012        1 time 1st + 5th club+2nd &27 th comb 730+birds lost

99mn-905       1x1st + 7 times in top 13 club 1st+3 times in top 23 comb up to 620 birds stolen

99mn-908      1st- eq 1st-2nd-3rd-3rd-3rd-4th-4th-4th-5th-6th-7th-7th-8th-9th-9th-12th-18th-23rd- plus15 times in top 20 combine 28th UCN 3000+birds +50th UCN 3000+ birds

99mn-909      5 times in top 15 club +3 times in top 7 comb champion bird in comb

99mn-911       4 times in top 17 club +3 times in top 18 comb champion bird in club - killed injured him self

99mn-913        1 x 1st +5 times in top 7 club +1 x 1st +2 times in top 10 comb 600 + birds, lost

99mn-930        1x1st+ 3 times in top 22 club gave away

99mn-936          1 x1st +7+7 th club+1 x1st + 23 comb 660+birds      (  gave away to new flyer )

99mn-939      2- 3-4-5-th club +8th comb up to 590+ bird

2000mn-211     1st/7th/16th/club +7th/20th/36th combine up to 950+birds 2nd champion yb. gave away

2000mn-213    1st-1st- 3rd club/ 6th combine up to 800+ birds

2000mn-227     1st-1st-plus more club and combine positions

2000mn-232      4th/ 5th club +5th/ 12th combine up to 926 birds

2000mn-234      8th club +18th combine up to 950+ birds

2000mn-237      very good racing cock many prizes

2000mn-246      3rd club +4th combine up to 926 birds

2000mn-249       2nd club +5th combine up to 585 birds

2000mn-1014      1st / eq1st/ 6th club + 4th / 5th /16th combine up to 953 birds champion yb club+comb.

2000mn-1032      5th club+ 15th combine up to 585 birds

2001mn-101       1st-1st-1st-1st-eq1st-eq1st-eq1st-4th-4th-5th-6th-6th-6th-15th-club-1st-eq1st-eq1st-2nd-eq2nd-eq2nd-3rd-3rd-6th-7th-10th-18th-19th combine plus 9th upper canada national 2990 + birds

2001mn-104       1st-1st-plus many more club and combine places

2001mn-129        1st club 1st combine

2001mn-188        1st -1st club 1st combine plus many more top finishe's