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~ Star Wars: TPM Fic ~



A light, fluffy and angst free tale.

Just because.

Rated: PG/Slash/Romance/6KB



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After years of longing Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan find happiness in each other. However, circumstances change and Qui-Gon must make a hard choice and live with the consequences. Line challenge response.

Rated: PG/Slash/Romance/Angst/78KB



Go to Tertiary Concerns


Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon face their toughest assignments yet - doing battle with the principles of marketing, accounting and other ghastly tertiary concerns.

Each piece is a stand alone ficlet, covering different time frames in Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's relationship.

Rated: NC-17/Slash/Humour


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- Disclaimer -

I make no claim of ownership of these characters. All Star Wars characters are the property of Lucus Film and Co.

These stories are works of fiction produced by a fan. The author makes no profit from this.

I just write stories - don't sue.

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