



Bar Schedule

The Finals!


2001 Season

Week One Warmups

Week One

Week Two

Week Three

Week Four

Week Five

Week Six

Week Seven

Week Eight

Week Nine

Position Week

Road Trip

Gumbo Music


Taking Shape at the Half

As the league reaches the halfway point, it is time for us to take a look at how things are going.  

There is a trend taking shape this season that is reflective of Rockaway.  There are many teams that are family oriented.  Coppersmiths, Red Division leader, is led by the father son pairing of Mark Gentile and Scotty.  Generation X&Y got its name from the father - son - daughter - son pairing of John Sica and his three children, Brian, Patricia, and Michael.  The Kearn's Peter and Kenny are leading Kerry Hills to the top spot, and the Brennan's John, John Jr. and Laura have IBK within striking distance. Most teams have a basis of brothers, wives, in-laws etc. You know the old Chinese saying, the family that plays together, stays together.  

The White Division looks to be a real battle as five teams are crowded near the top,  all within four points of each other.  They are led by Kerry Hills, but IBK, Dig This, Fillmore Insurance, and the Fisheads are all within striking distance.

The Blue Division has one point separating the top three teams.  It's All Good and The Circling Sharks are tied with the Tap & Grill one back.  These teams are evenly matched and it will be interesting to watch as we go down to the wire.