No Matter What

Song by: Boyzone
Scenes by: Raye Johnsen

Fushigi Yuugi is copyright Watase Yuu, Flower Comics, Studio Perriot and Pioneer. "No Matter What" is copyright Boyzone, the composer and their recording company. All characters and situations are their property, not mine, and they are borrowed without permission and aren't making me a cent.

No matter what they tell us,
No matter what they do,
No matter what they teach us,
What we believe is true.

[Miiru and Renhou in their home village, performing daily tasks - shopping, farming, etc. Both are always together, and when another villager appears in the background, he/she doesn't speak to the two, but casts sidelong glances at the pair.]

No matter what they call us,
However they attack,

[Renhou and Miiru, in each other's arms, standing on the edge of the cliff outside the village, surrounded by villagers carrying torches and wearing angry expressions]

No matter where they take us,
We'll find our own way back.

[Miiru walks down the Tokyo street into Keisuke's university, and the screen dissolves into Renhou walking through the gates of Yotsubadai High School.]

I can't deny what I believe
I can't be what I'm not
I know I'll love forever
I know, no matter what.

[Night: Against a full moon, Renhou and Miiru holding each other close, kissing passionately; the camera pans out to reveal that they are standing on an empty road, with no-one in sight; also that their clothes are dusty and ragged.]

If only tears were laughter,
If only night was day,

[The camera pans in on Miiru's face as she and Renhou kiss, and a tear slips out the corner of her eye, unnoticed by Renhou. Suddenly, male laughter echoes around them. Startled, they break off their kiss and look around as the empty moonlit road suddenly transmutes into Tenkou's stone hall.]

If only prayers were answered
Then we would hear God say:

[Their attention is drawn to Tenkou, as he makes his offer of support and eventual sanctuary in return for their efforts and allegiance.]

"No matter what they tell you,
No matter what they do,
No matter what they teach you,
What you believe is true.

[Tenkou stands up, stretching a hand out to them. He is at his most trustworthy and persuasive as he continues to attempt to convince them to his side.]

And I will keep you safe and strong;
Sheltered from the storm."

[Renhou and Miiru look at each other, worried, but finally turn to Tenkou and nod in acceptance of his bargain.]

No matter where it's barren
A dream is being born.

{Musical interlude}

[Sitting on a sunny, grassy hillside, Miiru and Renhou take turns speculating what their eventual home will be like.]

No matter who they follow,
No matter where they lead,
No matter how they judge us,
I'll be everyone you need.

[Their arrival in Tokyo. Both are startled by the sheer press and number of people, and do not let go of each others' hands, despite the crowds.]

No matter if the sun don't shine,
With us, skies are blue,
No matter what the end is,
My life began with you.

[On the road, before they were found by Tenkou, and it's pouring rain. Trudging through the downpour, Miiru spots a hut. She and Renhou dash for it. It's deserted and the roof leaks, but the
firepit is serviceable and they are soon huddled up together beside it. Miiru blames herself for their condition and Renhou reassures her, blaming the villagers who outcaste them.]

I can't deny what I believe,
I can't be what I'm not
I know this love's forever;
That's all that matters now, no matter what.

[Renhou sounds out Yui in the classroom after the election and is refused. Watching her leave, he hesitates; an image of Miiru's face, seemingly looking at him, overlays the scene faintly, he frowns slightly and then strikes. The scene fades as the overlay of Miiru's face fills in and becomes the picture. The camera pans out and reveals her at the door of the university's Ancient Chinese History Club. She hesitates before knocking at the door; a faint overlay of Renhou's face seems to look at her, before she stiffens her shoulders, smiles charmingly, and enters the room.]

No, no matter what
(No, no matter)
No, no matter what
(No, no matter)
No, no matter what
(No, no matter what ... That's all that matters to me)
No, no matter what
(No, no matter what ... That's all that matters to me)
No, no matter what
(No, no matter what ... That's all that matters to me)
No, no matter what
(No, no matter what ... That's all that matters to me)
No, no matter what
(No, no matter what ... That's all that matters to me)
No, no matter what
(No, no matter what ... That's all that matters to me)
No, no matter what
(No, no matter what ... That's all that matters to me)
No, no matter what

[A montage of Renhou and Miiru shots from happier and not-so-happy times growing up and being together - but always the two together.]

No, no matter what ... That's all that matters to me.

[The dying Miiru crawls over to Renhou's body, cradling it gently, as if he were still alive, as she dies.]

All comments and criticisms welcome!
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