When You Say Nothing At All

Song sung by Ronan Keating
Scenes by Raye Johnsen

Fushigi Yuugi is copyright Watase Yuu, Flower Comics, Studio Perriot, Pioneer Animation and Viz Comics. "When You Say Nothing At All" is copyright Ronan Keating, the composer, the lyricist and the record company (all of whom I don't know because I transcribed this from the
top forty on radio, but it belongs to them anyway). Blue is the creation and property of Miome, and Tanomi-sama (aka Tasuki No Miko) to herself. All rights belong to their original owners.

In other words, I don't own anybody, this is for fans only, I'm not making any money, please don't sue.

It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart;
Without saying a word, you can light up the dark.
Try as I may, I can never explain
What I hear when you don't say a thing...

Sukanami Taka sat in the chair beside the hospital bed, dazed and shocked and tired in that most pleasant way that new fathers usually are. Miaka lay asleep in the bed, justifiably exhausted but otherwise fine.

Taka, however, was too fascinated to sleep. He had seen miracles, crossed the barrier between worlds, faced down demonic god wannabes and defied Fate for Love, yet in all his life he'd never seen anything quite as wondrous as the beautiful child he now cradled against his chest.

That smile on your face lets me know that you need me;
There's a truth in your eyes sayin' you'll never leave me;
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me, wherever I fall...
You say it best when you say nothing at all.

Perhaps it was because there was a time when he and Miaka were sure they would never be together. Perhaps it was because they'd had to face so many enemies down, simply to be together. Perhaps it was because he now knew just how powerful the miracle that Suzaku'd had to work for Miaka's wish was.

Whatever the reason, Taka felt the touch of something divine when the doctor laid Ryuennosuke in his arms, to hold him while they looked after Miaka, delivering the afterbirth and cleaning up all the messy paraphernalia associated with birth. He had looked into his son's big hazel eyes, just like Miaka's, and felt the touch of something at least a little more than human, loving and gentle and not at all hostile.

Having lived under the touch of the gods all his life, Taka recognised it quite well when it returned, but he was unsure what it meant. Was Ryuennosuke intended for a purpose, as he had been? Or was it simply Suzakuseikun acknowledging the birth of his son?

Taka shook his head. No, it was just himself, recognising Ryuennosuke for the gift he was.

All day long, I can hear people talking so loud,
But when you're only near, you drown out the crowd.
Try as they may, they can never define
What's been said between your heart and mine...

Ryuennosuke slept quietly now, his newborn face still red from the exertions of being born. Soon, I'll return him, Taka promised his sleeping wife. I just want to hold him a little longer.

Taka still couldn't believe that someone so small could be so perfect. Little fingernails graced perfect little fingers that all four grandparents had counted to ensure that, yes, there were ten of them. It still amazed Taka that the family Suzakuseikun had given him in this world was the same as the one he remembered from his childhood in Konankoku.

That smile on your face lets me know that you need me;
There's a truth in your eyes sayin' you'll never leave me;
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me, wherever I fall...
You say it best when you say nothing at all.

Ryuennosuke's hand was wrapped firmly around his index finger. Taka gently untangled his son's hand and tucked him into bed beside his mother.

He wasn't sorry he'd continued to hold his son. There was an unspoken promise that he had made and renewed every time he touched Ryuennosuke - one that every father makes to his son. To shield, to guide, to teach, to protect and to love. Taka was determined to do each and every one of them for Ryuennosuke, to the best of his ability.

{Ockarina solo}

On Mount Taiikyoku...

"Oniisama-tachi, You are in bi~ig trouble," Blue warned the two Gods as They all stood before the doors of Taiitsukun's reception rooms. "Okaasama's not happy at all."

Suzakuseikun glanced at Genbuseikun. "After You, Oniisama."

"Oh no, Otouto-sama. After You."

"I insist."

"No, I insist-"

"Get in here at once and explain yourselves!!!" came a loud yell from inside the reception hall.

The two Gods swallowed and complied, following Their little sister into the hall full of mirrors. The Creator (who was also Their mother) sat on a cushioned dais at the end of the room, attended by two Nyan-nyan, almost identical to Blue.

"All right," Taiitsukun stated. "Who wants to tell Me what the two of You were thinking of when You did this?!"

"Um, Okaasama," Genbuseikun murmured, "perhaps We'll understand better if You tell us what You're referring to?"

"Don't play dumb! I'm talking about Sukanami Ryuennosuke! Suzaku!"

"Uh - Okaasama?" Suzakuseikun gave Her His best 'I'm just a little feller, and everybody picks on me' look. It didn't work.

"Sukanami Ryuennosuke! The son Your latest miko just had! Also known as Genbu no Shishiseishi Namame!"

"Well, Okaasama - I owed Genbu a favour."


"And - well, the fifth Genbu no Miko did wish that she and Namame might be together, so it was - well-"


"Uh - yes."

Genbuseikun elbowed His younger brother. "Nice one," He hissed. "You held out for all of thirty seconds."

"And you, Genbu!"

"Uh - Okaasama?"

Suzakuseikun snickered as His brother suddenly stiffened under Their divine mother's gaze.

"You know the rules and the price for crossing the barrier between worlds!"

"There won't be another Tenkou, Okaasama. We took precautions. Tanomi-san's already carried the Shinzahous across, Suzaku's shishiseishi are all awake in the other world, and We can call on the Seiryuu no shishiseishi there if We need to."

Taiitsukun frowned at Her two unrepentant sons. "In that world, in eighteen years' time, the next Genbu no Miko will be summoned to this world. I don't like You interfering in the other world! It totally negates the 'unaffected catalyst' role of the Miko!"

"She won't meet him until after she completes her task, Okaasama," Genbuseikun promised.

"Good. Make sure of it." And as They turned away, She added, "A good choice, Genbu."


"Having him actually born in the other world cuts down on the paperwork, and having him born to a Miko and another Shishiseishi ensures that when he starts remembering, they won't think he's crazy."

Genbuseikun and Suzakuseikun nodded to each other in satisfaction.

"But just because I approve of Your method doesn't mean I approve of Your action. I'm still deciding Your punishment, so don't leave the palace just yet."

The two Gods glanced at each other again.

Blue shook Her head softly behind Them.

That smile on your face lets me know that you need me;
There's a truth in your eyes sayin' you'll never leave me;
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me, wherever I fall...
You say it best when you say nothing at all.

Taka smiled as he dozed into sleep. Being awake for two days straight was not conducive to complete alertness. The office would just have to understand and do without the company accountant for the rest of the week.

The midwifery nurse peeped in and, shaking her head at the continued insanity of new fathers, covered him up with a blanket. They were handling a doozy in the main ward; the mother had wanted a home birth but when complications set in, had been brought in in an ambulance and had to have an emergency caesarian. The father was still grandstanding about the incompetence of the midwife they'd hired, not realizing that if she hadn't been as competent as she was, she'd never have realized the problem and he'd be lamenting a dead wife and child, not a bill.

At least this one knows what the important things are, she thought, as she turned to go. She remembered him coming in several months before, checking the facilities and asking the right sort of questions, and coming in with his wife for regular checkups. During her labour, he'd been right there beside her, and the way he kept asking about the baby boded well. Yes, the Sukanamis would be just fine.

That smile on your face...
The truth in your eyes...
The touch of your hand lets me know that you need me...

The door silently opened once more. This time, however, it was a small head, adorned with two pretty, braided blue odangos and some very beautiful and unusual jewellery, that peeped around the corner. Satisfied that all three occupants of the room were asleep, Blue quietly walked over to the bed. Remembering Her sisters and their cries of 'naosu, naosu!' with a wry smile, She lifted Her hand and gently brushed the newborn, then did the same with his mother and father.

Apparently satisfied with the result, She smiled again and left as quietly as She had arrived, shutting the door behind Her. Back on Mt Taiikyoku, Taiitsukun looked up as Her daughter came into Her hall. "Well?" She asked irritably.

"All three are doing just fine, Okaasama. Tamahome and Suzaku no Miko have no idea about Namame, though; they think he's just their baby, and that's why he's so special."

Taiitsukun nodded. "Good. Now that that's settled, about that flood in Sairou..."

Japanese Glossary:

Okaasama: 'Most highly respected mother'.
        'O-': prefix. 'Respected'.
        'Kaa': noun. 'Mother'.
        '-sama': suffix. 'Lord' or 'Lady'.
Oniisama: 'Most highly respected elder brother'.
        'O-': prefix. 'Respected'.
        'Nii': noun. 'Elder brother'.
        '-sama': suffix. 'Lord' or 'Lady'.
Otoutosama: 'Most highly respected younger brother'.
        'O-': prefix. 'Respected'.
        'touto': noun. 'Younger brother'.
        '-sama': suffix. 'Lord' or 'Lady'.
-seikun: suffix. 'Lord of the star quadrant of xxxx'. The title the Four Gods apply to themselves each
-tachi: suffix. 'Group of xxxx', 'group of which xxxx is a part' or 'group which xxxx is usually a part of'.

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