What Has Gone Before...

Beginnings are tricky things. Where did it all begin? Where does it end? And where do I get a catch-up guide?

Most times, people don't get answers. Which explains, among other things, religion and paleontology. But this is fanfiction, where one may reasonably expect to find, if not chapter one, then at least a synopsis. And so:

What Has Gone Before...

Quite a lot, actually.

We met Nuriko and Hotohori and discovered that, far from being perfect strangers, the two were best friends, and had been ever since Nuriko was discovered to be a Suzaku no Shishiseishi two years earlier. Unbeknownst to Hotohori (but beknownst to us) Nuriko is not the young man appearances indicate, but a girl. Under her true name of Houki, she and her twin sister Kourin are members of the Royal Harem. Two lives to juggle results in a lot of headaches, not to mention a more than passing acquaintance with all the shortcuts in the Palace and a skill at the quick change that an actor would kill for. The headaches can only increase when you offer a short-term solution to a friend's marriage woes...

When Yuuki Miaka, the Suzaku no Miko, appears, bringing with her another Shishiseishi named Tamahome, all seems to be going well. Friendships begin to be formed, between Court Princess and Shishiseishi and Miko. Unfortunately, no sooner were the bonds created than they were stressed, when Miaka caught a cold that developed into a serious illness. Thinking on what to do to help, Hotohori hit upon the idea of taking her to see Taiitsukun, the Mother of the Gods, for help.

At the same time, a squadron of soldiers was dispatched from Koutou, with orders to interfere with the Suzaku no Miko.

After a hard day's riding (well, hard for Tamahome and Miaka, who weren't used to riding), the party camped for the night near a hot spring. Nuriko, who felt a romance between Tamahome and Miaka was starting, decided to help it along by putting them both in the hot spring at the same time. It did work, after a fashion - Miaka declared her feelings for Tamahome - but Tamahome did not return them and told Miaka so. Nuriko fell into the spring while Miaka was still in it, inadvertently revealing her gender to the Miko. Miaka, euphoric from recent events (and, possibly, the hot spring's fumes), agreed to keep the secret and returned to the camp while Nuriko remained in the spring.

Hotohori, who was himself interested in Miaka and thus unimpressed with Nuriko's attempt to manipulate events, decided to confront her. Tamahome, realising (finally) that he too had been manipulated, decided to accompany him. Unfortunately, Nuriko had no warning of this and had decided to bathe unclothed, so when the two youths arrived at the spring, they discovered Nuriko's secret for themselves.

Both retreated to the camp in an advanced state of confusion. They were followed by Nuriko after a short interval.

All four members of the party were in an unsettled frame of mind at this point. Miaka was unsure of her health and her feelings. Tamahome was tired, upset, and had just been offered a maiden's heart which he didn't know what to do with. Nuriko was completely unsettled, in her friendships and her future, while Hotohori was feeling a mixture of hope, betrayal, disappointment and anger.

This was probably not the best time for the squad from Koutou to finally arrive...

Now Read On.