Trees, Going, Going, Gone!

"We abuse the land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect."
~ Aldo Leopold ~

 tree_chained.jpg (27636 bytes) Save The Trees!

Every picture tells a story! Please take a look at these, what do they tell you? Feel free to speak up, let us know.

Clearcut on Shasta

Port Orford Cedar Disease

Redwood Clearcut

Tree’s Need A Spring Check Up
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Forests help to stabilize and conserve the atmosphere that supports life on earth. Forests are some of the largest, complicated and fragile ecosystems on earth. They are also our most important renewable natural resource.

Hardwood Rangelands The lack of protection for hardwood riparian areas leaves them vulnerable to development.

Life of the Fields If I cannot achieve it, at least I can think it.

More Forest Information!
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We cannot guarantee the accuracy of any of the information presented here, nor do we advocate that anyone do anything other than read it. Certain Images and Articles on this site are copyright by Lucky Stryke, some are used with permission,  all others are believed to be public domain. Anyone who acts on information contained within these pages do so of their own free choice and must accept full responsibility!
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Copyright ©1998-2007
Lucky Stryke