Nicki French, Secrets, Love This Records Ltd, 1995

Fushigi Yuugi is copyright Watase Yuu, Flower Comics, Studio Perriott, Pioneer and Viz Communications. This is a fanwork and not for profit in any way, although the Mt Leikaku bandits would like it very much if you'd send a donation of sake their way. (There! I said it! I said it! Now will you take Eiken out of the room? Please?)

Track 1: Total Eclipse of the Heart
Track 2: Did You Ever Really Love Me?
Track 3: Forever And A Day
Track 4: I'll Be Waiting
Track 5: Is There Anybody Out There?
Track 6: Never In A Million Years
Track 7: For All We Know
Track 8: Secrets
Track 9: Something About You
Track 10: Voice Of America

Authors notes (or, what exactly was going on in Raye's brain when she wrote that) are on a separate page. How to get there... I'm going to be slightly sadistic and make it a puzzle.

The address is Each of the ten songfics is in first person. Take the first initial of each of the speakers and put it in place of the _ that corresponds to the songfic. So if you think Chichiri is the speaker of the third songfic, it's __c_______.

I'll be nice and give you the tenth one (as it's a generic fan thing); it's 'f'. So you start off with

Is it worth it? Dunno. Hope so. Please enjoy anyway.

Total Eclipse of the Heart

Turn around
Every now and then
I get a little bit lonely
And you're never coming round

I don't think I've ever been so afraid or felt so safe. Here in your arms, nothing can touch me. nothing can hurt me. But you're just an ordinary man now, and you will be leading the army against my enemies. You can be hurt now. You can be killed now.

Turn around
Every now and then
I get a little bit tired
Of listening to the sound of my tears

I told you it was okay, that I wasn't worried anymore.

I'm a dreadful liar - you saw right through me, didn't you? But you hugged me close and told me you believed me.

You're a dreadful liar too.

Turn around
Every now and then
I get a little bit nervous
That the best of all the years have gone by

Time drips away... tonight is almost over and tomorrow we must rise to face the war.

Tomorrow I must face the fact that you could die.

Turn around
Every now and then
I get a little bit terrified
And then I see the look in your eyes

When did you wake?! I didn't mean my squirming to wake you! But you simply snuggle closer, fold me deeper into your arms, and close your eyes. You didn't wake.

You lie here, so trusting. You trust me. And in your faith, my own strengthens.

Turn around, bright eyes
Every now and then I fall apart!
Turn around, bright eyes
Every now and then I fall apart!

Tonight - I thought I'd die, I was so embarrassed. I knew I was a glutton, but... I never thought that would happen!

And you're here beside me anyway. I thought I loved you before. Now I know I do.

And I need you here tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if you'll only hold me tight
We'll be holding on forever
And we'll only be making it right
'Cos we'll never be wrong together

Held here by you, no matter what the future brings, I realise - I can never let go. No matter what. Because, no matter what mistakes I make in loving you, it would be the worst mistake of all to let you go.

Once upon a time I was falling in love
Now I'm only falling apart
Nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart

And yet, it's loving you that I think has caused everything. If I hadn't met you, hadn't loved you, there wouldn't be a war.

Turn around
Every now and then
I know you'll never be the boy
You always wanted to be

You said to me that you didn't want me going into battle with you, that you couldn't be sure I'd be safe.

You don't understand - even without your Seishi power, I can't bear to be away from you again.

Turn around
Every now and then
I know you'll always be the only boy
Who wanted me the way that I am

You are, after all, the only one who's seen me in everything - sick, healthy, imperious, bitchy and genki. You're the only one who's put up with me through everything.

Turn around
Every now and then
I know there's no-one in the universe
As magical and wondrous as you

And if you think I'm prepared to let you go... think again.

Turn around
Every now and then
I know there's nothing any better
There's nothing that I just wouldn't do

Back in my own world, a girl in my class once said, "I'd do anything for him!", speaking of her boyfriend. I thought that was a little silly. After all, he was only a boy.

She was really, now I come to think of it. Because the only boy worth doing anything for is the Perfect Guy, and her boyfriend wasn't him. I know, because he's lying right here beside me. And I really would do anything for you.

Turn around, bright eyes
Every now and then I fall apart!
Turn around, bright eyes
Every now and then I fall apart!

You cope with everything. When we lose, when we fall, you look at me with those deep eyes full of trust and help me up.

And I need you here tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if you'll only hold me tight
We'll be holding on forever
And we'll only be making it right
'Cos we'll never be wrong together
Together we can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time

I don't know why, but I can feel your love. I don't mean to think in cliches, but it really is like a warm winter cloak, wrapping around my shoulders, heating my blood and strengthening my bones.

I don't know what to do
I'm always in the dark
We're living in a powder keg
And giving off sparks

I keep coming back to tomorrow, and what's coming to us tomorrow. My fault, my fault, my fault, my conscience whispers.

It seems like every step I have taken since I entered this world has been the wrong one. I left this world, thrusting Yui-chan into it, and left her alone. I knew she'd been suicidal and yet I didn't look at her, didn't see to reassure her enough that she'd believe in me. I didn't think, I didn't see, I didn't look!

I didn't even try...

I really need you tonight
Forever's gonna start, tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight!

I clutch you closer - now I want you to wake up! - but all you do is move closer. Still, that's enough. Your heartbeat under my ear, your arms around me - for all the mistakes I've made, I've done some things right. I have to, because you're here, and tonight is our night.

Once upon a time I was falling in love
Now I'm only falling apart
Nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart

It's all coming down, isn't it? We all clutch the shards of our beliefs and turn them into knives. Looking into the mirror-steel, we can see the places and times we could have mended the shattered hearts, blunted the razor edges, or stopped the fall - only after. Never before.

Why didn't one of the Gods give His Shishiseishi foresight? It would be so much kinder...

Once upon a time there was light in my life
Now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart

And now I can only hold you close against the night and my fears, loving you and mourning my losses.

Nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart

There's nothing else I can do.

Did You Ever Really Love Me?

I've known for some time
It wasn't a big surprise
You can't deny
Leaving is on your mind

I guess I'm a sucker for punishment.

I mean, I should have known from the start. A beautiful, intelligent girl like you, interested in someone like me?

But I didn't want to believe you were using me, and I didn't want to see that you paid more attention to Miaka and Taka than to me. I guess it's true - people only see what they want to.

Too many nights
I'm crying myself to sleep
Afraid of the dark
Baby, the hurt's too deep

I don't know what hurts more - that you were using me, or that it was my sister that you were trying to get at through me. Being made a fool of is nothing compared to that - I've been foolish so many times, what does one more time hurt? - but that Miaka almost died, and I was the one who brought the danger into her life...

She has forgiven me. I have yet to forgive myself.

Although I was naive
I wasn't half so blind
As to believe
In all the lies you told to me

I did see, though, that you didn't like her. I tried my best to keep you apart, she and Taka and you. I wonder if that helped at all?

But there is just one thing
I need to know
Before you turn to go
Did you ever really love me?

I was honest with you. In every thing. I have no regrets about that. But, I can't help wondering - did I really mean nothing to you?

Those dates we went out on - did you really have a good time, or were you just putting up with the blithering idiot for the opportunity to get at his sister and her boyfriend?

Was I ever only a tool?

It's hard to believe
But I wasn't completely fooled
You had to deceive
Yeah, you had to break all the rules

I have to apologise to Tetsuya. He would not have told you nearly so much. He told me I should wait a little, let you get adjusted to a new environment. I think he didn't trust you.

I hate it when he's right. He's wealthy, he's smart, he's cool, it's just unfair when he's right, too. How Yui-chan can stand him I just don't know. How I can stand him - I don't know either.

Although you kept so many secrets from me
Baby, just this one time
Can you tell the truth?

How many lies did you tell, Miiru? How many people did you smile at while hating them behind those huge, beautiful eyes?

Was I one of them?

'Cos there is just one thing
I need to know
Before you turn to go
Did you ever really love me?
Girl, oh, did you ever really love me?

I wasn't the one you loved. Fine. I can deal. I've had to, all through high school and college. It sometimes seems that I have only to express an interest in her to send a girl running for the hills.

But I could have fallen for you, Miiru. Really, truly, one hundred percent.

Could you have fallen for me?

I wore my heart upon my sleeve
But you disregard me carelessly
How could you do this to me?

I sit here thinking about you, and that's something I just can't understand, you know. If you couldn't care for me, how could you act as if you did?

Or was that just me, and my longing for your heart?

Although I was naive
I wasn't half so blind
As to believe
In all the lies you told to me

It probably was. But you didn't help. I didn't badger you for a date. I asked and you said 'Yes.'

Would I feel so bad if you'd said 'No'?

But there is just one thing
I need to know
Before you turn to go
Did you ever really love me?
Girl, oh, did you ever really love me?
Yeah, did you ever really love me?
Girl, oh, did you ever really love me?

I hate this. I feel torn up and used, like a discarded tissue.

But I'm not a discarded tissue, to you, am I? People give some thought to throwing away tissues.

I just wish you thought of me, not as a lover, after all, you already had one, but as a friend. Someone worth liking.

Not that you did. But I still wish, and kick myself for wishing.

Forever And A Day

And I know you've been dreaming
With that look in your eye
And I know that you're leaving
You're never satisfied

I am going to miss you so much.

You're going to answer the summons, aren't you, Ryuuen? Chou Kourin is going to answer the Imperial Summons and go become a Court Princess and a member of the Imperial Harem.

And my little brother Ryuuen will no longer be here.

You're always chasing rainbows
And I can't stop you, Heaven knows
I'm holding on
I just can't let go

Of course, you say he isn't. But I can't help hoping... that one day you'll let go. That you'll lay aside her name, and let her rest in peace.

You can't let go of her - but I can't let go of you.

No matter what you do
My love will still be true
Forever and a day
My heart will still be strong
Enough to carry on
Forever and a day

I don't think you realize how much we hurt, too. I loved her too! Not as much as you, you'd say, but you're wrong. I loved her, and I love you.

You only lost her. Until you let her go, I've lost both of you.

Here it comes, that old feeling
Of hurting, deep inside
You want more than I'm giving
No matter how I try

When I was young, I tried to keep up with you. I tried! But you always left me behind. I wanted to play, but you were always off with her.

So, I stopped. I stayed behind, and I learnt from Father and talked with Mother.

I always prayed that, someday, you'd stay behind too, and talk with me...

You never did.

And you can go your own way
You're looking out for a brighter day
I'm gonna love you
And here I'll stay

I love you, you know that? You're my little brother and I'll always love you.

You do know that, right?

Go on, Ryuuen. Follow your path. It's not mine, and I can't join you.

Please, someday, think about joining me...

No matter what you do
My love will still be true
Forever and a day
My heart will still be strong
Enough to carry on
Forever and a day

And I will wait. However long it takes. When the world comes crashing down around you, I will welcome you. When all your dreams are shattered, I'll take you in.

Because you're my brother and I love you. I won't even say 'I told you so'.

You always wanted more
What's on your mind?
What are you searching for?

I wonder what you hope to find at the capital. Your destiny? True love?

For all that I hope you'll come home - it's a sneaky, sad, bad little thought, that, because I know you only will if you lose absolutely everything, and I want it to happen anyway - I hope you do find what you're looking for.

Whatever it is.

Forever and a day
Oh, forever and a day

What I think I want most in all the world is happiness. Yours and mine. And if I have to lose you for you to be happy - if you're happy, I think I can be.

You're always chasing rainbows
And I can't stop you, Heaven knows
I'm holding on
I just can't let go

I feel so mixed up! I want us to be happy. I want you to stay here. I want Ryuuen back. I want you to stop hurting. I want to stop hurting!

I want you to like me again. I want to stop being jealous of Kourin's memory. I want your love back.

I want you to stop hating me...

No matter what you do
My love will still be true
Forever and a day
My heart will still be strong
Enough to carry on
Forever and a day

Until you do, I will stay here, and I'll always be prepared to welcome you back.

I'll keep our love alive
Until you're by my side
Forever and a day
The love you try to find
Was right here all the time
Forever and a day

Because you're my brother, and I love you...

I'll Be Waiting

I know that you've been searching
And I hope you'll find that star
Wish I knew why you've been hurting
Hope you find out who you are

I've always hated reading about this sort of thing in books. Even though I myself have done it, I still hate seeing people like this - so blind, when, if they'd just open their eyes and look, they'd see the truth. I always feel like grabbing them and giving them a good shake.

You can run the whole world over
But when your searching days are through
Beyond the blue horizon
I'll be waiting there for you

Come back, Hongou-san. Come back, so I can give you a good shake.

And then a hug. Because I can't bear to see your pain.  I never could.

I know you're always waiting
But for what, you ain't so sure
And you know my heart is aching
No one else could love you more
You can walk a million highways
But when your travelling days are through
Beyond your new tomorrow
I'll be waiting there for you

I don't get it. Why did you change? Keisuke says you've been through a lot, but that doesn't explain anything.

You weren't the Seiryuu no Miko of my memories, the proud, injured, determined girl I served. You were bright and cheerful and happy, and so I knew you were not she.

How did you become her?

I don't know if you'll be happy
Or if you'll fall for someone else
You've gotta find out
Find out for yourself

Oh, Hongou-san, Yui-sama, Yui-chan, don't keep chasing Tamahome. If I remember anything, it is that he and Suzaku no Miko - Miaka-san - are stickier than glue. Impossible to separate and they get all over everything. Stay away, and turn away. Please. For your own sake.

You could roam the streets forever
But only one thing will be true
When your life has turned full circle
I'll be waiting there for you
When your life has turned full circle
I'll be waiting there for you

Yui-chan, I'm right there. Right here. Come back. Turn back. Open your eyes.


Is There Anybody Out There?

Is there anybody out there?
Is there anybody out there?
Is there anybody out there?

True love is hell on the observer. Take it from me.

What's wrong with me?
Why can't I find
Someone to be
The love of my life?
It may seem unreal
But sometimes I feel
Just like a song
Without a tune
Just like the stars
Without the moon

Everyone around me is madly in True Love.  My sister - may as well rename her Miakaandtaka, that's what you end up calling her. My mother was swept off her feet and her new husband adores her. My best friend - never says a word, thank goodness. I don't think I could stand it if I had to sit through peaens to the wonders of Hongou Yui. But I know it's not the landscape he's seeing when he stares off into the distance.

And just like a heart
With no home
I continue alone

And I...


Is there anybody out there
Who can rescue me?
Must be somebody somewhere
Who can set me free
Is there anybody out there?

It's not like I don't like girls. It's not like I don't ask them out.

It's just that none of them are the right one. And I'm not the right one for them.

What's wrong with love?
Why must it be
A stranger to me?
It's a mystery
What can I do?
Sometimes it's true
I feel like a play
That nobody's seen
Just like a king
Without his queen

Maybe I wouldn't be quite so envious if I weren't surrounded by Happy-Ever-After.


And just like a heart
With no home
I continue alone

It's no joke, being the Single Guy in a world of couples.

Is there anybody out there
Who can rescue me?
Must be somebody somewhere
Who can set me free
Is there anybody out there?
Is there anybody out there?

I tell my family and friends that it's okay, that I'm cool, that I don't mind being single.

Just like the stars
Without the moon

I'm a liar. I do mind.

And just like a heart
With no home
I continue alone

I suppose meeting a nice girl would be easy, but I'm surrounded by people who've got it all. And so I want it all as well. I want True Love and a perfect girl as well.

I can't help thinking, though, that Miaka had to go to another universe to find her lover.

Is there anybody out there
Who can rescue me?
Must be somebody somewhere
Who can set me free
Is there anybody out there?
Who can rescue me?
Must be somebody somewhere
Who can set me free
Is there anybody out there?

Is there anybody here, in this one, for me?

Never In A Million Years

You got the wheels in motion
My heart beats like a drum
You got the secret potion
And you're my number one

You know, you look really sexy when you're angry.

I think that's why I do this so much - to see your cheeks flush and that bright sparkle in your eye as you stalk over to me to tell me off for goofing around when we're on Shishiseishi business. The way your hips sway and your body moves as you do isn't so bad, either.

You'd be a dream if I were deaf.

To suit this heart of mine
Could I let love disappear?

After yet another tongue-lashing - yes, I do know what we're meant to be doing, yes I do care about the outcome of the mission, yes I do intend to become a respectable husband someday, yes, anything you say Subaru, and no it isn't water off a duck's back! - I watch, smiling, as you walk off. The Lady Seishi isn't a pushover, that's for sure.

I don't think I'd love you nearly so much if you were.

No, no, no, never
No, no, no, never
Never in a million years
No, no, no, never
I'll never let you go
Never in a million years

You don't have any idea, do you? I bet you think that, because I tell every girl she's cute, or pretty, or sexy, that it means nothing to me.

I like girls. I always have, I always will. There's something so beautiful about a happy girl, and nothing makes one light up faster than being told that she's attractive.

You got that sweet devotion
It knocks me off my feet
And baby,
You give me strong emotion
And my heart skips a beat

I won't deny that it's gone a bit further than a few easy compliments with a number of them, and that one or two have replied in kind. I may be flirtatious, I may be lecherous, but I'm honest.

All the love we make
Would I leave you standing here?

I bet you've never noticed that, whenever it's you and me, that none of them have ever spent the night in my room. Or that I never try the handle of your door.

No, no, no, never
No, no, no, never
Never in a million years
No, no, no, never
I'll never let you go
Never in a million years
Oh, never
No, no, no, never
Never in a million years
Oh, never
I'll never let you go
Never in a million years

Maybe you'll never see how I watch you. Maybe I'll always be doomed to accept the offers of other lonely people, straining together while we both dream of other faces. Maybe I'll always have to flirt with other girls to get you to notice me.

To suit this heart of mine
Could I let love disappear?

But I can't help hoping that you're already noticing. I hope the reason you always have a sharp comment to make about lechery on a morning after I've shared my bed is because you noticed I was sharing it with someone else. I hope the reason for the lectures is because the compliments weren't given to you. And I hope - oh, how I hope! - the reason you're not objecting to the number of times we're sent off alone together is because you enjoy my company as much as I do yours.

No, no, no, never
No, no, no, never
Never in a million years
No, no, no, never
I'll never let you go
Never in a million years
No, no, no, never
Never in a million years
No, no, no, never
I'll never let you go
Never in a million years
Never in a million years

Tatara says that I should tell you. Suzuno says I should clean up my act and then tell you. They're both so sure that you like me too - that we have a chance for happily-ever-after. The pair of them are so in love, I'd almost think they were matchmaking us. But it's good advice.

After Suzuno summons Byakko, I will tell you.

I love you, Subaru.

For All We Know

Love, look at the two of us
Strangers in so many ways
We've got a lifetime to share
So much to say
And as we go from day to day

I don't think I know you at all.

I know that sounds bad; I'm sorry. For all of that, it's true. You're beautiful, you're brave, you're kind, you're intelligent - but I don't know you. I want to - Suzaku alone knows how much.

It's why I'm marrying you, after all.

I'll feel you close to me
But time alone will tell
Let's take a lifetime to say
"I knew you well,"
For only time will tell us so
And love may grow
For all we know

You're smiling at me through that veil - why must brides be veiled, anyway? Stupid, silly custom. They don't have it in the Eastern Islands - but then, in the Eastern Islands, they marry by sharing a goblet of rice wine. Now that makes sense. A nice gulp of strong wine might just settle my stomach right now.

I heard the whisper - how I'm marrying you because you saved my life, that this is a payment-marriage, and my hand is your reward. I hope you haven't, because nothing is further from the truth.

It is like one of my favourite folktales, which my nurse would tell me when I was very small. The lord fell in love with the peasant maiden who saved his life, and they lived happily ever after.

That's what I want. To love and be loved and to live happily ever after.

Love, look at the two of us
Strangers in so many ways
Let's take a lifetime to say
"I knew you well,"
For only time will tell us so
And love may grow for all we know
And love may grow for all we know

I think I do love you. I have thought I loved before, but this time is different. This time I'm watching and I see so many more things. I see the glimmer of humour in your eye. I see the anger and the pain you carry. I see your strength and gentleness.

Once I thought in terms of perfection and had them dashed. Ironic. I resign myself to imperfection and only then do I finally meet a girl who's perfect for me.

(And love may grow, our love may grow)
(For all we know)
(And love may grow) our love may grow
For all we know
(And love may grow, our love may grow)
For all we know

I don't love you as I did Miaka. I don't love you as Nuriko did me. I love you, knowing you will falter, knowing we will lose our tempers with each other, knowing we will disagree from time to time. Knowing that neither of us knows the other at all well.

Knowing, also, that you are someone I will come to know, and that I will love you more - so much more - in the years ahead of both of us.


Don't go, so many things that I must know
Please stay, there's too many things that we must say
I don't wanna waste your precious time
But since when is talking such a crime?
You know that all my love is yours
Is yours mine?

You stand up and move away from the bed, refreshed. My doing, and I should be pleased I've served you so well.

I'm not.

I don't serve you to serve you, after all. I do it because I love you.

Tell me the secrets of the heart
Show me the way you feel
Don't keep the secrets of your heart
Hidden deep in the dark, make them real
I know the silence of your soul
Makes you a mystery
But it's the secrets of your heart
That I want to set free

I asked you once if you loved me, and you replied "There's only one person who can make me happy. It isn't you."

I was crushed, until I realised.

Be true, do you believe the things I do?
Be strong, where in your life do I belong?
Now you won't look me in the face
We're running out of time, no hiding place
But will my love for you be lost without a trace?

Love doesn't make you happy. We both know that.

And so I live in hope. You do not make me happy. I do not make you happy. I love you. So it's possible that you love me.

Because you didn't say "No."

Tell me the secrets of the heart
Show me the way you feel
Don't keep the secrets of your heart
Hidden deep in the dark, make them real
I know the silence of your soul
Makes you a mystery
But it's the secrets of your heart
That I want to set free
(That I want to set free)

I pray for the end of all of this. I pray for the day Seiryuuseikun is summoned, and whatever your wish is happens. Not because of what it will bring me, but because you might finally become happy.

Will you become happy when it does, though? My wishes have never made me happy. I wished to no longer be the brothel's unpaid servant. I was lifted up - to become one of its wares. I wished to be free of those who I'd been sold to. You came, and enslaved me with a pair of pain-filled blue eyes. I wished to have your attention and your touch. I have it - but you remain cold and unhappy.

Tell me the secrets of the heart
Show me the way you feel
Don't keep the secrets of your heart
Hidden deep in the dark, make them real

I watch you dress, pulling on your shirt. I don't offer to help; you will refuse it, as you always do.

I drop my head, looking away. I wish I could reach your heart. I wish I could tell you exactly how I feel. I wish I knew your heart.

And I shiver as I wish. My wishes always cost more than they're worth.

What will this wish cost me?

Something About You

I know something about you
I know something about you
I know something about you
I know, I know
I know something about you
I know, I know

That redheaded girl has no idea of what she's dealing with, with you. I know, I know, you hate us fighting, but I don't like her. I don't like that you indulge her petty little feelings towards those two brats, I don't like that you use her for your ease - I would be delighted to serve you in that manner - I don't like that you permit her to raise your ki. I don't like the way you send her on solo missions, and comfort her if she fails them.

I don't like you paying attention to her instead of me. She doesn't deserve your attention. I do!

You walked into the room
And all of a sudden I knew
I'd seen this film before
this was deja-vu

I knew, as soon as we met, there was something between us. You stood there, blazing bright with power and beauty, as much as I. We were the same kind, you and I - more than Seiryuu Shishiseishi, we are kin. Those boys, that dog, that girl, they're not like us. Miboshi is different again - another force to be considered - but we, you and I, we're the same.

I know something about you, stranger, stranger
I know something about you, danger, danger
Danger, danger, danger, danger, danger

We're power, you and I. We hold it, we use it. Whether it's with the seduction of our beauty, the strength of our wit, the intelligence of our strategy or the fear of our Shishiseishi talents, we command the peons that make up our country. Power calls to power! We should be together. When we have conquered all that opposes us, we will be.

You danced out of a dream
I couldn't stop staring at you
We'd both been here before
This was deja-vu

I've dreamt of you for so long, you know. All my life, I think. The others too, of course, but I never connected the thoughts of a beautiful man with the thoughts of what the other seishi might be like.

I know something about you, stranger, stranger
I know something about you, danger, danger
I know something about you, stranger, stranger
I know something about you, danger
Danger, danger, danger, danger, danger

Honestly, I believe that she actually feels safe around you. I can see why you might find that charming - if I've heard right, you've been feared ever since your early childhood. Not only is she not afraid, she seeks you out. That's one explanation, I suppose, but I'm not afraid of you either. So it's not the novelty that keeps you from sending her away.

Is it the way she hangs on your every word, and always defers to you? I'm sorry I can't do that, if it is, but I would never, even if I could. You won't want a spineless wimp forever, anyway.

She's wrong to feel safe around you. You are the most dangerous man I've ever met, even including myself.

It's what makes you so attractive.

I know something about you
I know, I know
I know something about you
I know, I know
I know something about you, stranger, stranger
I know something about you, danger, danger
I know something about you, stranger, stranger
I know something about you, danger
I know something about you
I know, I know
I know something about you
I know, I know

I will work with her for now, and I'll do what you ask this time. I won't be a bastard to her - this time - and we'll get the job done.

When we get back, I'll work out a way of impressing you more. We're meant to be, and I'm not giving up.

Voice Of America

Hear the music over and over
Got the highs and I got the lows
This is it, the sound of the airwaves
Loud and clear on my radio

Everybody thinks I'm crazy and silly and childish, to love this. I'll admit I'm a fanatic, I'll admit that it's not real.

I only wish it were.

I feel the power all around me
I'm getting high
On the music I've found
Rebuild a new situation
Now I'm in love with the radio sound

I don't know why I feel like this. I can give so many reasons. Why do people love X-Files? Why do people still watch 3rd Rock From The Sun? But when I think about it, there are no reasons. Simply love, for all of us. So the show I love comes from a different country, has art instead of sets and I have to rely on a translator to understand half of it. So what?

I hear the voice of America
I see the light of America
I feel the thrill of America
Now I know the power of radio

Sitting here. Watching. Enjoying. Who cares if my family and friends think I'm in love with a smear of ink on a cel, somewhere in Japan?

Who cares if they're right?

Everything I heard 'til I found you
Touched my body but not my soul
You set my spirit free when I hear you
Now I'm under radio control

Technology. How can you swear at it? It's been my blessing, finding the online community and joining it. Finally, at last, I was among people who shared my feelings.

Isolation breeds many things. Few of them are good.

I feel the power all around me
I'm getting high
On the magic I've found
Part of a new celebration
Now I'm in love with the stereo sound

Now my family think I spend too much time on the Internet. Perhaps I do.

I hear the voice of America
I see the light of America
I feel the thrill of America
Now I know the power of radio

But it's so intoxicating! After all the loneliness, I can't help but glut on the largesse of fandom. I can't refuse my need for interaction with others, after so long alone.

I feel the power all around me
I'm getting high
On the music I've found
Rebuild a new situation
Now I'm in love with the radio sound

Fan events, conventions, meetings, clubs, stores - who'd have thought there was so much in the world?

I hear the voice of America
I see the light of America
I feel the thrill of America
Now I know the power of radio

Ironically, now that I've found this, I'm expanding. My horizons are suddenly much, much bigger. And now, they encompass the entire world.

I hear the voice of America
I see the light of America
I feel the thrill of America
I hear the voice of America
I see the light of America
I feel the thrill of America
Now I know the power of radio

Now I know the power of fandom.

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