Do you have any pictures of your days at Bawdsey? BTW I do apologise if your name is not below the pictures but our memories are not what they used to be. If you can add any names then please let me know. Pictures are often sent in larger than you see them here. If you want original sized pictures please email me. RS.
Pictures Page Two, Page Three, Page Four Home.
"Class CH4" 1950/51 (From Mike Shaw) |
The RAF Bawdsey blazer badge. See Anecdote from Colin Gompertz |
"The Mechs" 1951 Pete Loveridge. Norman Berry, Francis Hookham, Me (Mike Shaw). Pete Dulley, Dave Kidd (Fitter), Ginger Whitehead |
Another of Ian Davey's pictures from his website but where is the rain and mist? |
Sick Quarters' Staff 1954 Yvonne Curtis/Sgt Thompson/ Cpl Ann Ford Neville / ? (from Ray Shakeshaft) |
Pay Accts Personnel circa 1957 outside Hut 29B Cpl?/George Ricketts/Derek Bloss/Ron Glasher/Alan Whittaker/Tony Goodacre (from Tony Goodacre)
The Tigers Skiffle Group (all Bawdseyites) Dave Dowsett (tea chest bass), Tony Goodacre(guitar & vocals), Tommy Marlton (drums), Paul Keene (guitar & vocals), Brian Augarde (banjo & trombone) (from Tony Goodacre. Read all about them on Anecdotes page) |
Some Bawdseyites on a day trip to Boulogne around 1957. (from Tony Goodacre) |
Sgt Coe at AOC's Inspection (A/M Earl of Bandon) From Ryan Coe's collection |
RAF Bawdsey Football Team 1950/51 Back Row. .......?........, ......?......., R.Coe GK, .....?....., Eric Cruse,......?..... Front Row ????? From Ryan Coe |
RAF Bawdsey Football Team 1951/52 Back Row ? , ? , Bob Begley, Ryan Coe GK, ? , ? , ?. Front Row ? , 'Barney' Barnetson(?), ? , ? , |
Cpl 'Jake' Mowatt, Sgt Bell, Sgt Coe, 'Babs' Steele. (From Ryan Coe).
RAF Bawdsey Football Team 1956/7 From Pete Smalls (Front row, end right) - Any more names? |
RAF Bawdsey complete with towers circa 1952/3 (From Robert Newstead). |
Robert Newstead, 'Mac' ?, Bill Cotton, (c:1952/3) (From Robert Newstead).
Tom Ash, Bill Cotton, 'Mac' ?.(c:1952/3) (From Robert Newstead).
Bawdsey Boys circa 1952. Names? (From Robert Newstead). |
Bawdsey Boys circa 1952/3. Names? (From Robert Newstead).
Pay Accts June 1956. Harry Catchpole, Ron Glasher, ? , Sgt Reg Blackman, ? ,FSgt Hadfield, Taff Jones. Alan Whittaker, Cpl Ray Shakeshaft, Dave Dowsett. (From Tony Goodacre).
August 1954 Ann O'Higgins, John Rogers, Phil Turnbull, Moira Paterson, Lee Erskine, Ken Dovey From Daphne Cotton. |
The time honoured sport of 'Dunking the WAAF'. June 1954 Ken Dovey, Heather, Alan Bangay, Phil Turnbull, Ann O'Higgins, Lee Erskine. From Daphne Cotton.
? , Brian Clarke, "Henry" Cotton, ? , Don Creswick, Cliff Clifford, ?. ? , Arthur Connor, Ray Taylor, Brian Bulley, Dave Reardon, Alan Wells ? , ? .
Bawdsey Cricket Team 1955 Wal Watson, ? , ? , Ray Taylor, ? , ? , 'Zat' Johnny Mason, Merv Wood, Jack Smith, "Henry" Cotton, Alan Wells. From John "Henry" Cotton |
Party at the Vic 1 (C 1954/55) ? , ? , Arnold?, Arthur Connor, ? , ? , Bob McDougal, Sgt Keene, Brian Roe, Jim McPake, 'Henry' Cotton |
Party at the Vic 2 'Henry' Cotton (at the back) Jeff Downham, Jim McPake, ?, Terry?, Bert Boydall, ? , ? , ? ,
1954/55 Gwyn Cardwell, Don Lindskog, ? Booth, Daphne Cotton, (nee MacKenzie) Phil Turnbull, Brian Clarke, Lee Erskine. From Mr and Mrs Cotton |
Can you help? Did anyone know Bob Atkinson (on the right) of the MT Section? See ANECDOTES. |
Spring 1954.
Norman Bartlett, Peter Plummer, ?, ?, Gary Fenton,
Michael Mill outside hut 35i.
photo by Brian Berry
From Norman Bartlett |
Summer 1955 Brian Berry, Norman Bartlett, Rob Jessup; From Norman Bartlett
Surely an honorary Bawdseyite. Thanks to 'Bob' Jones |