I Knew I Loved You

A Side-Story to 'Starlit Reflections'

Story by Raye Johnsen
Song by Savage Garden

'I Knew I Loved You' is copyright Darren Hayes, Daniel Jones and
EMI Music. Fushigi Yuugi is copyright Yuu Watase, Flower Comics,
Studio Perriot, Pioneer Animation and Viz Communications. All
rights remain theirs, I have no claims whatsoever to anything, and I'm
not making any money out of this. Tamahome, however, will
cheerfully accept any money you care to send, while Tasuki will
appreciate any donations of sake you care to make.

The background of this page was found at animewallpapers.com.  I
would like to emphasise that the creators of this background have no
association with me or this fanfic.

Kourin rolled over, lifting her head from the pillow. False dawn.
Great. Just great. That meant she hadn't been able to sleep longer than
- what? Two hours this time?

She just couldn't settle down tonight. A combination of an unfamiliar
bed and nerves still a-jangling from the earthshake that morning, the
one that had totally rearranged her twin's life, made for a light sleep.
One that was disturbed by everything from an owl flying by outside to
the sleep-noises her twin, sleeping in the room next-door, made while

Talking of which, if Houki let out just one more of those breathy,
snuffy sounds that were not quite snores, usually soothing but right
now the most annoying thing in the world...

A soft, hoarse sound, like a deep, heavy breath, came from next door.
Under normal circumstances, it wouldn't have even been heard in the
next room; but now-


Kourin flung herself out of her bed, charging over the threshold of
her rooms and the small amount of verandah that stretched between
the Chou twins' rooms, and into Houki's apartment.

Already Kourin could see the differences. Her rooms were already
bright with patterned cloths flung over the pieces of furniture. Houki's
walls were unadorned, but her furniture was drawn into distinctly
different arrangements from what they had been that afternoon, subtly
drawing attention to the flower arrangement sitting on the table
against one of the walls. Kourin nodded in spite of herself. Not her
style, but attractive nonetheless.

Another soft snuffly sound from the inner room reminded her of her
mission: to come and destroy her younger sister's repose. Usually it
was Houki who couldn't sleep in an unfamiliar place and kept her up.
Turnabout, Kourin decided, was simply fair play.

Standing in the doorway, she looked into her sister's room. A
dressing-robe hung neatly over a chair, and the boy's robes that Houki
wore daily were folded on a bench at the foot of her pallet bed. Houki's
face was turned away from the door, and her hair gleamed amethyst in
the candle-light.

Kourin blinked. A candle, still lit, sat on the low table that had been
pulled close to the pallet. Judging by the torrent of candledrips
down the stub's side, it had been burning all night. Beside it, an
inkstone and brush lay crossed, as if the brush had been set down for
an instant while the writer rested her hand, and a book lay closed
beside them, a scrap of Houki's favourite blue ribbon marking a place
near the middle.

Kourin smiled, and quietly settled herself at the table. Houki had a
habit, since she was very small, of writing of an evening in what the
family called her 'daybook'. Sometimes it was poetry, sometimes a
fantastic tale, and sometimes simply an account of the day. She had
started soon after learning how to hold her brush and draw her first
characters. She had taught Kourin in turn, but Kourin had not learned
many of the less common characters. Girls, after all, didn't need as
much education as boys, and Kourin had none of Houki's love of

Houki was very private about her daybook, and she didn't like it if
someone read the entries without an invitation. Which made it very
enticing. And Kourin was Houki's elder twin, not just 'someone'.

I wonder what she thought of yesterday? Kourin wondered. She
picked up the daybook, flipping past the first page, which read, "Chou
Ryuuen's Daybook. Do NOT read. This means YOU, Kourin" to the
place marked by the ribbon.

Maybe it's intuition
But some things you just don't question

"What a day! So much has happened and I'm really tired, but I
have to talk to someone - and I can't talk to Kourin about this. It's
really strange, that - I've always been able to tell her anything,
before. But this is different."

How is it different? Kourin thought, angrily.

Like in your eyes
I see my future in an instant

"Now I know what the teacher at the school meant when he
recognised me as Nuriko, and why he couldn't explain when I asked
him about it all.

This morning I was all packed up, ready to go home to the shop. We
were bidding goodbye to Kourin, and I could see the chief guard
wince when I said we should do a little sightseeing before we left
Eiyou. Is it my fault that Konan has such a beautiful and fascinating
capital? Kourin wouldn't let me see any of it on the way here."

With good reason, she thought. You were gawking at everything. A
marble frieze had to be minutely examined and you practically
jumped off the bridge, you were leaning so far over to try to see the

"Anyway, that's where we were when it happened. It felt like when
we were three and tried to help Mai with the washing, and I jumped
in the tub onto the sheets. Mai and Himeko picked up the sheet with
me on it, stretched it between them, and snapped me up into the air,
so that I bounced so high!

It was fun when I was three, it was a sheet and it was Mai and
Himeko whom I loved and trusted. It was not fun this morning, when
it was the ground, the Gods Whom I do not know, and I'm fifteen.
I'm old enough to know about pain and injury now. I'm old enough to
be scared.

The ground fell away from beneath my feet, and then rose up again.
Everything tilted crazily, and I found myself on my hands and knees,
trying to brace myself as everything swung and tilted.

I have never been in an earthquake before."

And there it goes
I think I've found my best friend

"It finally stopped. I climbed to my feet - and that's the word to
use. I really felt as secure on my feet as a newborn foal. But I got
there and looked around.

Silence. Pure and suffocatingly thick as sweet honey, it held us all
fast in our places, in the courtyard of the royal palace. All was still.

Then, as gently as a tent of billowing silk, the main section of the
Palace collapsed in on itself.

We all stood and stared for one long, horrible, painful minute.

Then the screams began."

I know that it might sound more than a little
Crazy - but I believe

"I sprinted over to the main wing and began hauling out pieces of
building. Hefting them over my shoulder was easy - I've never felt
so strong before!

Kourin told me later that I managed to fling the pieces of masonry
right into just that place in the courtyard that the nobles of the
Court were assembling, and that I managed to scare a few of them
into gibbering."

Kourin smiled as she remembered that. The sight of those
supercilious toadies reduced to gibbering with shock as walls and
doors and windows came flying out of the air directly at them had
been a fine antidote to her own terror. Houki had managed to convert
a few of them into priests of Suzaku right on the spot when one of her
walls just missed.

"I felt so good when I lifted one of the pieces, and a young girl
scrambled out. She bowed so low, stammering thanks, and a servant
steered her gently away. She was wounded and her bleeding was
really bad, but because I got her out, she was with the healers in time
and she'll be fine. That's something I'm really proud of."

So am I. Oh, little sister, so am I.

"There were more - a couple of old men, a few servants, but I had to
keep lifting. Something was still pushing me, until I lifted the piece
that was closest to the ground, and I saw him.

He was a boy, maybe the same age as Elder Brother. But he is the
most beautiful person I've ever seen, and I never thought anyone
would surpass Elder Brother's beauty. His face is elegant and his
form is slender and fine. And on his neck glowed a birthmark. It
was as fine as the rest of him; an elegant hand had traced the
character for 'Star' in crimson fire on his skin, and I think him as
beautiful as a star."

Kourin stared at the brushed ink on the page before her. Houki! How
can you say such things? You've gotten a crush, haven't you!

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life

"His eyes opened, so slowly I was afraid for a second that I was
too late and he was dead.

I was wearing my blue shirt, the one that barely covers my chest
binding. I don't know why; I wasn't in the usual 'I'm not what you
think I am, and you can't guess' mood that I'm in when I wear it.
I just had to wear something that showed my collarbone today, and
I think I just figured out why: it was so he could see my birthmark.

He smiled at me and murmured, 'Hello, Nuriko.' I stared. How did
he know that name? That it was my name? How did I even know
that? 'Stay, please,' he whispered, and then a swarm of servants
descended upon us, and he was ever-so-gently swept away."

There's just no rhyme or reason
Only this sense of completion

"I couldn't think what that all meant. 'Nuriko'? Why had he called
me that?

I didn't understand. So I grabbed the arm of one of the Court
officials who was hurring away. 'Please, sir,' I asked, 'who is

He impatiently shook his sleeve from my hand. 'I have no time to
wonder about the identity of one of the Suzaku No Shishiseishi!'
he snapped. 'Thank you for rescuing the Emperor, but I must go
attend to His Majesty!'"

And in your eyes
I see the missing pieces
I'm searching for

"I still can't believe that, but it is true. I am Nuriko, who is a
Suzaku no Shishiseishi.

I went to the Imperial Library this afternoon, after all the
confusion. It was completely unattended, and I was able to find
information on the Suzaku no Shishiseishi with little trouble.
Someone appeared to have been collecting it.

I soon realized why."

I think I've found my way home
I know that it might sound more than a little
Crazy - but I believe

"There will be seven guardians brought into the world, to defend
and assist the Suzaku No Miko, who will appear to protect Konan in
its time of worst danger. They will each be granted a power of
Heaven, and shall be known by a birthmark that appears and
disappears, apparently made of fire.

I couldn't help touching my birthmark - no, my seishi symbol as I
read that. I am Nuriko. The Third Seishi. The Seishi of Earth and
Strength, marked as the Willow.

And the Emperor's birthmark - it wasn't a birthmark either. It
was the mark of Hotohori, the Second Seishi, marked as the Star."

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life

"When I left the Library, I went to Kourin and told her that I had
to stay around the Court, did she have any ideas? And before I
knew it, she managed to track down that pompous arrogant git from
yesterday and present herself (!) as Chou Houki, who had arrived
to be placed in the Imperial Harem that day, as her sister had the
day before."

I'll get you to admit you're a girl yet, Houki, Kourin thought smugly.
It was all right when we were children and Father had to have you be
a boy so that he could say he'd sired a legitimate son, but we're
growing up now. You're going to be a woman, not a man, when
you're adult, so you'd better get used to being a girl.

"The Harem Master was scrambling all over himself to give 'Houki'
appropriate quarters, and when Kourin suggested that 'she'd' like to
be near 'her' sister, he gave me (Kourin - US) the rooms next door.
So we have that beautiful garden, with its private bath-house and
fruit trees, all to ourselves. And I have a double identity - again."

A thousand angels dance around you
I am complete now that I've found you

"After the Palace settled down for the night, I slipped out. I had
to talk with the Emperor. It's easier to think of him as
Hotohori-sama, somehow.

I tried to reach out with my ki, to sense where he was, and I did
get a very definite sense of his location, so I set out to sneak my
way over there."

Kourin gasped. Houki, you didn't!

"It was hard to avoid all the guards, but I managed."

You did! Suzaku's tailfeathers, you did!

"I've never been in a boy's bedchambers before. Well, not
counting Elder Brother. When I knocked on the door, I didn't know
what to expect.

There was no answer, so I opened the door and slipped in.

He wasn't asleep, as I'd thought. Instead, he was half-lying on a
padded bench in the 'reception' part of the apartment.

'Hello, Nuriko,' he said softly. 'I wasn't expecting you.'

I felt a prickle through my ki as he said it. 'Don't lie,' I replied. 'I
can feel it. You've been waiting for me and you should be resting.'

He laughed. 'Yes, mother,' he said goodnaturedly.

'Call me Nuriko, Hotohori-sama. You're my star-brother, ne?'"

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life

"'Yes, star-brother,' he said softly, closing his eyes against a stab
of pain so sharp even I felt it.

'You're too tired for talking,' I told him. I could feel the cracked
ribs that were making breathing so difficult for him.

'Be back here by the first hour after dawn, please,' he said. 'I'll
have to declare you to the Court, and that's when morning Court
first assembles.'

'I will,' I promised. 'If you go straight to bed. Right now!'

He laughed, and stood up slowly. I watched him anxiously as he
slowly made his way through his inner door. He stopped in the
doorway and smiled.

'You care,' he said, wonderingly.

'Of course I do, Elder Brother,' I scolded him lightly. 'If not for
my skill, you'd have worse than cracks in those ribs, you know!'

He laughed and shut the door.

So tomorrow Chou Ryuuen is to be presented to the Court!"

Kourin closed the book and replaced it beside the inkstone and
candle. Standing, she looked over at her sister.

"No wonder you're sleeping as if you're safely at home," she
murmured. "You are home."

Author's Notes:

On Nuriko's daybook: although diaries in their current form are a
Western concept, many members of the courts of both China and
Japan would keep accounts of their daily lives, and these
manuscripts are currently the chief source material for research into
the culture of the Oriental mediaeval period. The writers would
record poetry composed by themselves or their friends, stories,
rumours, gossip and social events. Some of these diaries have been
translated and released to the general public under various titles.

Although there is no indication that Nuriko ever did keep a diary in
the manga or anime, there is no contradictory evidence either, and I
believe that with the sort of pressure he endured he would need an
outlet. Keeping diaries was fashionable so I believe it likely he might
write one. (Although it is very unlikely he would ever let anyone
read it!)

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