Making Tunnels and Burying Rides

Let's say you want to put in the pre-made "Fizzly" roller coaster

but you want that last flat section of track to be in a tunnel. What you'll have to do is put in the roller coaster WITHOUT a tunnel at first.

Then you go back and delete the section of track you want to be in the tunnel. To do that, right-click on one of those pieces

and "delete" it by clicking on the little red bulldozer on the Roller Coaster Construction window. Then delete the other pieces you want underground.

Then you make the "tunnel". To do that, simply raise the ground where the tunnel will be, using the "Land" tool (your cursor will look like a little shovel.) Click on the first square you want to use for the tunnel, hold down the mouse button, and pull the piece up several notches. Do the same for the next couple of pieces. It'll end up looking like this:

After that, you simply need to reconstruct the section of track that you deleted. Click on the piece right next to the tunnel

Then click the little red arrow button to move to where the new piece will go, and click "Add This" in the Construction window.

If you receive a message stating "Can't construct this here ..."

You can either make the land a little higher at that spot (going back to the "land" tool you used earlier) or delete the last piece or two of track you just put in and use a different piece instead.

Either way, continue on building, making sure your last piece connects up correctly with the piece that's still there at the other end.

Here's what it will look like when it's totally finished:

There are ways to bury an entire ride, but if you don't want to rebuild a rollercoaster piece-by-piece, you would need to use what's called a "Trainer". It's a program you have to download from another website that basically allows you to "cheat".

Here's what the same rollercoaster looks like when "buried" using the Dragons IOA Trainer:

If you are interested in using a trainer for this, please contact me and I'll see what I can do.

I hope this page makes some sense. It was put together in bits and pieces in my spare time. If anything is unclear or if you have further questions, please let me know.