Other Stories
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Marrow Fics
Those Demigods
Questions from Xavier after Bones III lead Sarah to admit something painful.
Can't Not
Sequel to "Those Demigods".
On Duty
A night on duty for Sam and Sarah leads to a night of introspection on Sarah's favorite topic: herself.
Flying Horses
Timeline-wise, this is supposed to be between 'On Duty' and 'Beautiful Sweet James', but was actually written after both.
Pushing Harder
Sequel to Flying Horses. Ties directly into 'Bones'.
Challenge Fics
Beautiful Sweet James
This is a response to the Sibling Challenge by Morrioghan of Alternate Timelines.
This is a response to the Morlock Self-Insertion Challenge by TangleToy of The Haven. Warning: I can't believe how dark this fic is, and sometimes it scares me to think that it was a self-insertion piece. I rate it at an extremely strong R for mature situations and just adult themes, although it isn't the steamy-smut that usually goes with that description.
Sex Talks Over Blueberry Tea Series
Emma (NC-17)
I'm a sucker for the Emma/Sean relationship. It's NC17 rated, so don't click if you don't like that sort of thing.
Sequel to "Emma". Written from Sean's point of view.
Christmas Fic
The Responsible One
From Rogue's point of view.
The Irresponsible One
Sequel from Gambit's point of view.
X-Men Movie Fanfiction
My take on a very old topic.
Take me back....