Rainbow Brite's Website




These are some Prom Hairstyles that I'm thinking about. Email me and give me your opinion.

Erase time.
Alter perception.
Create a new reality.

5 ways to bust a rut!

1) Read a book by an author you've never read, one where the protagonist is so not like you.
2) Buy kick-butt boots that make you feel tough. Wear them everywhere. (I have a pair of these!)
3) Clean out your desk (taking tons of time to reread your old letters and poems.)
4) Blast a CD by a band that's best played LOUD (my fave: Limp Bizkit). Scream along.
5) Close your eyes and visualize one dream. Then take the first baby step toward making it happen.

10 Signs Your Guy Friend Is Into You

1) He doesn't want to hear about your crushes anymore - he changes the subject when you bring up other guys.
2) He's dressing up & combing his hair. (This is the guy who used to wear a T-shirt & shorts everywhere!)
3) He's a little nervous around you. You used to gab without any awkwardness, but now he gets tongue-tied.
4) He insists on picking up the check. Before, you split things 50/50, but now he refuses to take your money.
5) He's picking on you more. (Sometimes guys tease just to get your attention.)
6) He finds any excuse to get close to you. (Like tagging along on when he normally wouldn't.)
7) Your phone convos have gotten longer.
8) He's complimenting you more. The nicest thing said before was, "Hey loser," but now he loves your new haircut.
9) Your hang-out sessions are looking more and more like "dates." He wants to make plans to see a movie - just the two of you.
10) He's subtly keeping tabs on you. If he wants to know where you are & who you're with, you can bet something's up.

allen iverson

Jim American Pie

Jim American Pie

Jim American Pie

Oz American Pie

Shannon Elizabeth from American Pie

Stifler American Pie

Advice I ripped off of magazines...

Don't be a perfectionist.

Accept compliments.

Dance under the stars.
Sing a song.
See the good.
Pamper your inner princess.
Get fit.
See where it takes you...
Hold the pickles.

Conquer one fear.
Don't blow off your friends.
Expand your circle.
Let your style shine.

I am allowd to laugh at myself.
Watch the sun set.
Shock yourself...

Cast a love spell!
Feel the rush of romance.
Increase your body-part vocabulary.
Show yourself.
Stop staring in the mirror so much.
Play in the dirt.

Work like you don't need the money. Love as if you've never been hurt. And dance as if no one's watching!

Don't hate cheerleaders!
Get your folks to trust you always.
Be a Princess for a day!
Get into music like never before.

Once a day, spend 15 minutes catching up on your meditation or journal keeping.
Disturb the peace.
Hold your drink in your dominant hand.

austin powers

austin powers

Austin Powers

Dr. Evil

Fat Bastard


Mini Me



~Try to use a little mystery-or you might be history~
~Give the boy some breathing room~
~Flaunt your brains more than your bikini~
~Speak up~
~Expose your totally cool ego~


Top 5 signs you're a little too into guys...
1) You wrote your term paper on "The History of Josh Harnett."
2) On more than one occasion you've been busted sneaking into the boy's locker room wearing a fake mustache.
3) Forget wall posters - you have a fresco of Freddie Prinze, Jr. on your ceiling.
4) Your answering machine says, "If this is John, press 1. If it's Ryan press 2. If you're new and cute, press 0 for immediate assistance."
5) There's no room for books in your locker with that life-size blow-up of Justin Timberlake.


Warning! If an approaching guy pulls any of this bizarre behavior, run, DON'T WALK, the other way!

* He walks around smacking his lips & asking everyone, "So who wants mono?"
* You can smell his cologne from another time zone.
* At the mall, he yells, "Hey baby, can I put my Banana Republic in your Gap?"
* He's wearing Matrix-style wraparound shades - and nothing else.
* The license plate on his car says "IM26E4U."
* He's got on a T-shirt that says "Volunteer Gynecologist" or "Gynecologist in Training" on it.
* He's doing the "Electric Slide" - while listening to Limp Bizkit.


1. Your body regenerates itself faster during sleep, healing broken bones, cuts and bruises.
2. You get taller and develop. Most growth and hormone changes happen while snoozing.
3. You look better. Your eyes will be brigheter and open wider and your skin will be clearer.
4. You live longer. Studies show that the amount of z's you snag may be more important than how much exercise you get in predicting how long you'll live.
5. Your immune system bolsters itself, so you don't suffer from as many colds.


Will Hoge


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